Further details

Models: See $FORWARD/MODELS for a listing of models, and $FORWARD/DEFAULTS/for_modeldefaults.pro for explanation of general keywords. In each directory see MODELNAME_README.TXT and MODELNAMEHELP.TXT for details on particular models and their parameters. Numerical datacube interface: "numcube" -- use any numerical datacube formatted according to $FORWARD/MODELS/NUMCUBE/make_my_cube.pro. Potential field interface: "pfssmod" -- create a forward model out of a PFSS extrapolation (PFSS SolarSoft package) PSI MAS interface: "psimas" -- create a forward model out of a PSI MAS simulation Analytic models: "giblow" - (currently default) 3D MHD model of tethered spheromak flux rope. "cavmorph" - 3D streamer plus cavity in spherically symmetric background. No magnetic field. "liteslow" -- Lites and Low 1996 model of spheromak magnetic field. "Unstretched" version of "giblow". Force balance not completely self-consistent between spheromak and external field. "lowhund" -- Low and Hundhausen 1995 Cartesian flux rope: partial implementation- see $FORWARD/MODELS/LOWHUND/LOWHUND_README.TXT for details. Others can be added! Contact Sarah Gibson (sgibson-at-ucar.edu) for assistance. Papers describing the analytic models. Observables: See $FORWARD/OBSERVABLES/for_obs_setup.pro for a listing of observables, and $FORWARD/DEFAULTS.for_obsdefaults.pro for explanation of keywords. multi-wavelength integrated (along LOS) observables: SDO/AIA, SOHO/EIT, SOHO/CDS, TRACE, STEREO/EUVI (A and B), IRIS, PROBA/SWAP Hinode/XRT, Hinode/EIS, white light (pB and total Brightness) **Note EUV/Xray Imagers and UV/EUV Spectrometers interface with Chianti spectral files** CoMP-type Fe13, Fe14, Si9, Si10: Stokes I, Q, U, V, L (Q^2+U^2), V/I, Q/I, U/I, L/I UV Spectropolarimetry (Permitted line unsaturated Hanle): BEING TESTED (OVI1032, OVI1037, LYA) Radio thermal Bremsstrahlung, gyroreseonance, Faraday rotation LOS-integrated emission measure, column density (dual population model BEING TESTED) (diagnostic) model physical diagnostics: plasma: 'dens', 'temp', 'pres', 'ptot','vel', B vector: 'br', 'bth, 'bph', 'bx', 'by', 'bz', 'bmag', 'bpos', 'beta' positon: 'r', 'theta', 'phi' (useful for diagnostics) Data: Accesses either local files or uses VSO (or CoMP web page access) to download based on date. Tested datasets: SDO/AIA, STEREO/EUVI, SOHO/EIT, PROBA/SWAP, and MLSO/CoMP In the widget, if MOREPLOTS or NOERASE is chosen in Output tab (second button, bottom row of TOP widget), the information of the data fits file will be preserved for future forward models. These include observable, line, viewing position (central meridian, solar Bangle) as well as field of view. MOREPLOTS will open new windows, NOERASE will overplot. Fields of view: See $FORWARD/DEFAULTS.for_griddefaults.pro for explanation of keywords. Plane of sky map (default): r_pos,theta_pos - for a given central meridian Carrington map: latitude, longitude (for a given radial height) user-defined points: RUSER=RUSER, THUSER=THUSER, PHUSER=PHUSER (these can be point, array, or matrix form) Line-of-sight:See $FORWARD/DEFAULTS/for_losdefaults.pro for keywords pertaining to line-of-sight integration and viewer position. Settings: See $FORWARD/DEFAULTS.for_settingdefaults.pro for explanation of keywords. Outputs: See $FORWARD/DEFAULTS.for_outputdefaults.pro for explanation of keywords. Model results (the requested observable/parameter) can be extracted via keyword quantmap=quantmap; if keyword savemap is set, quantmap will be saved to a file (name set in keyword mapname) The parameters used can be extracted via the keyword ModPramsStruct=ModPramsStruct; if keyword saveprams is set, they will be saved to a file (name set by saveprams) All the model physical diagnostics can be extracted via ModSolStruct=ModSolStruct, which will provide values in the plane of sky even when the diagnostics are not explicitly requested Plots: See $FORWARD/DEFAULTS/for_plotdefaults.pro for explanation of keywords. Noise can be plotted for CoMP-type data can be plotted, see $FORWARD/DEFAULTS/for_noisedefaults.pro for details. Includes photon and background, controlled by: Telescope aperture Integration time Telescope efficiency Background Minimum noise (beyond which systematic errors dominate)