pro for_outputdefaults,$ saveprams=saveprams,savemap=savemap,mapname=mapname,$ extratitle=extratitle,$ noerase=noerase,moreplots=moreplots,$ gif=gif,tiff=tiff,jpeg=jpeg,$ psplot=psplot,eps=eps,$ OutputInputs=OutputInputs ; ; this program sets all defaults for outputs ; ; Optional output keyword OutputInputs gathers all keyword inputs ; useful for widget setup ; ; Keywords defined below ; ; Called by FOR_DRIVE, FOR_WIDGET ; ; Written 2013 Sarah Gibson ; Version 2.0 July 2014 ; INPUT keywords that control how the code is called and run ; ; keyword SAVEPRAMS (string), if set, saves (input) parameters to file ; default '' unset ; default,saveprams,'' ; ; ; keyword SAVEMAP (1 or 0), if set, saves all the output structures described below ; to a save file called MAPNAME.sav. Internal to FOR_DRIVE. ; default,savemap,0 ; keyword MAPNAME (string) defaults to name of model+observable+output type. ; default set here as then this is overwritten ; once these elements are established within FOR_DRIVE. ; ***note -- mapname is used for any output, whether it is ; a IDL save file, plot, or fits. So is ; used in codes FOR_PLOT, FOR_PLOTFITS, FOR_SAVE_PLOT, and PLOT_COMP_QUICKINV. ; Since FOR_PLOT and FOR_SAVE_PLOT can be called external to FOR_DRIVE (e.g. from ; FOR_PLOTFITS and PLOT_COMP_QUICKINV) a default mapname is set also in these codes*** ; ; ***SAVE FILE VIA FOR_DRIVE,/SAVEMAP,MAPNAME='myfile' *** ; ***RESTORE FILE VIA FOR_DRIVE,READMAP='myfile.sav' ; ***NOTE READMAP IS SET AND DOCUMENTED IN FOR_SETTINGSDEFAULTS*** default,mapname,'defaults' ; ; keyword MOREPLOTS (1 or 0) - useful when multiple plots are being made using NOERASE ; basically keeps postscript file device open while set. ; in widget it also allows multiple x windows open at once ; Internal to FOR_DRIVE ; default,moreplots,0 ; ; keyword EXTRATITLE (string) -- extra information for title ; used in figures and also added to output mapname ; (e.g., name of parameter being varied) ; used in various names, i.e. in FOR_DRIVE and FOR_POS_MAP ; Default '' means unset ; default, extratitle, '' ; ; inputs to FOR_PLOT ; ; NOTE - these are all essentially repeated in FOR_PLOTFITS and ; PLOT_COMP_QUICKINV ; ; keyword NOERASE (0/1) - don't erase ; default,noerase,0 ; ; keyword PSPLOT (0/1) make postscript file ; keyword EPS (0/1) make eps ; Default X plots, no output ; default,psplot,0 if psplot eq 1 then default,eps,1 else default,eps,0 ; ; inputs to FOR_SAVE_PLOT ; ; keywords GIF, TIFF, JPEG (1/0) ; Defaults 0 ; default,gif,0 default,tiff,0 default,jpeg,0 OutputInputs={SavePrams:saveprams,SavePramsVal:'string',SaveMap:savemap,SaveMapVal:'tog',MapName:mapname,MapNameVal:'string',$ MorePlots:moreplots,MorePlotsVal:'tog',$ ExtraTitle:extratitle,ExtraTitleVal:'string',NoErase:noerase,NoEraseVal:'tog',$ PsPlot:psplot,PsPlotVal:'tog',$ EPs:eps,EPsVal:'nodisplay',$ ; Gif:gif,GifVal:'tog',$ ;Jpeg:jpeg,JpegVal:'tog',$ Tiff:tiff,TiffVal:'tog'$ } end