;+ pro make_my_cube,simname=simname0,axisym=axisym,hydro=hydro,isothermal=isothermal,densprof=densprof,$ rsun=rsun,global=global,date=date,mheat=mheat,OutFile=OutFile,OutDir=OutDir,$ CubeFile=CubeFile,modelname=modelname,cubestr=cubestr,magmod=magmod,topology=topology ; ; Project: FORWARD ; ; Name MAKE_MY_CUBE ; ; Explanation: ; This code will generate a numerical datacube that can be used in the forward ; models given a numerical model. The output from make_my_cube will be ; in the form of an IDL save set (called for_'simname'.dat or ; with hydro model extension ; ; ALL SIMULATION VARIABLES SHOULD BE IN CGS ; EXCEPT!! VELOCITIES SHOULD BE IN KM/SEC ; ALSO - if /rsun is set, r will be expected in units of solar radii ; ; The input should be a save set named 'simname'.dat which should include ; at a minimum (for 3D simulations) these ; six quantities with these same names: ; ; r = fltarr(NR) (r=0 is center of sun) ; th = fltarr(NTH) ; ph = fltarr(NPH) ; ; (NOTE ALL GRIDS MUST BE REGULAR AND ORDERED THEY DO NOT HAVE TO BE ; UNIFORM) Theta and phi should be in RADIANS, where acceptable values ; for theta are (0 LE theta LE pi, zero is the north pole ) ; and phi should have values (-pi LE phi LE pi). ; For non-global simulations, the central longitude (phi) ; should be zero, and the central colatitude (theta) should be ; pi/2. Note global simulations do not have to ; have the center of the data cube at ph=0; for example, ; if a cube is ordered from 0 to 2pi it can simply be ; changed to 0 to pi and then carry on with ph values ; from -pi to 0 ; ; ; Magnetic field is required UNLESS keyword MAGMOD=0 ; ; Br = fltarr(NR, NTH, NPH) ; Bth = fltarr(NR, NTH, NPH) ; Bph = fltarr(NR, NTH, NPH) ; ; (note, float used as example; double is fine too): ; ; The FORWARD codes also require specification of electron number ; density, temperature, and pressure. There are several ways to ; proceed. ; ; A) - If you want to use the plasma data from your cube, include the ; following three arrays ; ; dens = fltarr(NR, NTH, NPH), electron # density ; pres = fltarr(NR, NTH, NPH), dyne/cm^2 ; temp = fltarr(NR, NTH, NPH), kelvin ; ; If you do not have all three, you can use the ideal gas law, ; P=2NKT where Boltzman's constant is 1.3807d-16 [erg/K] to ; calculate the others. ; ; NOTE: We will add instructions for adding a second, e.g. ; cooler population here in future -- watch this space! ; ; B) - If the simulation does NOT have a density distribution, or if ; one wants to ignore that distribution and just consider the ; magnetic field in a spherically symmetric hydrostatic ; atmosphere (reasonable for low beta plasmas), ; ; keyword HYDRO should be set to: ; ; HYDRO = 1; exponential isothermal atmosphere ; HYDRO = 2; power law density/pressure in hydrostatic balance ; HYDRO=3; Vasquez et al 2003 hydrostatic atmosphere ; HYDRO=4; Cranmer 1999 empirical model ; (note HYDRO=0 by default, and it will look for ; your dens,pres,temp arrays) ; ; For HYDRO = 1, the density and pressure will be calculated by ; program FOR_HYDROCALC.PRO. Define your temperature with the keyword ; ; ISOTHERMAL [10^6 kelvin] ; (default 1.5MK) ; but make sure that it is in the range of around 1-2 MK. ; ; Base electron number density is defined by keyword ; ; DENSPROF [electrons/CC] ; (default 1d9 electrons/cc) ; ; The pressure follows from ideal gas. ; ; For HYDRO=2, DENSPROF can be array [A,B,C,D,E,F] ; or multiplier of array [densprof*A,B,densprof*C,D,densprof*E,F] ; dens = A*r^-B + C*r^-D + E*r^-F ; and in FOR_MAKEPLASMA A,B,C,D,E,F defaults to WSM streamer values ; Pressure follows by integrating to solve radial hydrostatic ; balance, and Temperature from ideal gas (it can no longer be ; isothermal) ; ; For HYDRO=3, DENSPROF can be array [A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,aa,bb,alpha,beta] ; or multiplier of array ; dens=A1*exp(A2/r)*r^-2*(1+A3/r+A4/r^2+A5/r^3) ; temp=TE*(aa+1)/(aa+bb*r^alpha + (1-bb)*r^-beta) ; and in FOR_MAKEPLASMA A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,aa,bb,alpha,beta ; defaults to Vasquez streamer values ; For HYDRO=4, DENSPROF,ODENSPROF can be array [da,db,dc,dd,de,ta,tb,tc,td] ; or multipliers of da ; and inside GIBBAGLOW program da,db,dc,dd,de ; defaults to Cranmer coronal hole values ; and ta,tb,tc,td ; defaults to Cranmer coronal hole and Vasquez streamer values ; dens_he= da*1e5*(db*(1./r)^dc + dd*(1./r)^de) ; temp_he= TE*(1e6/1.5e6)*(ta*r^tb + tc*r^td)^(-1) ; DEFAULT DENSPROF=6,ODENSPROF=1 ; ; ; TOPOLOGY -- for cubes that have no plasma, there is an option ; to pass information about whether the points in the cube lie ; along open or closed magnetic field lines, and also what ; the magnetic field vector is at the footpoint and the field line length. This ; will be used in FORWARD to assign different density/temperature ; models for open vs closed points. It adds a requirement for the ; following information to be passed in ; ; NOTE -- Brphot1 is the photospheric footpoint for open field lines ; ; ; Convention as in deRosa PFSS code: ; FROM PRSS_TRACE_FIELD.PRO: ; (by default, closed field lines are oriented so that the ; end with negative polarity comes first and open ; field lines are oriented so that the photospheric ; end comes first) ; open = fltarr(NR, NTH, NPH) -- 0 or 1 for closed vs. open ; -1 for detached ; fllen = fltarr(NR,NTH,NPH) -- length in Rsun of field line ; Brphot1 = fltarr(NR, NTH, NPH) -- value at fieldline footpoint ; Bthphot1 = fltarr(NR, NTH, NPH) -- value at fieldline footpoint ; Bphphot1 = fltarr(NR, NTH, NPH) -- value at fieldline footpoint ; Brphot2 = fltarr(NR, NTH, NPH) -- value at fieldline footpoint ; Bthphot2 = fltarr(NR, NTH, NPH) -- value at fieldline footpoint ; Bphphot2 = fltarr(NR, NTH, NPH) -- value at fieldline footpoint ; ; ; VELOCITY -- if velocity exists, it will be passed through ; otherwise a scalar of zero velocity VEL will be assumed ; If varible VEL exists, it will be assumed this is the ; velocity magnitude, with direction defined by the field ; (this is applied in FOR_FIELDCALLS) ; if VR, VTH, VPH exist, these will be assumed to be ; vector velocity field ; ; NOTE ALL VELOCITIES IN UNITS OF KM/S ; ; TWO POPULATIONS ARE ALLOWED ; ; Top-level FORWARD parameter (POP2TREGIME - set in ; FOR_SPECDEFAULTS but described in FOR_OBSDEFAULTS) ; allows treating distinct chromospheric and coronal populations ; (for POP2TREGIME=2; keyword POP2IONFRAC is set and discussed in FOR_SPECDEFAULTS) ; or two coronal populations which may have different abundances or temperatures, ; (for POP2TREGIME=1; keyword POP2ABUNDANCE is set and discussed in FOR_SPECDEFAULTS) ; if unset or set to zero, even if cube has second population, it will be ignored ; ; TAGS ON CUBE THAT CAN BE SET HERE: ; ; Pop2Dens - density values for second plasma population in cm^-3 ; if unset (and pop2tregime is nonzero), main (population 1) DENS will be used ; Pop2Temp - temperature values for second plasma population in kelvin ; if unset (and pop2tregime is nonzero), main (population 1) TEMP will be used ; FillingFactor - filling factor for main plasma population ; if unset (and pop2dens and/or pop2temp are/is set), will be set to 1 in NUMCUBE ; Pop2FillingFactor - filling factor for second plasma population ; if unset (and pop2dens and/or pop2temp are/is set), will be set to 1-FillingFactor in NUMCUBE ; ; Note, these quantities can be further adjusted via ; NUMCUBEPRAMS parameters, COLDPTS, DTHRES, and P2FILL ; which will (temporarily) overwrite Pop2Dens, Pop2Temp, FillingFactor, and Pop2FillingFactor ; (see NUMCUBE.PRO) ; ; BEING TESTED: ion density IONDENS ; ; FOR AXISYMMETRIC SIMULATIONS ; ; As above, except everything in arrays of (NR, NTH) PH is not ; necessary, and will be defined to be zero below. Set the keyword ; ; AXISYM = 1 ; ; Other Input Keywords: ; global - specifies that cube is intended to cover all values of theta and phi ; OutFile - specifies output file. Otherwise default names ; (simname or modelname) will be used. ; OutDir - specifies directory for output file. Otherwise file will be put in ; same directory as simname. ; ModelName- if cube should contain a model name which is different than the ; one in the input filename (simname) ; ; ; DATE -- if simulation is a fit to a particular date, enter in form ; e.g '2010-05-05T00:00:00' ; default,'' ; ; MHEAT -- specific to PSI MAS model, see description in MAKEMASCUBE ; in PSIMAS directory ; ; MAGMOD -- whether or not there is magnetic field ; default MAGMOD 1 ; ;Output Keywords: ; CubeFile - name of IDL save file used for output ; CubeStr - cube structure placed in CubeFile ; ; Called by MAKEMASCUBE ; Calls FOR_MAKEPLASMA, FOR_SAVECUBE ; ; HISTORY ; Created: Laurel Rachmeler, 2011 ; 14-May-2012 Added sorting so that coordinates and dependent arrays are monotonic ; Added a check so that the same coordinate value is not repeated ; Added GLOBAL keyword. If this keyword is set extra ph and th coordinates are ; added at the end just above and below coordinate ranges to make sure ; there are no gaps. physical parameters are set to be identical to edged is input cube values. ; Added checks associated with RSun and th and ph ranges ; Added keywords UseFileName and OutDir to allow user specification of ; output file name and directory ; Added keywords CubeFile and Cube to allow user to obtain the name of the ; Output file and the cube structure. T.A. Kucera ; 6-Jul-2012 Added MODELNAME keyword so that model can be renamed if needed. ; 23-Oct-2012 Small change to check for identical consecutive coordinates. TAK ; 24-Oct-2013 Added velocity SEG ; ; Version 2.0 July 2014 ; 27-Jan-2016 added fillingfactor, pop2fillingfactor, pop2dens, pop2temp. TAK ; July 2017 - reduced size of global angle pad from 1d-1 to 1d-5 ; Feb 2018 -- fixed comment where Boltzmann's constant was slightly off ; Oct 2018 -- added hydrostatic options ; Sep 2019 -- added hydrostatic option 4 ; Aug 2020 -- fixed it to pass iondens and ionname through to the cube ; also added magdens pass through ; Sep 2020 -- added magmod as a keyword ; Oct 2023 -- updated Rsun ; Apr 2024 -- updated definition of topology open=-1 for detached ; ; DEFAULT KEYWORDS ; default 3d, isothermal, not hydrostatic default,simname,'numcube' default,axisym,0 default,rsun,0 default,hydro,0 default,topology,0 default,magmod,1 ; ; input cube ;check if data cube ends in .dat if strlowcase(strmid(simname0,strlen(simname0)-4)) eq '.dat' $ then simname=strmid(simname0,0,strlen(simname0)-4) $ else simname=simname0 restore,simname+'.dat' ;Make sure simname seems to have the right contents! if n_elements(r) eq 0 or n_elements(th) eq 0 then begin print,simname+'.dat does not contain the required variables.' return endif if max(r) lt 1d10 and rsun eq 0 then $ message,/info,'The r coordinate does not seem to be in cm. Do you want to set the RSUN keyword?' ; convert r to rsun if necessary if rsun eq 0 then r=r/6.957d10 if axisym eq 1 then ph=0. ; ; check to be sure there is plasma ; if hydro eq 0 then begin IF n_elements(dens) LT 1 THEN BEGIN print, "OOPS! no density specified. Cube not created. Try again or set hydro to 1, 2 or 3 or 4." return ENDIF IF n_elements(pres) LT 1 THEN BEGIN print, "OOPS! no pressure specified. Cube not created. Try again or set hydro to 1, 2 or 3 or 4." return ENDIF IF n_elements(temp) LT 1 THEN BEGIN print, "OOPS! no temperature specified. Cube not created. Try again or set hydro to 1, 2 or 3 or 4." return ENDIF endif if n_elements(Brphot1) lt 1 then Brphot1=0.d0 if n_elements(Bthphot1) lt 1 then Bthphot1=0.d0 if n_elements(Bphphot1) lt 1 then Bphphot1=0.d0 if n_elements(Brphot2) lt 1 then Brphot2=0.d0 if n_elements(Bthphot2) lt 1 then Bthphot2=0.d0 if n_elements(Bphphot2) lt 1 then Bphphot2=0.d0 if n_elements(open) lt 1 then open=0.d0 if n_elements(fllen) lt 1 then fllen=0.d0 if n_elements(Vr) lt 1 then begin if n_elements(Vel) lt 1 then Vel=0.d0 Vr=0.d0 Vth=0.d0 Vph=0.d0 endif else Vel=0.d0 if magmod eq 0 then begin Br=0.d0*Dens Bth=0.d0*Dens Bph=0.d0*Dens endif if n_elements(fillingfactor) lt 1 then fillingfactor=0 if n_elements(pop2fillingfactor) lt 1 then pop2fillingfactor=0 if n_elements(pop2dens) lt 1 then pop2dens=0 if n_elements(pop2temp) lt 1 then pop2temp=0 if n_elements(iondens) lt 1 then iondens=0 if n_elements(ionname) lt 1 then ionname='' ;make sure th between 0 and pi and ph between -pi and +pi if min(th) lt 0 or max(th) gt !pi then message,'Theta coordinates should be in radians between 0 and pi' if min(ph) lt -!pi or max(ph) gt !pi then message,'Phi coordinates should be in radians between -pi and +pi' ;Make sure r, th, and ph are monotinically ascending. Nr=n_elements(r) & Nth=n_elements(th) & Nph=n_elements(ph) rsrt=sort(r) & thsrt=sort(th) & phsrt=sort(ph) r=r[rsrt] & th=th[thsrt] & ph=ph[phsrt] SBr=size(Br) & SBth=size(Bth) & SBph=size(Bph) SBrphot1=size(Brphot1) & SBthphot1=size(Bthphot1)& SBphphot1=size(Bphphot1) & Sopen=size(open) SBrphot2=size(Brphot2) & SBthphot2=size(Bthphot2)& SBphphot2=size(Bphphot2) & Sfllen=size(fllen) SVr=size(Vr) & SVth=size(Vth) & SVph=size(Vph) SDens=size(Dens) & STemp=size(Temp) & SPres=size(Pres) & SVel=size(Vel) SFillingFactor=size(FillingFactor) & SPop2FillingFactor=size(Pop2FillingFactor) SPop2Dens=size(Pop2Dens) & SPop2Temp=size(Pop2Temp) SIonDens=size(IonDens) ;Now check for identical consecutive coordinates if Nph gt 1 then begin DPhNonZero=where((ph-shift(ph,1)) ne 0) ph=ph[DPhNonZero] endif else DPhNonZero=0 DThNonZero=where((th-shift(th,1)) ne 0) th=th[DThNonZero] DRNonZero=where((r-shift(r,1)) ne 0) r=r[DRNonZero] if max(abs(SBr-SBth)) ne 0 or max(abs(SBr-SBph)) ne 0 then $ message,'All magnetic field arrays must have the same dimensions' if SBr[0] gt 1 then begin ;resort B field Br=Br[rsrt[DRNonZero],*,*] & Bth=Bth[rsrt[DRNonZero],*,*] & Bph=Bph[rsrt[DRNonZero],*,*] Br=Br[*,thsrt[DThNonZero],*] & Bth=Bth[*,thsrt[DThNonZero],*] & Bph=Bph[*,thsrt[DThNonZero],*] Br=Br[*,*,phsrt[DPhNonZero]] & Bth=Bth[*,*,phsrt[DPhNonZero]] & Bph=Bph[*,*,phsrt[DPhNonZero]] endif if SBrphot1[0] gt 1 then begin ;resort Bphot1 field and open Brphot1=Brphot1[rsrt[DRNonZero],*,*] & Bthphot1=Bthphot1[rsrt[DRNonZero],*,*] & Bphphot1=Bphphot1[rsrt[DRNonZero],*,*] & open=open[rsrt[DRNonZero],*,*] Brphot1=Brphot1[*,thsrt[DThNonZero],*] & Bthphot1=Bthphot1[*,thsrt[DThNonZero],*] & Bphphot1=Bphphot1[*,thsrt[DThNonZero],*] & open=open[*,thsrt[DRNonZero],*] Brphot1=Brphot1[*,*,phsrt[DPhNonZero]] & Bthphot1=Bthphot1[*,*,phsrt[DPhNonZero]] & Bphphot1=Bphphot1[*,*,phsrt[DPhNonZero]] & open=open[*,*,phsrt[DRNonZero]] endif if SBrphot2[0] gt 1 then begin ;resort Bphot2 field and open Brphot2=Brphot2[rsrt[DRNonZero],*,*] & Bthphot2=Bthphot2[rsrt[DRNonZero],*,*] & Bphphot2=Bphphot2[rsrt[DRNonZero],*,*] & fllen=fllen[rsrt[DRNonZero],*,*] Brphot2=Brphot2[*,thsrt[DThNonZero],*] & Bthphot2=Bthphot2[*,thsrt[DThNonZero],*] & Bphphot2=Bphphot2[*,thsrt[DThNonZero],*] & fllen=fllen[*,thsrt[DRNonZero],*] Brphot2=Brphot2[*,*,phsrt[DPhNonZero]] & Bthphot2=Bthphot2[*,*,phsrt[DPhNonZero]] & Bphphot2=Bphphot2[*,*,phsrt[DPhNonZero]] & fllen=fllen[*,*,phsrt[DRNonZero]] endif if SVr[0] gt 1 then begin ;resort V field Vr=Vr[rsrt[DRNonZero],*,*] & Vth=Vth[rsrt[DRNonZero],*,*] & Vph=Vph[rsrt[DRNonZero],*,*] Vr=Vr[*,thsrt[DThNonZero],*] & Vth=Vth[*,thsrt[DThNonZero],*] & Vph=Vph[*,thsrt[DThNonZero],*] Vr=Vr[*,*,phsrt[DPhNonZero]] & Vth=Vth[*,*,phsrt[DPhNonZero]] & Vph=Vph[*,*,phsrt[DPhNonZero]] endif if SVel[0] gt 1 then begin ;resort velocity magnitude (if not vector) Vel=Vel[rsrt[DRNonZero],*,*] Vel=Vel[*,thsrt[DThNonZero],*] Vel=Vel[*,*,phsrt[DPhNonZero]] endif if SDens[0] gt 1 then begin ;resort density Dens=Dens[rsrt[DRNonZero],*,*] Dens=Dens[*,thsrt[DThNonZero],*] Dens=Dens[*,*,phsrt[DPhNonZero]] endif if STemp[0] gt 1 then begin ;resort temperature Temp=Temp[rsrt[DRNonZero],*,*] Temp=Temp[*,thsrt[DThNonZero],*] Temp=Temp[*,*,phsrt[DPhNonZero]] endif if SPres[0] gt 1 then begin ;resort pressure Pres=Pres[rsrt[DRNonZero],*,*] Pres=Pres[*,thsrt[DThNonZero],*] Pres=Pres[*,*,phsrt[DPhNonZero]] endif if SFillingFactor[0] gt 1 then begin ;resort FillingFactor FillingFactor=FillingFactor[rsrt[DRNonZero],*,*] FillingFactor=FillingFactor[*,thsrt[DThNonZero],*] FillingFactor=FillingFactor[*,*,phsrt[DPhNonZero]] endif if SPop2FillingFactor[0] gt 1 then begin ;resort Pop2FillingFactor Pop2FillingFactor=Pop2FillingFactor[rsrt[DRNonZero],*,*] Pop2FillingFactor=Pop2FillingFactor[*,thsrt[DThNonZero],*] Pop2FillingFactor=Pop2FillingFactor[*,*,phsrt[DPhNonZero]] endif if SPop2Dens[0] gt 1 then begin ;resort Pop2Density Pop2Dens=Pop2Dens[rsrt[DRNonZero],*,*] Pop2Dens=Pop2Dens[*,thsrt[DThNonZero],*] Pop2Dens=Pop2Dens[*,*,phsrt[DPhNonZero]] endif if SPop2Temp[0] gt 1 then begin ;resort Pop2Temperature Pop2Temp=Pop2Temp[rsrt[DRNonZero],*,*] Pop2Temp=Pop2Temp[*,thsrt[DThNonZero],*] Pop2Temp=Pop2Temp[*,*,phsrt[DPhNonZero]] endif if SIonDens[0] gt 1 then begin ;resort IonDens IonDens=IonDens[rsrt[DRNonZero],*,*] IonDens=IonDens[*,thsrt[DThNonZero],*] IonDens=IonDens[*,*,phsrt[DPhNonZero]] endif ;cube should cover all of theta and phi, so add extra points at the end ; ; this basically assumes that the grid given has endpoints in theta and phi very close to ; [0,pi], [-pi,pi] ; because it takes the first and last point and clones them and all the arrays then have ; cloned points there. ; This could be problematic if the array inputted goes, e.g. from 0, .9pi -- because the last point will be stretched in a way ; that is not symmetric with the first point ; Or if it goes from .1pi to .9pi, it will be symmetric, but will have a flat propagation of the value of .1pi down to 0, and .9pi up to pi ; if done in theta and phi, could have an issue since for a given phi, the value of density could change with theta and vice verse ; so coud make some weird artifacts at the pole. As long as the structures are smooth at the poles, and or the cube ; gets quite close to the poles (and ideally, is symmetric N-S, E-W) then this is not a huge problem if keyword_set(global) then begin th=[-1d-5,th,!dpi+1d-5] if Nph gt 1 then ph=[-!dpi-1d-5,ph,!dpi+1d-5] if SDens[0] gt 1 then begin if SDens[0] eq 3 then $ Dens=interpolate(Dens,indgen(Nr),[0,indgen(Nth),Nth-1],[0,indgen(Nph),NPh-1],/grid) $ else Dens=interpolate(Dens,indgen(Nr),[0,indgen(Nth),Nth-1],/grid) endif if STemp[0] gt 1 then begin if STemp[0] eq 3 then $ Temp=interpolate(Temp,indgen(Nr),[0,indgen(Nth),Nth-1],[0,indgen(Nph),NPh-1],/grid) $ else Temp=interpolate(Temp,indgen(Nr),[0,indgen(Nth),Nth-1],/grid) endif if SPres[0] gt 1 then begin if SPres[0] eq 3 then $ Pres=interpolate(Pres,indgen(Nr),[0,indgen(Nth),Nth-1],[0,indgen(Nph),NPh-1],/grid) $ else Pres=interpolate(Pres,indgen(Nr),[0,indgen(Nth),Nth-1],/grid) endif if SBr[0] gt 1 then begin if SBr[0] eq 3 then begin Br=interpolate(Br,indgen(Nr),[0,indgen(Nth),Nth-1],[0,indgen(Nph),NPh-1],/grid) Bth=interpolate(Bth,indgen(Nr),[0,indgen(Nth),Nth-1],[0,indgen(Nph),NPh-1],/grid) Bph=interpolate(Bph,indgen(Nr),[0,indgen(Nth),Nth-1],[0,indgen(Nph),NPh-1],/grid) endif else begin Br=interpolate(Br,indgen(Nr),[0,indgen(Nth),Nth-1],/grid) Bth=interpolate(Bth,indgen(Nr),[0,indgen(Nth),Nth-1],/grid) Bph=interpolate(Bph,indgen(Nr),[0,indgen(Nth),Nth-1],/grid) endelse endif if SBrphot1[0] gt 1 then begin if SBrphot1[0] eq 3 then begin Brphot1=interpolate(Brphot1,indgen(Nr),[0,indgen(Nth),Nth-1],[0,indgen(Nph),NPh-1],/grid) Bthphot1=interpolate(Bthphot1,indgen(Nr),[0,indgen(Nth),Nth-1],[0,indgen(Nph),NPh-1],/grid) Bphphot1=interpolate(Bphphot1,indgen(Nr),[0,indgen(Nth),Nth-1],[0,indgen(Nph),NPh-1],/grid) open=interpolate(open,indgen(Nr),[0,indgen(Nth),Nth-1],[0,indgen(Nph),NPh-1],/grid) endif else begin Brphot1=interpolate(Brphot1,indgen(Nr),[0,indgen(Nth),Nth-1],/grid) Bthphot1=interpolate(Bthphot1,indgen(Nr),[0,indgen(Nth),Nth-1],/grid) Bphphot1=interpolate(Bphphot1,indgen(Nr),[0,indgen(Nth),Nth-1],/grid) open=interpolate(open,indgen(Nr),[0,indgen(Nth),Nth-1],/grid) endelse endif if SBrphot2[0] gt 1 then begin if SBrphot2[0] eq 3 then begin Brphot2=interpolate(Brphot2,indgen(Nr),[0,indgen(Nth),Nth-1],[0,indgen(Nph),NPh-1],/grid) Bthphot2=interpolate(Bthphot2,indgen(Nr),[0,indgen(Nth),Nth-1],[0,indgen(Nph),NPh-1],/grid) Bphphot2=interpolate(Bphphot2,indgen(Nr),[0,indgen(Nth),Nth-1],[0,indgen(Nph),NPh-1],/grid) fllen=interpolate(fllen,indgen(Nr),[0,indgen(Nth),Nth-1],[0,indgen(Nph),NPh-1],/grid) endif else begin Brphot2=interpolate(Brphot2,indgen(Nr),[0,indgen(Nth),Nth-1],/grid) Bthphot2=interpolate(Bthphot2,indgen(Nr),[0,indgen(Nth),Nth-1],/grid) Bphphot2=interpolate(Bphphot2,indgen(Nr),[0,indgen(Nth),Nth-1],/grid) fllen=interpolate(fllen,indgen(Nr),[0,indgen(Nth),Nth-1],/grid) endelse endif if SVr[0] gt 1 then begin if SVr[0] eq 3 then begin Vr=interpolate(Vr,indgen(Nr),[0,indgen(Nth),Nth-1],[0,indgen(Nph),NPh-1],/grid) Vth=interpolate(Vth,indgen(Nr),[0,indgen(Nth),Nth-1],[0,indgen(Nph),NPh-1],/grid) Vph=interpolate(Vph,indgen(Nr),[0,indgen(Nth),Nth-1],[0,indgen(Nph),NPh-1],/grid) endif else begin Vr=interpolate(Vr,indgen(Nr),[0,indgen(Nth),Nth-1],/grid) Vth=interpolate(Vth,indgen(Nr),[0,indgen(Nth),Nth-1],/grid) Vph=interpolate(Vph,indgen(Nr),[0,indgen(Nth),Nth-1],/grid) endelse endif if SVel[0] gt 1 then begin if SVel[0] eq 3 then $ Vel=interpolate(Vel,indgen(Nr),[0,indgen(Nth),Nth-1],[0,indgen(Nph),NPh-1],/grid) $ else Vel=interpolate(Vel,indgen(Nr),[0,indgen(Nth),Nth-1],/grid) endif if SFillingFactor[0] gt 1 then begin if SFillingFactor[0] eq 3 then $ FillingFactor=interpolate(FillingFactor,indgen(Nr),[0,indgen(Nth),Nth-1],$ [0,indgen(Nph),NPh-1],/grid) $ else FillingFactor=interpolate(FillingFactor,indgen(Nr),[0,indgen(Nth),Nth-1],/grid) endif if SPop2FillingFactor[0] gt 1 then begin if SPop2FillingFactor[0] eq 3 then $ Pop2FillingFactor=interpolate(Pop2FillingFactor,indgen(Nr),[0,indgen(Nth),Nth-1],$ [0,indgen(Nph),NPh-1],/grid) $ else Pop2FillingFactor=interpolate(Pop2FillingFactor,indgen(Nr),$ [0,indgen(Nth),Nth-1],/grid) endif if SPop2Dens[0] gt 1 then begin if SPop2Dens[0] eq 3 then $ Pop2Dens=interpolate(Pop2Dens,indgen(Nr),[0,indgen(Nth),Nth-1],$ [0,indgen(Nph),NPh-1],/grid) $ else Pop2Dens=interpolate(Pop2Dens,indgen(Nr),[0,indgen(Nth),Nth-1],/grid) endif if SPop2Temp[0] gt 1 then begin if SPop2Temp[0] eq 3 then $ Pop2Temp=interpolate(Pop2Temp,indgen(Nr),[0,indgen(Nth),Nth-1],$ [0,indgen(Nph),NPh-1],/grid) $ else Pop2Temp=interpolate(Pop2Temp,indgen(Nr),[0,indgen(Nth),Nth-1],/grid) endif if SIonDens[0] gt 1 then begin if SIonDens[0] eq 3 then $ IonDens=interpolate(IonDens,indgen(Nr),[0,indgen(Nth),Nth-1],$ [0,indgen(Nph),NPh-1],/grid) $ else IonDens=interpolate(IonDens,indgen(Nr),[0,indgen(Nth),Nth-1],/grid) endif endif ; ; if hydro not zero, fill in plasma ; if hydro ne 0 then for_makeplasma,r,th,ph,dens,pres,temp,hydro,isothermal=isothermal,densprof=densprof ; ; date ; default,date,'' ;*Output* if topology eq 0 then begin if Svr[0] gt 1 then for_savecube,r, th, ph, dens, pres, temp, br, bth, bph, $ axisym, hydro, simname,vr=vr,vth=vth,vph=vph,$ cubefile=cubefile,outfile=outfile,outdir=outdir,cubestr=cubestr,$ modelname=modelname,global=global,date=date,mheat=mheat,$ fillingfactor=fillingfactor,pop2fillingfactor=pop2fillingfactor,$ pop2dens=pop2dens,pop2temp=pop2temp,iondens=iondens,ionname=ionname,magmod=magmod $ else for_savecube,r, th, ph, dens, pres, temp, br, bth, bph, $ axisym, hydro, simname,vr=vel,cubefile=cubefile,outfile=outfile,outdir=outdir,$ cubestr=cubestr,modelname=modelname,global=global,date=date,mheat=mheat,$ fillingfactor=fillingfactor,pop2fillingfactor=pop2fillingfactor,$ pop2dens=pop2dens,pop2temp=pop2temp,$ iondens=iondens,ionname=ionname,magmod=magmod endif else begin if Svr[0] gt 1 then for_savecube,r, th, ph, dens, pres, temp, br, bth, bph, $ axisym, hydro, simname,vr=vr,vth=vth,vph=vph,$ brphot1=brphot1,brphot2=brphot2,bthphot1=bthphot1,bthphot2=bthphot2,bphphot1=bphphot1,bphphot2=bphphot2,open=open,fllen=fllen,$ cubefile=cubefile,outfile=outfile,outdir=outdir,cubestr=cubestr,$ modelname=modelname,global=global,date=date,mheat=mheat,$ fillingfactor=fillingfactor,pop2fillingfactor=pop2fillingfactor,$ pop2dens=pop2dens,pop2temp=pop2temp,iondens=iondens,ionname=ionname,magmod=magmod $ else for_savecube,r, th, ph, dens, pres, temp, br, bth, bph, $ axisym, hydro, simname,vr=vel,cubefile=cubefile,outfile=outfile,outdir=outdir,$ brphot1=brphot1,brphot2=brphot2,bthphot1=bthphot1,bthphot2=bthphot2,bphphot1=bphphot1,bphphot2=bphphot2,open=open,fllen=fllen,$ cubestr=cubestr,modelname=modelname,global=global,date=date,mheat=mheat,$ fillingfactor=fillingfactor,pop2fillingfactor=pop2fillingfactor,$ pop2dens=pop2dens,pop2temp=pop2temp,$ ionname=ionname,iondens=iondens,magmod=magmod endelse end