pro for_modeldefaults,model,ModPramsStruct=ModPramsStruct,defineprams=defineprams,date=date,working_dir=working_dir,readprams=readprams,saveprams=saveprams,nreinit=nreinit,nowidgmess=nowidgmess,_extra=extra,ModelInputs=ModelInputs ; ; this program sets model and model parameters, either through defaults or as covered by _EXTRA ; and described and provided with defaults in the various "MODNAME/modname" ; ; INPUTS ; ; MODEL - Must be a string. Choices now are 'giblow', 'liteslow','lowhund', 'mydipole', ; 'gibbaglow', 'pfssmod','numcube', 'psimas', and 'cavmorph' ; (under development) 'adaptcube' 'stria' 'turbhy' 'syncom' 'awsom' ; ; cavmorph - 3D streamer plus cavity ; in spherically symmetric background. Density and temperature ; only (although also has some outputs of morphological properties) ; ; giblow - (currently default in tree) 3D MHD model of tethered spheromak flux ; rope in equilibrium. Density,temperature, magnetic field, current, velocity. ; ; liteslow - 3D MHD model of tethered spheromak flux rope not in ; equilibrium. Density,temperature, magnetic field, velocity. ; ; lowhund - cylindrical flux rope model. originally in cartesian, ; it has been hacked to be azimuthally symmetric. Should still be ; near mhd equilibrium for a small rope. ; ; gibbaglow -- dipole+octopole magnetic field with current sheets around and above ; closed field, with hydrostatic atmosphere different open vs closed, optional ; velocity along open field lines ; ; mydipole -- dipole magnetic field with hydrostatic atmosphere open vs closed, optional ; velocity along open field lines ; ; numcube - numerical model. Numerical data cube must be in a specific format. ; psicube is a variety of this specific to the Predictive Science Inc ; MAS code ; ; adaptcube-- variation allowing for adaptive mesh numerical cubes ; UNDER DEVELOPMENT ; ; stria -- global striated density model ; ; syncom -- Moraes statistical blob flow model ; ; turbhy -- global turbulence density model ; ; pfssmod - Forward model a pfss calculation at a specific date. ; ; psimas - Forward model Predictive Science MAS MHD cube for Carrington rotation associated with date ; ; awsom - Forward model U Mich AWSOM model for Carrington rotation associated with date ; ; croissant - forward model a croissant CME (Morgan) ; ; tomo -- tomographic density cubes (Morgan) ; ; keyword DEFINEPRAMS (structure name or 0), if set, allows the repeat use of a preset model ; (output) parameter structure in its entirety. For example, if one runs FOR_DRIVE ; with the output keyword ModPramsStruct set (see below), this can be used ; as the input defineprams in later runs. Internal to FOR_DRIVE. ; Probably only needed for command-line calls to FOR_DRIVE (not widget-based). ; ; This can alternatively be done by setting model parameters SAVEPRAMS and READPRAMS ; which will save the input parameters to a file ; (argument of saveprams) and then later can use those read in from a file ; (argument of readprams) -- this is useful when a record of the input parameters ; is wanted. However, defineprams is useful when one just wants to pass the output model ; parameter structure in from the command line without any file I/O. ; Another important difference is that if using READPRAMS one can ; change select model input parameters and the rest default to ; READPRAMS -- but if one uses DEFINEPRAMS it will use that as ; the ModPramsStruct output with no model parameter changes. ; ; If called with keyword SAVEPRAMS=1 saveprams is filled with input model parameters ; and one could also pass from command line (as READPRAMS) without any file I/O. Would necessitate ; a call to, though. So mostly useful for widget setup - this is what keyword ; ModelInputs forces. ; ; keywords DATE and WORKING_DIR - used so far only for PFSSMOD and PSIMAS and AWSOM to grab data ; testing also TOMO ; ; keyword NRENIT - used only by NUMCUBE/ADAPTCUBE (and PSIMAS and AWSOM) to avoid re-reading datacube unnecessarily ; ; keyword _EXTRA ; Model-specific - see model* ; ; ; OUTPUT: MODPRAMSSTRUCT ; ; Optional output ModelInputs gathers all model input keywords ; useful for widget setup ; ; Called by FOR_DRIVE, FOR_WIDGET_CALENDAR_EVENT, FOR_WIDGET_MODEL_EVENT, FOR_WIDGET ; Calls MODELNAME*PRAMS ; ; Written Sarah Gibson 2013 ; Version 2.0 July 2014 ; June 1 2019 -- used slash for PC compatibility ; August 2020 -- added hooks for CROISSANT and TOMO (ADAPTCUBE added previously) ; November 2020 -- moved CROISSANT and TOMO into main FORWARD ; January 2021 -- added hooks for STRIA ; September 2021 -- passed through NOWIDGMESS ; March 2022 -- added hooks for TURBHY ; Oct 2022 -- changed array ( to [ (with help from Vema Panditi) ; June 2023 -- added SYNCOM hooks ; Sept 2023 -- added AWSOM hooks slash=path_sep() Case 1 of datatype(model) eq 'UND' : model = 'giblow' datatype(model) eq 'STR' : begin modeldir=concat_dir(GET_ENVIRON('FORWARD'),'MODELS') modelfile = modeldir+slash+'ModelList.txt' ; ; uncomment if add new models ; ; spawn,'ls -1 '+modeldir +'> '+modelfile nummodels=file_lines(modelfile) modelnames=strarr(nummodels-2) modname='' icount=0 openr,unit,modelfile,/get_lun for im = 0,nummodels-1 do begin readf,unit,modname if strpos(modname,'txt') le 0 then begin modelnames[icount]=modname icount=icount+1 endif endfor free_lun,unit ; ; check for ADAPTCUBE in working directory ; if n_elements(working_dir) eq 1 then begin checkadapt=concat_dir(working_dir,'ADAPTCUBE') endif else begin checkadapt='ADAPTCUBE' endelse if file_test(checkadapt) ne 0 then modelnames=[modelnames,'ADAPTCUBE'] ; ; check for STRIA and TURBHY and SYNCOM in working directory ; if n_elements(working_dir) eq 1 then begin checkstria=concat_dir(working_dir,'STRIA') checksyncom=concat_dir(working_dir,'SYNCOM') checkturbhy=concat_dir(working_dir,'TURBHY') endif else begin checkstria='STRIA' checksyncom='SYNCOM' checkturbhy='TURBHY' endelse if file_test(checksyncom) ne 0 then modelnames=[modelnames,'SYNCOM'] if file_test(checkstria) ne 0 then modelnames=[modelnames,'STRIA'] if file_test(checkturbhy) ne 0 then modelnames=[modelnames,'TURBHY'] test=where(strupcase(model) eq strupcase(modelnames)) if strupcase(model) ne '' and strupcase(model) ne 'POINTVAL' and test lt 0 then begin if keyword_set(nowidgmess) then message,/info,"current models include "+strjoin(modelnames[0:n_elements(modelnames)-1],',')+". You chose "+model+" . Will default to 'giblow'" else d=dialog(/WARNING,"current models include "+strjoin(modelnames[0:n_elements(modelnames)-1],',')+". You chose "+model+" . Will default to 'giblow'") model='giblow' endif end else: if keyword_set(nowidgmess) then message,/info, 'model name must be a string' else d=dialog(/WARNING, 'model name must be a string') endcase if model eq '' then model = 'giblow' if strupcase(model) eq 'DATACUBE' then model = 'numcube' ; ; check to see if readprams and saveprams are set ; savepramsset=0 if keyword_set(saveprams) then savepramsset=1 readpramsset=0 if keyword_set(readprams) then readpramsset=1 ; ; if using, keep information in keyword NREINIT to avoid unnecessary ; rereads of numerical cube ; addstuff='' default,nreinit,1 if strupcase(model) eq 'NUMCUBE' or strupcase(model) eq 'ADAPTCUBE' or strupcase(model) eq 'PSIMAS' or strupcase(model) eq 'AWSOM' then addstuff=addstuff+',nreinit=nreinit' if strupcase(model) eq 'NUMCUBE' or strupcase(model) eq 'PFSSMOD' or strupcase(model) eq 'TOMO' then addstuff=addstuff+',nowidgmess=nowidgmess' if readpramsset eq 1 then begin if strpos(readprams,'.gen') lt 0 then readprams=readprams+'.genx' if file_exist(readprams) eq 0 then begin if n_elements(working_dir) eq 1 then begin if working_dir ne '' then begin readpramsuse = working_dir+slash+readprams endif else readpramsuse=readprams if file_exist(readpramsuse) eq 0 then message,'no file :'+readpramsuse endif else message,'no file :'+readprams endif else readpramsuse=readprams addstuff = addstuff+',readprams=readpramsuse' endif ; ; now get model output parameter structure ModPramsStruct ; and also, for widget, model input parameter structure ; will be in saveprams (defineprams should be unset) ; Note -- in widget code one must be sure that ModelInputs ; is passed through as a defined quantity -- so, for example, ; "ModelInputs=1" then "for_modeldefaults, ModelInputs=ModelInputs" ; if keyword_set(ModelInputs) then begin ; ; if saveprams is unset then input parameters are passed through as structure ; (requires saveprams=1) ; if savepramsset eq 1 then savepramsuse=saveprams else savepramsuse=1 z=execute("call_procedure,'"+model+"prams',ModPramsStruct,date=date,working_dir=working_dir,saveprams=savepramsuse,_extra=extra"+addstuff) ; ; if saveprams was set will need to read input parameters from file ; case datatype(savepramsuse) of 'STR': begin if strpos(savepramsuse,'.gen') lt 0 then savepramsuse=savepramsuse+'.genx' if file_exist(savepramsuse) eq 0 then begin if n_elements(working_dir) eq 1 then begin if working_dir ne '' then begin savepramsuse2 = working_dir+slash+savepramsuse endif else savepramsuse2=savepramsuse if file_exist(savepramsuse2) eq 0 then message,'no file :'+savepramsuse2 endif else message,'no file :'+savepramsuse endif else savepramsuse2=savepramsuse restgen,ModelInputs,file=savepramsuse2 end 'STC': ModelInputs=savepramsuse endcase if keyword_set(defineprams) then print,'cant set DefinePrams and ModelInputs at the same time' endif else begin if keyword_set(defineprams) then ModPramsStruct=defineprams $ else begin if savepramsset eq 1 then z=execute("call_procedure,'"+model+"prams',ModPramsStruct,date=date,working_dir=working_dir,saveprams=saveprams,_extra=extra"+addstuff) if savepramsset eq 0 then z=execute("call_procedure,'"+model+"prams',ModPramsStruct,date=date,working_dir=working_dir,_extra=extra"+addstuff) endelse endelse if strupcase(model) eq 'NUMCUBE' or strupcase(model) eq 'ADAPTCUBE' or strupcase(model) eq 'PSIMAS' or strupcase(model) eq 'AWSOM' then begin if ModPramsStruct.Label ne 'Radial Field' then nreinit=0 endif end