August 12 - 25, 1998

The first Whole Sun Month campaign (WSM1) (August 8-September 10, 1996) provided an opportunity for observers and modelers to work together to describe the 3-D morphology, plasma properties, and magnetic field of the global corona, and connect it structurally to in situ observations.

Because of the success of this first campaign, a second Whole Sun Month Campaign (WSM2), had been planned for August 1 - 28, 1998 (Carrington Rotation 1939). While the "global" corona shaped by a quasi-static background magnetic field remained a target for the campaign, the planned observations attempted to address new questions arising from the increase in the temporal and spatial variation of coronal structures in the ascending fase of the solar cycle.

These plans had however to undergo substantial revisions after the loss of contact with SOHO, on June 24, 1998. In particular, the campaign was reduced to the period August 12 - 25. The main objectives of the second Whole Sun Month campaign (WSM2), now also referred to as the Whole Sun Fortnight (WSF), are described in the planning page.

Logs for WSM2 observations can be accessed here (or, in a shorter form, here). A summary of magnetic field observations only, for some selected target discussed at the WSM3 First Workshop (NASA/GSFC, January 19 - 21, 2000), can be found here.

A rough outline of proposed analyses can be found here.

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