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Thermospheric General Circulation Models (TGCM)

TGCMPROC-like master scripts

Cylindrical Equidistant Plots

master script: ce_master.ncl

This script contours selected fields over a cylindrical equidistant map projection at selected Zp pressure levels. User settable options include color, curly-vector overlay, and postscript file output.
1) user choice: black and white

     comment out colormap
     ; colormap = "BlWhRe"
(geographic coordinates)
2) user choice: color

     colormap = "BlWhRe" 
(magnetic coordinates)
3) user choice: color + vectors

     addvec   = True 
     refmag = 50.  
     reflen = 0.03 
     colormap = "BlWhRe" 
(geographic coordinates)
4) user choice: color + manually select contour levels

     colormap = "BlWhRe"
     manlev   =  True
     minlev   = -300
     maxlev   =  300
     int      =   50
(geographic coordinates)
5) user choice: color + density unit conversion

     colormap      = "BlWhRe" 
     density_units = "GM/CM3" 
(geographic coordinates)
6) user choice: color + height interpolation

     colormap = "BlWhRe" 
     height   = 150 
(geographic coordinates)
Other projections: Polar Stereographic