April 13, 2000 (West limb)


Center =202.36+/-0.55 degrees PA (SW quadrant) (red radial line)
Maximum height = 1.43+/-0.04 Rsun
Width (at 1.20 Rsun) = 12.52+/-0.45 degrees latitude (measured between edges -- vertical dashed lines at inflection points)
Width (at 1.31 Rsun) = 9.57+/-0.65 degrees latitude
Cavity depletion, equatorward (1.20 Rsun) = 0.26+/-0.019 (ratio of red to blue dashed line)
Cavity depletion, equatorward (at 1.31 Rsun) = 0.15+/-0.017 (ratio of red to blue dashed line)
Cavity depletion, poleward (1.20 Rsun) = 0.24+/-0.040 (ratio of green to blue dashed line) Minimum intensity in cavity (1.20 Rsun) = 2.6e-07+/-4.1e-09 (Bsun) (blue dashed lines);
Cavity depletion, poleward (1.31 Rsun) = 0.12+/-0.018 (ratio of green to blue dashed line) Minimum intensity in cavity (1.31 Rsun) = 1.6e-07+/-1.6e-09 (Bsun) (blue dashed lines);
Slope at equatorward cavity edge (1.20 Rsun) = 2.7e-08+/-5.2e-09 (Bsun/degree)
Slope at equatorward cavity edge (1.31 Rsun) = 1.3e-08+/-3.2e-09 (Bsun/degree)
Slope at poleward cavity edge (1.20 Rsun) = -2.3e-08+/-5.2e-09 (Bsun/degree)
Slope at poleward cavity edge (1.31 Rsun) = -4.1e-09+/-3.2e-09 (Bsun/degree)

length lower limit = 1 days visible in white light at limb April 13**;

Recurrence =East limb February 3; -4; -5 (CME!); East limb March 2; -3 (CME!); West limb March 15**; East limb March 30** ; West limb April 13**; Also visible Sep-Dec 1999
Evolution comments = PCF-S -- same as Sept-Dec 99, but cavity over different portion. Visible both limbs at times. Also visible March 14,16... West limb -- many other days. Possible eruption April 15 -- but no Mk4 data -- and may be too far from pole. System probably exist longer than shown here. At least two Mk4 eruptions, Feb 5 and Mar 3 (orig CME cases).

Neutral line orientation at the limb =
CME/dimmings association = CME March 3 (also Feb 5); prominence eruption on March 3;

Active region association = N/A

Filament/FC association = PCF-S; polar crown filament

Other comments: N/A

Filament - only visible in H-alpha or EUV

Necking - no neck

Cavity list (e.g. Tables 2 + 3)
Full list of cavity days observed
List of best cavity days (SET 1) observed (e.g. Table 1)
CMEs associated with cavities (e.g. Tables 7 + 8)