TIEGCM Version 2.0 Benchmark Runs


Benchmark results (pdf plot files) for version tiegcm2.0 are available here: Post-processing of TIEGCM benchmarks

Benchmark runs are provided in three groups: full-year climatology, seasonal, and solar storm events. Here is a table of runs at 2.5-degree model resolution (there is also a set at the 5-degree resolution):

Full-year climatologies (solar min,max):
  tiegcm_res2.5_climatology_smax       Full-year climatology at solar maximum conditions
  tiegcm_res2.5_climatology_smin       Full-year climatology at solar minimum conditions

Seasons (Equinox, Solstice, solar min,max):
  tiegcm_res2.5_decsol_smax            December Solstice, solar maximum (days 355-360)
  tiegcm_res2.5_decsol_smin            December Solstice, solar minimum (days 355-360)
  tiegcm_res2.5_junsol_smax            June Solstice, solar maximum     (days 172-177)
  tiegcm_res2.5_junsol_smin            June Solstice, solar minimum     (days 172-177)
  tiegcm_res2.5_mareqx_smax            March Equinox, solar maximum     (days 80-85)
  tiegcm_res2.5_mareqx_smin            March Equinox, solar minimum     (days 80-85)
  tiegcm_res2.5_sepeqx_smax            September Equinox, solar maximum (days 264-269)
  tiegcm_res2.5_sepeqx_smin            September Equinox, solar minimum (days 264-269)

Solar storm events (Heelis/GPI and Weimer/IMF,GPI):
  tiegcm_res2.5_dec2006_heelis_gpi     December 2006 storm, Heelis/GPI          (days 330-360)
  tiegcm_res2.5_dec2006_weimer_imf     December 2006 storm, Weimer/IMF,GPI      (days 330-360)
  tiegcm_res2.5_jul2000_heelis_gpi     July 2000 storm,     Heelis/GPI          (days 192-202)
  tiegcm_res2.5_jul2000_weimer_imf     July 2000 storm,     Weimer/IMF,GPI      (days 192-202)
  tiegcm_res2.5_nov2003_heelis_gpi     November 2003 storm, Heelis/GPI          (days 323-328)
  tiegcm_res2.5_nov2003_weimer_imf     November 2003 storm, Weimer/IMF,GPI      (days 323-328)
  tiegcm_res2.5_whi2008_heelis_gpi     Whole Helio Interval 2008 Heelis/GPI     (days 81-106)
  tiegcm_res2.5_whi2008_weimer_imf     Whole Helio Interval 2008 Weimer/IMF,GPI (days 81-106)


Climatology and Seasonal runs were made with constant solar conditions as follows:

  • Solar Minimum Conditions:

    POWER = 18.
    CTPOTEN = 30.
    F107 = 70.
    F107A = 70.
  • Solar Maximum Conditions:

    POWER = 40.
    CTPOTEN = 60.
    F107 = 200.
    F107A = 200.


Explanation of terms for Storm Case Benchmarks:

  • Heelis: The Heelis Potential Model was used for high-latitude ion drift velocities
  • Weimer: The Weimer Potential Model was used for high-latitude ion drift velocities
  • GPI: Runs used GeoPhysical Indices data with Kp, and solar flux f10.7d, f10.7a
  • IMF: Runs used IMF/OMNI data with Solar Wind density and velocity

Selected Results of TIEGCM2.0 Benchmark Runs


Benchmark results (pdf plot files) for version tiegcm2.0 are available here: Post-processing of TIEGCM benchmarks

Results of the benchmark runs are available in 2d plots of time series, grid slices, and maps. These are multi-page PDF files, arranged as follows:

  • Files with “singleut” in their names contain instantaneous maps and slices
  • Files with “utvert” in their names contain ut vs pressure plots (daily or hourly histories)
  • Files with “utlat” in their names contain ut vs latitude plots (daily or hourly histories)

Instantaneous and time series plots for all fields

All fields are:

At 5-degree model resolution:

At 2.5-degree model resolution:

Instantaneous and time series plots for selected fields

Selected fields are:

At 5-degree model resolution:

At 2.5-degree model resolution:

Namelist input files used for the 2.5-deg benchmark runs

These are the namelist input files used for making the 2.5-degree resolution benchmark runs. Note that a few of the 2.5-deg runs need to be run at a shorter timestep than the default of 30 seconds to maintain numerical stability. Also note that the 5-degree full-year climatology run can be completed on yellowstone in 12 hours WC, but the 2.5-deg model has to be restarted several times to reach a full year.

Model Output History Files of the tiegcm2.0 Benchmark runs

Model output history files are stored in CF-compliant netCDF format. Benchmark history files for tiegcm2.0 are available via the Globus Research Data Sharing Service. The history files are stored at the “NCAR Data Sharing Service” Globus shared endpoint. (for users with an NCAR/CISL login: this endpoint is /glade/u/datashare/tgcm)

See these CISL docs for information regarding the NCAR Data Sharing Service:

Here is a summary procedure for accessing the tiegcm2.0 benchmark data:


You do NOT need to have an NCAR user account or token to retrieve this data.

  • You must have or create a Globus account. If your institution/organization has a Globus data sharing endpoint, you can use your institutional authorization to login to Globus. Otherwise, you can create a Globus personal account to transfer files to your personal laptop or desktop computer.
  • Log in to your Globus account, and click on “File Transfer”
  • To reach the NCAR/TIEGCM source endpoint, click in the “Endpoint” text box on the left, and type “TIEGCM v2.0”. It should retrieve directory contents, and show a “benchmarks” folder.
  • Next, establish your destination endpoint on the right. This is either your institutional endpoint, or the username of your personal Globus login.
  • Select the locations/files you want to download from the left side, and the destination location on the right, then click the right arrow at the top to begin the transfer.

Here’s a screen shot of a Globus file transfer from the TIEGCM v2.0 endpoint to my personal Macbook Pro: Globus_screenshot.png

In each of the 6 benchmark groups are folders for each run, with folders containing the history files (hist), post-processing (proc), and scripts and log files (stdout). Individual files or whole directories can be downloaded.