The Coronal Structure in August 1996 - A Tomographic Reconstruction

Stephan Zidowitz

Due to the rotation of the sun, the solar corona can be observed under different directions at different times. Using methods of computer tomography the underlying three-dimensional structure can be reconstructed from the observed projection data. For the 'Whole Sun Month', August 10 - September 8, 1996, we present here reconstructions of the inner part of the corona. From images of the green Fe XIV line taken with the LASCO-C1 Coronagraph we reconstruct the emission density and from images of the Mark III K-coronameter of the Mauna Loa Solar Observatory on Hawaii we reconstruct the destribution of the electron density. Further we compare the achieved structures with global 'potential-field' models of the solar magnetic field based on the photospheric data from the Wilcox Solar Observatory.