The scientific goals of Whole Sun Month (WSM) are organized below into five working groups. We have listed the observational inputs that could be made available with the name of the contact for the data (see mailing list for addresses). We have also listed specific modeling projects that were proposed during the WSM workshop. If you are interested in working on any of these projects, or have ideas for other projects supporting the working group goals, please contact Doug Biesecker or Sarah Gibson The names in parentheses after some of the modeling projects are people who have already expressed a definite interest in working on the project (this does not exclude others from collaborating with them). Projects with no names are ones that came up in discussion, but which have no definite participants as yet.

1) Morphology of 3-d corona

Overall goal: Determine the 3-d morphology of the WSM corona- i.e., where and what shape are the streamers, where are the coronal hole boundaries and how do they vary with height.

Observational inputs:

Specific modeling projects leading to overall goal:

*** Note - in all of these studies we will keep in mind the different quantities (various densities, temperatures) to which the different observations are sensitive, affecting how the "global" morphology appears to them.***

2) "Solar minimum" streamer/hole modeling

Overall goal: determine maps of density, temperature, magnetic field, and velocity in the region 1 - 3 Rsun. As this is a formidable task, we will focus on a subset of the data.

Specifically, we will model three features:

This analysis will also serve as cross-calibration between instruments.

Observational inputs:

Specific modeling projects leading to overall goal:

3) Detailed study of an equatorial coronal hole: the "elephant's trunk"

(or "tusk")

Overall goal: Study the evolution, morphology and physical properties of the WSM equatorial coronal hole

Observational inputs:

Specific modeling projects leading to overall goal:

4) MHD wind extrapolations along flux tubes

Overall goal: Use the magnetic topology determined from modeled coronal field and morphological observations of coronal hole boundaries and plumes to determine appropriate flux tubes along which to evolve a wind. Use data products of working group 2 to establish boundary conditions. Compare the predictions of these wind models to in situ observations.

Observational inputs:

Specific modeling projects leading to overall goal:

5) Structural connection between corona and in situ observations.

Overall goal: Identify specific coronal structures that match structures observed in the solar wind.

Observational inputs:

Specific modeling projects leading to overall goal: