Atomic data for radiation MHD simulations

Mostly for Kosovare Olluri and the Oslo group, here is a bzipped tar file containing data files for calculating radiation losses in bound-bound transitions from specific ions.

Here are examples of the types of data in the tar file:
File description
fitpar15.dat fits to total radiation losses for a given ion for an electron pressure of 1015cm-3K
lfitpar15.dat fits to individual line radiation losses for a given ion for an electron pressure of 1015cm-3K
alldata.txt Fits to ionization and recombination rates computed by P. Judge from OPACITY project data and other sources, in the convenient form given by SHull and van Steenberg (1982). The data are described in alldata.desc. NOTE PRIOR TO 21 MAR 2011 THESE HAD INCORRECT VALUES OF THE VERY FIRST COEFFICIENT. NOW CORRECTED. APOLOGIES.

Last modified: Mon Mar 21 14:52:44 MDT 2011