.. _postproc: Post-Processing and Visualization ================================= |modeluc| netCDF history files can be read by any application with access to the netCDF library, including many freely available software packages developed for mainpulating or displaying netCDF data (see http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/software/netcdf/software.html). At HAO, we often use the netCDF Operators `NCO `_ for file manipulation (subset extracting, concatenation, hyperslabbing, metadata editing, etc). However for visualization, we typically use one of three post-processors developed at HAO: .. _tgcmproc_f90: tgcmproc_f90 ------------ * :term:`tgcmproc_f90` is a batch-style processor written in fortran 90. This program reads a user namelist input file via stdin, and outputs multi-frame plot files (cgm and/or ps), and output data files (e.g., ascii, netCDF). * Uses the freely available `NCAR Graphics libraries `_ for basic contouring, making maps at various projections, vector plots, etc. * Plots 2d horizontal and vertical slices, and time-dependent plots on the model grid. * Calculates a large number of diagnostics from fields on the histories. * Custom contouring (setting cmin,cmax,cint) * Can interpolate to constant height surfaces. * Can be downloaded from the TGCM website, but the f90 code must be compiled, and NCAR Graphics libraries must be linked. .. _tgcmproc_idl: tgcmproc_idl ------------ * :term:`tgcmproc_idl` is an `IDL `_ application for browsing and plotting TIEGCM output, with an easy to use Graphical User Interface (GUI). * 2d contouring of horizontal and vertical slices, including maps at various projections. * Can save images and plots to a variety of image formats. * Custom contouring (setting cmin,cmax,cint). * Can interpolate to constant height surfaces. * Can plot fields on the magnetic grid (tgcmproc_f90 does not do this). * Can make and save png movie animations. * Should run fine for anybody w/ IDL, but IDL is licensed, and can be expensive. .. _utproc: utproc ------ * :term:`utproc` is an IDL/GUI application that makes time-series contours and images including ut vs zp pressure at selected grid lat x lon locations, and ut vs latitude at selected zp pressure surfaces. These applications are available at the `TGCM download page `_. Tgcmproc_f90 is best for generating large numbers of plots in a "batch-style" environment, whereas tgcmproc_idl is best for browsing history files in a GUI interface, and saving plots or images as desired. The utproc processor is a hybrid in the sense that a series of plots can be setup using the GUI, and then created when requested. At HAO, we also use the NCAR Command Language (`NCL `_) for plotting, analysis, and converting to/from various file formats (GRIB, HDF, etc). NCL scripts can be used to generate customized plots and images, as well as providing a variety of analysis and file-manipulation tools.