======================================================================== Begin execution of tiegcm_trunk at 12/22/15 142642 Host = kokanee System = LINUX Logname = foster ======================================================================== init_timer level= 1 rtc=F sys=T Current working directory (cwd) = /hao/aim/foster/tiegcm_test Reading namelist input data from /home/foster/tiegcm/tiegcm_trunk/scripts/tiegcm_res5.0_default.inp Completed successful read of namelist inputs. Input mkntask chose ntask_lon= 2 ntask_lat= 2 (ntask= 4) Input mkntask chose ntask_maglon= 2 ntask_maglat= 2 (ntask= 4) Input Using default joulefac = 1.50 Input enforce_opfloor= 1 Will use the Heelis potential model Note input Setting BY to 0 with HEELIS potential model. INPUT NOTE adding mandatory field ZMAG to secondary history fields (field 25) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ USER INPUT PARAMETERS label = tiegcm res=5.0 (optional text label for current run) High-lat electric potential model potential_model = HEELIS gswm migrating diurnal file gswm_mi_di_ncfile = /hao/aim/tgcm/data/gswm_diurn_5.0d_99km.nc gswm migrating semi-diurnal file gswm_mi_sdi_ncfile = /hao/aim/tgcm/data/gswm_semi_5.0d_99km.nc start_year = 2002 (starting calendar day) start_day = 80 (starting calendar year) calendar_advance = 1 (model will be advanced in calendar time starting on this day) step = 60 (model timestep (seconds)) ntask_lon = 2 (number of mpi tasks in longitude dimension) ntask_lat = 2 (number of mpi tasks in latitude dimension) total tasks = ntask_lon*ntask_lat = 4 source = /hao/aim/tgcm/data/tiegcm1.95/TGCM.tiegcm1.95.pcntr_mareqx_smin.nc (file or mss path containing source history) sour3 INPUT NOTE adding mandatory field ZMAG to secondary history fields (field 25) output (primary history output files) = tiegcm.pcntr_mareqx_smin_001.nc, start (model start times) = 80, 0, 0 stop (model stop times) = 81, 0, 0 hist (primary history disk write frequencies) = 1, 0, 0 Maxmimum number of histories per primary file = 10 secout (secondary history output files)= tiegcm.scntr_mareqx_smin_001.nc, secstart (secondary history start times) = 80, 1, 0 secstop (secondary history stop times) = 81, 0, 0 sechist (secondary history disk write frequencies) = 0, 1, 0 secflds (secondary history fields) = TN UN VN O2 O1 N2 NO N4S HE NE TE TI TEC O2P OP OMEGA POTEN UI_ExB VI_ExB WI_ExB DEN QJOULE Z ZG ZMAG Maximum number of histories per secondary file = 24 3 dynamo = 1 (dynamo will be calculated) current_pg = 1 (Add current due to plasma pressure gradient and gravity to rhs) current_kq = 0 (Calculate height-integrated current density) eddy_dif = 0 (DOY-dependent eddy diffusion flag) tide (amplitudes and phases of semidiurnal tide) = 0.0E+00 0.0E+00 0.0E+00 0.0E+00 0.0E+00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 tide2 (amplitude and phase of diurnal tide) = 0.0E+00 0.00 aurora = 1 (0/1 flag for aurora) colfac = 1.500 (collision factor) joulefac = 1.500 (joule heating factor) calc_helium = 1 (0/1 flag for helium) If any of the following are spval ( 0.1000E+37), they will be calculated during the simulation on a per timestep basis power = 0.1800E+02 (Hemispheric Power) ctpoten= 0.3000E+02 (Cross-cap potential) kp = 0.1000E+37 (Kp index) bximf = 0.1000E+37 (BX component of IMF) byimf = 0.0000E+00 (BY component of IMF) bzi3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ swvel = 0.1000E+37 (solar wind velocity) swden = 0.1000E+37 (solar wind density) f107 = 0.7000E+02 (F10.7 solar flux) f107a = 0.7000E+02 (81-day ave F10.7 flux) al = 0.1000E+37 (AL, lower auroral mag index) END USER INPUT PARAMETERS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ tgcm dynamo= 1 -- calling apxparm start_year= 2002 Time in apxparm = 0.270 (secs) ntask= 4 ntaski= 2 ntaskj= 2 Task Table j= -1 itask_table(,j)= -1 -1 -1 -1 j= 0 itask_table(,j)= -1 0 1 -1 j= 1 itask_table(,j)= -1 2 3 -1 j= 2 itask_table(,j)= -1 -1 -1 -1 mytid= 0 mytidi,j= 0 0 lat0,1= 1 18 (18) lon0,1= 1 38 (38) ncells= 684 ntask= 4 ntask_maglon= 2 ntask_maglat= 2 Task Table j= -1 itask_table_mag(,j)= -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 j= 0 itask_table_mag(,j)= 1 0 1 0 -1 j= 1 itask_table_mag(,j)= 3 2 3 2 -1 j= 2 itask_table_mag(,j)= -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 mytid= 0 magtidi,j= 0 0 mlat0,1= 1 49 (49) mlon0,1= 1 41 (41) ncells=2009 mp_distribute_geo nmagtaski= 2 tidcol= 0 Task 0 Subdomain on geographic grid tasks( 0)%mytid = 0 tasks( 0)%mytidi= 0 tasks( 0)%mytidj= 0 tasks( 0)%nlats = 18 tasks( 0)%nlons = 38 tasks( 0)%lat0 = 1 tasks( 0)%lat1 = 18 tasks( 0)%lon0 = 1 tasks( 0)%lon1 = 38 Number of geo subdomain grid points = 684 Subdomain on geomagnetic grid tasks( 0)%magtidi= 0 tasks( 0)%magtidj= 0 tasks( 0)%nmaglats = 49 tasks( 0)%nmaglons = 41 tasks( 0)%mlat0 = 1 tasks( 0)%mlat1 = 49 tasks( 0)%mlon0 = 1 tasks( 0)%mlon1 = 41 Number of mag subdomain grid points = 2009 mp_exchange_tasks mxmaglat= 49 mxmaglon= 41 Model version = tiegcm_trunk Set constants nlat= 36 nlon= 72 nlev= 28 dz= 0.50 dlat= 5.00 dlon= 5.00 zbound (cm) = 0.963723E+07 zmbot, zmtop = -6.750 7.250 (bottom,top midpoint levels) zibot, zitop = -7.000 7.000 (bottom,top interface levels) dt = 60.00 secs grav = 870.00 freq_3m3 = 0.3506E-04 freq_semidi= 0.1454E-03 dipmin = 0.170 check_exp = F kut (for filtering) = 1 2 3 5 6 7 9 10 11 13 14 15 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 15 14 13 11 10 9 7 6 5 3 2 1 init iyear= 2002 iday= 80 gswm_mi_di_ncfile = /hao/aim/tgcm/data/gswm_diurn_5.0d_99km.nc gswm_mi_sdi_ncfile = /hao/aim/tgcm/data/gswm_semi_5.0d_99km.nc hist_init nstep= 1440 alloc_ar allocated module data Allocated gswm t,u,v,z (lon0lon1,lat0lat1) Allocated private gwm t,u,v,z (lon0lon1,lat0lat1,nmonth,nhour) alloc_pdyn allocate fmeq_in with mlev0,1= -2 29 Allocated 3d data for all fields on root task nlevp1*nlonp4*nlat*nf4d = 29* 76* 36* 30 = 2380320 words *8 = 19042560 bytes. allocdata all tasks allocate fzg nlevp1= 29 nlonp4= 76 nlat= 36 init_lbc allocated subdomains tlbc, ulbc, vlbc init_lbc_nm allocated subdomains tlbc_nm, ulbc_nm, vlbc_nm init_lbc allocated globals tlbc_glb, ulbc_glb, vlbc_glb nlonp4= 76 nlat= 36 init_lbc allocated globals tlbc_nm_glb, ulbc_nm_glb, vlbc_nm_glb nlonp4= 76 nlat= 36 Model run initialization nstep = 1440 (Number of time steps this run) iter = 115200 (Initial iteration number) iyear = 2002 (Beginning calendar year) iday = 80 (Beginning calendar day) igswm_mi_di = 1 (If > 0, GSWM diurnal tidal database will be used.) igswm_mi_sdi= 1 (If > 0, GSWM semidiurnal tidal database will be used.) igswm_nm_di= 0 (If > 0, GSWM nonmigrating diurnal tidal database will be used.) igswm_nm_sdi= 0 (If > 0, GSWM nonmigrating semidiurnal tidal database will be used.) This is an initial run start_year = 2002 (Starting year of initial run) start_day = 80 (Starting day of initial run) start_mtime= 803 iday = 80 (Beginning calendar day) Primary Histories nsource = 1 (If > 0, a primary source history was provided) nseries_prim = 1 (Number of primary time series) nhist_total = 2 (Number of primary histories to be written) nfiles_prim = 1 (Number of primary output files to be written) mxhist_prim = 10 (Maximum number of primary histories per file) Secondary Histories nseries_sech = 1 (Number of secondary time series) nsech_total = 24 (Number of secondary histories to be written) nfiles_sech = 1 (Number of secondary output files to be written) mxhist_sech = 24 (Maximum number of secondary histories per file) nfsech = 25 (Number of requested secondary history fields) secondary history field 1 TN secondary history field 2 UN secondary history field 3 VN secondary history field 4 O2 secondary history field 5 O1 secondar3 igswm_mi_di = 1 (If > 0, GSWM diurnal tidal database will be used.) secondary history field 7 NO secondary history field 8 N4S secondary history field 9 HE secondary history field 10 NE secondary history field 11 TE secondary history field 12 TI secondary history field 13 TEC secondary history field 14 O2P secondary history field 15 OP secondary history field 16 OMEGA secondary history field 17 POTEN secondary history field 18 UI_ExB secondary history field 19 VI_ExB secondary history field 20 WI_ExB secondary history field 21 DEN secondary history field 22 QJOULE secondary history field 23 Z secondary history field 24 ZG secondary history field 25 ZMAG -------------------------------------------------------------------------3 igswm_mi_sdi= 1 (If > 0, GSWM semidiurnal tidal database will be used.) Table of Available Diagnostic Fields Shortnames may be added to namelist SECFLDS Field Shortname Units Levels Caller Longname - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 CO2_COOL erg/g/s lev newton.F CO2 Cooling 2 NO_COOL erg/g/s lev newton.F NO Cooling 3 DEN g/cm3 ilev dt.F Total Density 4 HEATING erg/g/s lev dt.F Total Heating 5 HMF2 km none elden.F HMF2 Height of the F2 Layer 6 NMF2 1/cm3 none elden.F NMF2 Peak Density of the F2 Layer 7 FOF2 MHz none elden.F FOF2 Critical Frequency of the F2 Layer 8 JE13D A/m2 mlev current.F JE13D Eastward current density (3d) 9 JE23D A/m2 ml3 igswm_nm_di= 0 (If > 0, GSWM nonmigrating diurnal tidal database will be used.) 10 JQR A/m2 none current.F JQR Upward current density (2d) 11 KQLAM A/m none current.F KQLAM Height-integrated current density (+north) 12 KQPHI A/m none current.F KQPHI Height-integrated current density (+east) 13 LAMDA_HAL 1/s lev lamdas.F LAMDA_HAL Hall Ion Drag Coefficient 14 LAMDA_PED 1/s lev lamdas.F LAMDA_PED Pedersen Ion Drag Coefficient 15 MU_M g/cm/s lev cpktkm.F MU_M Molecular Viscosity Coefficient 16 QJOULE erg/g/s lev qjoule.F QJOULE Joule Heating 17 SCHT km lev addiag.F SCHT Pressure Scale Height 18 SIGMA_HAL S/m lev lamdas.F SIGMA_HAL Hall Conductivity 19 SIGMA_PED S/m lev lamdas.F 3 igswm_nm_sdi= 0 (If > 0, GSWM nonmigrating semidiurnal tidal database will be used.) 20 TEC 1/cm2 none elden.F TEC Total Electron Content 21 UI_ExB cm/s ilev ionvel.F UI Zonal Ion Drift (ExB) 22 VI_ExB cm/s ilev ionvel.F VI Meridional Ion Drift (ExB) 23 WI_ExB cm/s ilev ionvel.F WI Vertical Ion Drift (ExB) 24 WN cm/s ilev swdot.F WN Neutral Vertical Wind (plus up) 25 O_N2 none lev comp.F O/N2 RATIO 26 QJOULE_INTEG erg/cm2/s none qjoule.F Height-integrated Joule Heating 27 BX none oplus.F BX/BMAG Normalized eastward component of magnetic field 28 BY none oplus.F BY/BMAG Normalized northward component of magnetic field 29 BZ none oplus.F BZ/BMAG Normalized upward component of m3 30 BMAG Gauss none oplus.F BMAG Magnetic field magnitude 31 EX V/m ilev pdynamo.F EX Zonal component of electric field 32 EY V/m ilev pdynamo.F EY Meridional component of electric field 33 EZ V/m ilev pdynamo.F EZ Vertical component of electric field 34 ED1 V/m imlev pdynamo.F ED1 Magnetic eastward component of electric field 35 ED2 V/m imlev pdynamo.F ED2 Magnetic downward (equatorward) component of electric field 36 PHIM2D V none pdynamo.F PHIM2D 2d Electric Potential on magnetic grid 37 N2 mmr lev comp.F N2 Molecular Nitrogen 38 ZGMID cm lev addiag.F ZGMID Geometric Height at midpoints 39 CUSP erg/cm2/s none dynamics.F3 This is an initial run 40 DRIZZLE erg/cm2/s none dynamics.F DRIZZLE (drzl2d*ed) 41 ALFA keV none dynamics.F ALFA 42 NFLUX #/cm2/s none dynamics.F NFLUX 43 EFLUX erg/cm2/s none dynamics.F EFLUX ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Getfile remote=/hao/aim/tgcm/data/tiegcm1.95/TGCM.tiegcm1.95.pcntr_mareqx_smin.nc Getfile Found file /hao/aim/tgcm/data/tiegcm1.95/TGCM.tiegcm1.95.pcntr_mareqx_smin.nc ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Acquired source history file /hao/aim/tgcm/data/tiegcm1.95/TGCM.tiegcm1.95.pcntr_mareqx_smin.nc (disk file is /hao/aim/tgcm/data/tiegcm1.95/TGCM.tiegcm1.95.pcntr_mareqx_smin.nc) Reading source history from diskfile /hao/aim/tgcm/data/tiegcm1.95/TGCM.tiegcm1.95.pcntr_mareqx_smin.nc nc_rdhist seeking 80 0 0 found 80 0 0 n= 1 Note nc_rdhist unused variable calendar_advance Note nc_rdhist unused variable write_date Note nc_rdhist unused variable crit1 Note nc_rdhist unused variable crit2 Note nc_rdhist unused variable mag Read field TN 3d subdomain min,max= 0.1517E+03 0.7856E+03 Read field UN 3d subdomain min,max= -0.8738E+04 0.1170E+05 Read field VN 3d subdomain min,max= -0.7674E+04 0.1133E+05 Read field O2 3d subdomain min,max= 0.9179E-04 0.2299E+00 Read field O1 3d subdomain min,max= 0.3728E-02 0.9923E+00 Read field N4S 3d subdomain min,max= 0.1000E-11 0.1567E-01 Read field NO 3d subdomain min,max= 0.1675E-06 0.2971E-03 Read field OP 3d subdomain min,max= 0.0000E+00 0.1024E+07 Read field N2D 3d subdomain min,max= 0.0000E+00 0.4532E-03 Read field TI 3d subdomain min,max= 0.1517E+03 0.1535E+04 Read field TE 3d subdomain min,max= 0.1517E+03 0.3281E+04 Read field NE 3d subdomain min,max= 0.1177E+04 0.1018E+07 Read field O2P 3d subdomain min,max= 0.0000E+00 0.7850E+05 Read field OMEGA 3d subdomain min,max= -0.4661E-04 0.4114E-04 Read field Z 3d subdomain min,max= 0.9620E+07 0.5084E+08 Read field POTEN 3d subdomain min,max= -0.1469E+05 0.5943E+03 Read field TN_NM 3d subdomain min,max= 0.1517E+03 0.7856E+03 Read field UN_NM 3d subdomain min,max= -0.8739E+04 0.1172E+05 Read field VN_NM 3d subdomain min,max= -0.7709E+04 0.1131E+05 Read field O2_NM 3d subdomain min,max= 0.9172E-04 0.2299E+00 Read field O1_NM 3d subdomain min,max= 0.3728E-02 0.9923E+00 Read field N4S_NM 3d subdomain min,max= 0.1000E-11 0.1567E-01 Read field NO_NM 3d subdomain min,max= 0.1675E-06 0.2970E-03 Read field OP_NM 3d subdomain min,max= 0.0000E+00 0.1023E+07 Read LBC from source history i= 89 sh%lbc= -7.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Read TGCM PRIMARY HISTORY (source history) Diskfile /hao/aim/tgcm/data/tiegcm1.95/TGCM.tiegcm1.95.pcntr_mareqx_smin.nc label = tiegcm mareqx smin control run model_name = tiegcm model_version = tiegcm1.95 create_date= 07/14/14 130928 write_date = logname = foster host = ys6353 system = LINUX run_type = source_file = output_file = source_mtime = 80 0 0 initial_year = 2002 initial_day = 80 initial_mtime= 80 0 0 type = primary ihist = 1 (nth history on history file) delhmins= 0 (delta minutes between histories) calendar year,day = 2002, 60 (model IS being advanced in calendar time) modeltime = 80, 0, 0, 0 (model time day,hour,minute,seconds) time = ut = 0.00 (ut hours) step = 120 (time step in seconds) iter = 57600 (number of steps from 0,0,0) nlat = 36 (number of latitudes) nlon = 72 (number of longitudes) nlev = 29 (number of levels) zmtop = 7.2502 Read LBC from source history i= 89 sh%lbc= -7.00 zmbot = -6.750 (bottom midpoint level) zitop = 7.000 (top interface level) zibot = -7.000 (bottom interface level) dtide = 0.0E+00 0.0 (amp/phase of diurnal tide) sdtide = 0.0E+00 0.0E+00 0.0E+00 0.0E+00 0.0E+00 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 (amp/phase of semi-diurnal tide) f107d = 0.7000E+02 (daily solar flux) f107a = 0.7000E+02 (average solar flux) hpower = 0.1800E+02 (Gw) ctpoten = 0.3000E+02 (Volts) kp = 0.1000E+37 () byimf = 0.0000E+00 bzimf = 0.1000E+37 swvel = 0.1000E+37 swden = 0.1000E+37 al = 0.1000E+37 e1,e2 = 0.1595E+01 0.2980E+01 (ergs/cm2/s) alfac,alfad = 0.1000E+00 0.5000E+00 (keV) ec,ed = 0.7212E-01 0.1200E-01 (ergs/cm2/s) colfac = 0.15E+01 joulefac = 0.15E+01 p0 = 0.50E-06 p0_model= 0.50E-03 grav = 0.87E+03 nflds = 24 (number of model fields) gswm_mi_di_ncfile = /glade/p/hao/tgcm/data/gswm_diurn_5.0d_99km.nc gswm_mi_sdi_nc1 Read LBC from source history i= 89 sh%lbc= -7.00 gswm_nm_di_ncfile = [none] gswm_nm_sdi_ncfile = [none] see_ncfile = [none] gpi_ncfile = [none] ncep_ncfile = [none] imf_ncfile = [none] saber_ncfile = [none] tidi_ncfile = [none] tuv_lbc_intop= 0 (if 1, then lbc of t,u,v are stored in top k slot (old histories)) LBC = -7.00 (lower boundary interface level) ntask_mpi = 16 (number of MPI tasks) coupled_cmit = 0 (1 if coupled with CISM/CMIT, 0 otherwise) There are 24 fields on this history, as follows TN UN VN O2 O1 N4S NO OP N2D TI TE NE O2P OMEGA Z POTEN TN_NM UN_NM VN_NM O2_NM O1_NM N4S_NM NO_NM OP_NM ------------------------------------------------------------------------ readsource Argon apparently not read from source history. Will init AR and AR_NM to ar_glb readsource Helium apparently not read from source history. Will init HE and HE_NM to pshelb= 0.1154E-05 Enter advance iter= 115200 nstep= 1440 Starting primary history time series 1 at model time 80 0 0 0 Created netcdf file tiegcm.pcntr_mareqx_smin_001.nc ncid= 7 Copied history structure at modeltime 80 0 0 output_hist copied source history structure sh to history structure h (nhist= 1) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Write TGCM PRIMARY HISTORY Diskfile tiegcm.pcntr_mareqx_smin_001.nc label = tiegcm mareqx smin control run model_name = tiegcm model_version = tiegcm1.95 create_date= 12/22/15 142647 write_date = logname = foster host = ys6353 system = LINUX run_type = source_file = output_file = source_mtime = 80 0 0 initial_year = 2002 initial_day = 80 initial_mtime= 80 0 0 type = primary ihist = 1 (nth history on history file) delhmins= 0 (delta minutes between histories) calendar year,day = 2002, 80 (model IS being advanced in calendar time) modeltime = 80, 0, 0, 0 (model time day,hour,minute,seconds) time = ut = 0.00 (ut hours) step = 120 (time step in seconds) iter = 57600 (number of steps from 0,0,0) nlat = 36 (number of latitudes) nlon = 72 (number of longitudes) nlev = 29 (number of levels) zmtop = 7.250 (top midpoint level) zmbot = -6.750 (bottom midpoint level) zitop = 7.000 (top interface level) zibot = -7.000 (bottom interface level) dtide = 0.0E+00 0.0 (amp/phase of diurnal tide) sdtide = 0.0E+00 0.0E+00 0.0E+00 0.0E+00 0.0E+00 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 (amp/phase of semi-diurnal tide) f107d = 0.7000E+02 (daily solar flux) f107a = 0.7000E+02 (average solar flux) hpower = 0.1800E+02 (Gw) ctpoten = 0.3000E+02 (Volts) kp = 0.1000E+37 () byimf = 0.0000E+00 bzimf = 0.1000E+37 swvel = 0.1000E+37 swden = 0.1000E+37 al = 0.1000E+37 e1,e2 = 0.1595E+01 0.2980E+01 (ergs/cm2/s) alfac,alfad = 0.1000E+00 0.5000E+00 (keV) ec,ed = 0.7212E-01 0.1200E-01 (ergs/cm2/s) colfac = 0.15E+01 joulefac = 0.15E+01 p0 = 0.50E-06 p0_model= 0.50E-03 grav = 0.87E+03 nflds = 24 (number of model fields) gswm_mi_di_ncfile = /glade/p/hao/tgcm/data/gswm_diurn_5.0d_99km.nc gswm_mi_sdi_ncfile = /glade/p/hao/tgcm/data/gswm_semi_5.0d_99km.nc gswm_nm_di_ncfile = [none] gswm_nm_sdi_ncfile = [none] see_ncfile = [none] gpi_ncfile = [none] ncep_ncfile = [none] imf_ncfile = [none] saber_ncfile = [none] tidi_ncfile = [none] tuv_lbc_intop= 0 (if 1, then lbc of t,u,v are stored in top k slot (old histories)) LBC = -7.00 (lower boundary interface level) ntask_mpi = 16 (number of MPI tasks) coupled_cmit = 0 (1 if coupled with CISM/CMIT, 0 otherwise) There are 24 fields on this history, as follows TN UN VN O2 O1 N4S NO OP N2D TI TE NE O2P OMEGA Z POTEN TN_NM UN_NM VN_NM O2_NM O1_NM N4S_NM NO_NM OP_NM ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Wrote primary history 80, 0, 0 to tiegcm.pcntr_mareqx_smin_001.nc ( 1 of 2) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Getfile remote=/hao/aim/tgcm/data/gswm_diurn_5.0d_99km.nc Getfile Found file /hao/aim/tgcm/data/gswm_diurn_5.0d_99km.nc ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Reading GSWM data file /hao/aim/tgcm/data/gswm_diurn_5.0d_99km.nc Completed read from GSWM data file /hao/aim/tgcm/data/gswm_diurn_5.0d_99km.nc ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Getfile remote=/hao/aim/tgcm/data/gswm_semi_5.0d_99km.nc Getfile Found file /hao/aim/tgcm/data/gswm_semi_5.0d_99km.nc ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Reading GSWM data file /hao/aim/tgcm/data/gswm_semi_5.0d_99km.nc Completed read from GSWM data file /hao/aim/tgcm/data/gswm_semi_5.0d_99km.nc ------------------------------------------------------------------------ aurora_cons cusp alfac= 0.100 ec= 0.072 fc= 0.2251E+09 drizzle alfad= 0.500 ed= 0.012 fd= 0.7491E+07 auroral radius = max of rhp,rcp= 19.999 17.905 roth, rote (MLT) = 0.448 -0.072 1/e-widths = h1,h2= 2.350 3.505 energy flux = e1,e2= 1.595 2.980 add_sproton = F mpitime_init Completed initialization of mpi timing Step 10 of 1440 mtime= 80 0 10 0 secs/step (sys) = 0.15 Step 20 of 1440 mtime= 80 0 20 0 secs/step (sys) = 0.15 Step 30 of 1440 mtime= 80 0 30 0 secs/step (sys) = 0.15 Step 40 of 1440 mtime= 80 0 40 0 secs/step (sys) = 0.15 Step 50 of 1440 mtime= 80 0 50 0 secs/step (sys) = 0.15 Step 60 of 1440 mtime= 80 1 0 0 secs/step (sys) = 0.15 Allocated 3d sech field ZG(lon= 76,lat= 36,ilev= 29) Initialized diagnostic secondary history field ZG (ix= 24) short_name = ZG long_name = Geometric Height ZG units = cm geo = T mag = F dimnames = lon lat ilev dimsizes = 76 36 29 ndims = 3 task0_only = F Allocated 3d sech field UI_ExB(lon= 76,lat= 36,ilev= 29) Initialized diagnostic secondary history field UI_ExB (ix= 18) short_name = UI_ExB long_name = UI Zonal Ion Drift (ExB) units = cm/s geo = T mag = F dimnames = lon lat ilev dimsizes = 76 36 29 ndims = 3 task0_only = F Allocated 3d sech field VI_ExB(lon= 76,lat= 36,ilev= 29) Initialized diagnostic secondary history field VI_ExB (ix= 19) short_name = VI_ExB long_name = VI Meridional Ion Drift (ExB) units = cm/s geo = T mag = F dimnames = lon lat ilev dimsizes = 76 36 29 ndims = 3 task0_only = F Allocated 3d sech field WI_ExB(lon= 76,lat= 36,ilev= 29) Initialized diagnostic secondary history field WI_ExB (ix= 20) short_name = WI_ExB long_name = WI Vertical Ion Drift (ExB) units = cm/s geo = T mag = F dimnames = lon lat ilev dimsizes = 76 36 29 ndims = 3 task0_only = F Allocated 2d sech field TEC(lon= 76,lat= 36) Initialized diagnostic secondary history field TEC (ix= 13) short_name = TEC long_name = TEC Total Electron Content units = 1/cm2 geo = T mag = F dimnames = lon lat dimsizes = 76 36 0 ndims = 2 task0_only = F Allocated 3d sech field QJOULE(lon= 76,lat= 36,lev= 29) Initialized diagnostic secondary history field QJOULE (ix= 22) short_name = QJOULE long_name = QJOULE Joule Heating units = erg/g/s geo = T mag = F dimnames = lon lat lev dimsizes = 76 36 29 ndims = 3 task0_only = F Allocated 3d sech field DEN(lon= 76,lat= 36,ilev= 29) Initialized diagnostic secondary history field DEN (ix= 21) short_name = DEN long_name = Total Density units = g/cm3 geo = T mag = F dimnames = lon lat ilev dimsizes = 76 36 29 ndims = 3 task0_only = F Allocated 3d sech field N2(lon= 76,lat= 36,lev= 29) Initialized diagnostic secondary history field N2 (ix= 6) short_name = N2 long_name = N2 Molecular Nitrogen units = mmr geo = T mag = F dimnames = lon lat lev dimsizes = 76 36 29 ndims = 3 task0_only = F Allocated 3d sech field ZMAG(mlon= 81,mlat= 97,imlev= 32) Initialized diagnostic secondary history field ZMAG (ix= 25) short_name = ZMAG long_name = ZMAG from pdynamo units = km geo = F mag = T dimnames = mlon mlat imlev dimsizes = 81 97 32 ndims = 3 task0_only = F Starting secondary history time series 1 at model time 80 1 0 0 Created netcdf file tiegcm.scntr_mareqx_smin_001.nc ncid= 7 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Write TGCM SECONDARY HISTORY Diskfile tiegcm.scntr_mareqx_smin_001.nc label = tiegcm res=5.0 model_name = tiegcm model_version = tiegcm_trunk create_date= 12/22/15 142657 write_date = 12/22/15 142657 logname = foster host = kokanee system = LINUX run_type = initial source_file = /hao/aim/tgcm/data/tiegcm1.95/TGCM.tiegcm1.95.pcntr_mareqx_smin.nc output_file = tiegcm.scntr_mareqx_smin_001.nc source_mtime = 80 0 0 initial_year = 2002 initial_day = 80 initial_mtime= 80 0 0 type = secondary ihist = 1 (nth history on history file) delhmins= 60 (delta minutes between histories) calendar year,day = 2002, 80 (model IS being advanced in calendar time) modeltime = 80, 1, 0, 0 (model time day,hour,minute,seconds) time = 60.00 (minutes in current day) ut = 1.00 (ut hours) step = 60 (time step in seconds) iter = 115260 (number of steps from 0,0,0) nlat = 36 (number of latitudes) nlon = 72 (number of longitudes) nlev = 29 (number of levels) zmtop = 7.250 (top midpoint level) zmbot = -6.750 (bottom midpoint level) zitop = 7.000 (top interface level) zibot = -7.000 (bottom interface level) dtide = 0.0E+00 0.0 (amp/phase of diurnal tide) sdtide = 0.0E+00 0.0E+00 0.0E+00 0.0E+00 0.0E+00 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 (amp/phase of semi-diurnal tide) f107d = 0.7000E+02 (daily solar flux) f107a = 0.7000E+02 (average solar flux) hpower = 0.1800E+02 (Gw) ctpoten = 0.3000E+02 (Volts) kp = 0.1000E+37 () byimf = 0.0000E+00 bzimf = 0.1000E+37 swvel = 0.1000E+37 swden = 0.1000E+37 al = 0.1000E+37 e1,e2 = 0.1595E+01 0.2980E+01 (ergs/cm2/s) alfac,alfad = 0.1000E+00 0.5000E+00 (keV) ec,ed = 0.7212E-01 0.1200E-01 (ergs/cm2/s) colfac = 0.15E+01 joulefac = 0.15E+01 p0 = 0.50E-06 p0_model= 0.50E-03 grav = 0.87E+03 nflds = 0 (number of model fields) gswm_mi_di_ncfile = /hao/aim/tgcm/data/gswm_diurn_5.0d_99km.nc gswm_mi_sdi_ncfile = /hao/aim/tgcm/data/gswm_semi_5.0d_99km.nc gswm_nm_di_ncfile = [none] gswm_nm_sdi_ncfile = [none] see_ncfile = [none] gpi_ncfile = [none] ncep_ncfile = [none] imf_ncfile = [none] saber_ncfile = [none] tidi_ncfile = [none] tuv_lbc_intop= 0 (if 1, then lbc of t,u,v are stored in top k slot (old histories)) LBC = -7.00 (lower boundary interface level) ntask_mpi = 4 (number of MPI tasks) coupled_cmit = 0 (1 if coupled with CISM/CMIT, 0 otherwise) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Wrote secondary history 80, 1, 0 to tiegcm.scntr_mareqx_smin_001.nc ( 1 of 24) Step 70 of 1440 mtime= 80 1 10 0 secs/step (sys) = 0.15 Step 80 of 1440 mtime= 80 1 20 0 secs/step (sys) = 0.15 Step 90 of 1440 mtime= 80 1 30 0 secs/step (sys) = 0.15 Step 100 of 1440 mtime= 80 1 40 0 secs/step (sys) = 0.15 Step 110 of 1440 mtime= 80 1 50 0 secs/step (sys) = 0.15 Step 120 of 1440 mtime= 80 2 0 0 secs/step (sys) = 0.15 Wrote secondary history 80, 2, 0 to tiegcm.scntr_mareqx_smin_001.nc ( 2 of 24) Step 130 of 1440 mtime= 80 2 10 0 secs/step (sys) = 0.15 Step 140 of 1440 mtime= 80 2 20 0 secs/step (sys) = 0.15 Step 150 of 1440 mtime= 80 2 30 0 secs/step (sys) = 0.15 Step 160 of 1440 mtime= 80 2 40 0 secs/step (sys) = 0.15 Step 170 of 1440 mtime= 80 2 50 0 secs/step (sys) = 0.15 Step 180 of 1440 mtime= 80 3 0 0 secs/step (sys) = 0.15 Wrote secondary history 80, 3, 0 to tiegcm.scntr_mareqx_smin_001.nc ( 3 of 24) Step 190 of 1440 mtime= 80 3 10 0 secs/step (sys) = 0.15 Step 200 of 1440 mtime= 80 3 20 0 secs/step (sys) = 0.15 Step 210 of 1440 mtime= 80 3 30 0 secs/step (sys) = 0.15 Step 220 of 1440 mtime= 80 3 40 0 secs/step (sys) = 0.15 Step 230 of 1440 mtime= 80 3 50 0 secs/step (sys) = 0.15 Step 240 of 1440 mtime= 80 4 0 0 secs/step (sys) = 0.15 Wrote secondary history 80, 4, 0 to tiegcm.scntr_mareqx_smin_001.nc ( 4 of 24) Step 250 of 1440 mtime= 80 4 10 0 secs/step (sys) = 0.15 Step 260 of 1440 mtime= 80 4 20 0 secs/step (sys) = 0.15 Step 270 of 1440 mtime= 80 4 30 0 secs/step (sys) = 0.15 Step 280 of 1440 mtime= 80 4 40 0 secs/step (sys) = 0.15 Step 290 of 1440 mtime= 80 4 50 0 secs/step (sys) = 0.15 Step 300 of 1440 mtime= 80 5 0 0 secs/step (sys) = 0.15 Wrote secondary history 80, 5, 0 to tiegcm.scntr_mareqx_smin_001.nc ( 5 of 24) Step 310 of 1440 mtime= 80 5 10 0 secs/step (sys) = 0.15 Step 320 of 1440 mtime= 80 5 20 0 secs/step (sys) = 0.15 Step 330 of 1440 mtime= 80 5 30 0 secs/step (sys) = 0.15 Step 340 of 1440 mtime= 80 5 40 0 secs/step (sys) = 0.15 Step 350 of 1440 mtime= 80 5 50 0 secs/step (sys) = 0.15 Step 360 of 1440 mtime= 80 6 0 0 secs/step (sys) = 0.15 Wrote secondary history 80, 6, 0 to tiegcm.scntr_mareqx_smin_001.nc ( 6 of 24) Step 370 of 1440 mtime= 80 6 10 0 secs/step (sys) = 0.15 Step 380 of 1440 mtime= 80 6 20 0 secs/step (sys) = 0.15 Step 390 of 1440 mtime= 80 6 30 0 secs/step (sys) = 0.15 Step 400 of 1440 mtime= 80 6 40 0 secs/step (sys) = 0.15 Step 410 of 1440 mtime= 80 6 50 0 secs/step (sys) = 0.15 Step 420 of 1440 mtime= 80 7 0 0 secs/step (sys) = 0.15 Wrote secondary history 80, 7, 0 to tiegcm.scntr_mareqx_smin_001.nc ( 7 of 24) Step 430 of 1440 mtime= 80 7 10 0 secs/step (sys) = 0.15 Step 440 of 1440 mtime= 80 7 20 0 secs/step (sys) = 0.15 Step 450 of 1440 mtime= 80 7 30 0 secs/step (sys) = 0.15 Step 460 of 1440 mtime= 80 7 40 0 secs/step (sys) = 0.15 Step 470 of 1440 mtime= 80 7 50 0 secs/step (sys) = 0.15 Step 480 of 1440 mtime= 80 8 0 0 secs/step (sys) = 0.15 Wrote secondary history 80, 8, 0 to tiegcm.scntr_mareqx_smin_001.nc ( 8 of 24) Step 490 of 1440 mtime= 80 8 10 0 secs/step (sys) = 0.15 Step 500 of 1440 mtime= 80 8 20 0 secs/step (sys) = 0.15 Step 510 of 1440 mtime= 80 8 30 0 secs/step (sys) = 0.15 Step 520 of 1440 mtime= 80 8 40 0 secs/step (sys) = 0.15 Step 530 of 1440 mtime= 80 8 50 0 secs/step (sys) = 0.15 Step 540 of 1440 mtime= 80 9 0 0 secs/step (sys) = 0.15 Wrote secondary history 80, 9, 0 to tiegcm.scntr_mareqx_smin_001.nc ( 9 of 24) Step 550 of 1440 mtime= 80 9 10 0 secs/step (sys) = 0.15 Step 560 of 1440 mtime= 80 9 20 0 secs/step (sys) = 0.15 Step 570 of 1440 mtime= 80 9 30 0 secs/step (sys) = 0.15 Step 580 of 1440 mtime= 80 9 40 0 secs/step (sys) = 0.15 Step 590 of 1440 mtime= 80 9 50 0 secs/step (sys) = 0.15 Step 600 of 1440 mtime= 80 10 0 0 secs/step (sys) = 0.15 Wrote secondary history 80,10, 0 to tiegcm.scntr_mareqx_smin_001.nc ( 10 of 24) Step 610 of 1440 mtime= 80 10 10 0 secs/step (sys) = 0.15 Step 620 of 1440 mtime= 80 10 20 0 secs/step (sys) = 0.15 Step 630 of 1440 mtime= 80 10 30 0 secs/step (sys) = 0.15 Step 640 of 1440 mtime= 80 10 40 0 secs/step (sys) = 0.15 Step 650 of 1440 mtime= 80 10 50 0 secs/step (sys) = 0.15 Step 660 of 1440 mtime= 80 11 0 0 secs/step (sys) = 0.15 Wrote secondary history 80,11, 0 to tiegcm.scntr_mareqx_smin_001.nc ( 11 of 24) Step 670 of 1440 mtime= 80 11 10 0 secs/step (sys) = 0.15 Step 680 of 1440 mtime= 80 11 20 0 secs/step (sys) = 0.15 Step 690 of 1440 mtime= 80 11 30 0 secs/step (sys) = 0.15 Step 700 of 1440 mtime= 80 11 40 0 secs/step (sys) = 0.15 Step 710 of 1440 mtime= 80 11 50 0 secs/step (sys) = 0.15 Step 720 of 1440 mtime= 80 12 0 0 secs/step (sys) = 0.15 Wrote secondary history 80,12, 0 to tiegcm.scntr_mareqx_smin_001.nc ( 12 of 24) Step 730 of 1440 mtime= 80 12 10 0 secs/step (sys) = 0.15 Step 740 of 1440 mtime= 80 12 20 0 secs/step (sys) = 0.15 Step 750 of 1440 mtime= 80 12 30 0 secs/step (sys) = 0.15 Step 760 of 1440 mtime= 80 12 40 0 secs/step (sys) = 0.15 Step 770 of 1440 mtime= 80 12 50 0 secs/step (sys) = 0.15 Step 780 of 1440 mtime= 80 13 0 0 secs/step (sys) = 0.15 Wrote secondary history 80,13, 0 to tiegcm.scntr_mareqx_smin_001.nc ( 13 of 24) Step 790 of 1440 mtime= 80 13 10 0 secs/step (sys) = 0.15 Step 800 of 1440 mtime= 80 13 20 0 secs/step (sys) = 0.15 Step 810 of 1440 mtime= 80 13 30 0 secs/step (sys) = 0.15 Step 820 of 1440 mtime= 80 13 40 0 secs/step (sys) = 0.15 Step 830 of 1440 mtime= 80 13 50 0 secs/step (sys) = 0.15 Step 840 of 1440 mtime= 80 14 0 0 secs/step (sys) = 0.15 Wrote secondary history 80,14, 0 to tiegcm.scntr_mareqx_smin_001.nc ( 14 of 24) Step 850 of 1440 mtime= 80 14 10 0 secs/step (sys) = 0.15 Step 860 of 1440 mtime= 80 14 20 0 secs/step (sys) = 0.15 Step 870 of 1440 mtime= 80 14 30 0 secs/step (sys) = 0.15 Step 880 of 1440 mtime= 80 14 40 0 secs/step (sys) = 0.15 Step 890 of 1440 mtime= 80 14 50 0 secs/step (sys) = 0.15 Step 900 of 1440 mtime= 80 15 0 0 secs/step (sys) = 0.15 Wrote secondary history 80,15, 0 to tiegcm.scntr_mareqx_smin_001.nc ( 15 of 24) Step 910 of 1440 mtime= 80 15 10 0 secs/step (sys) = 0.15 Step 920 of 1440 mtime= 80 15 20 0 secs/step (sys) = 0.15 Step 930 of 1440 mtime= 80 15 30 0 secs/step (sys) = 0.15 Step 940 of 1440 mtime= 80 15 40 0 secs/step (sys) = 0.15 Step 950 of 1440 mtime= 80 15 50 0 secs/step (sys) = 0.15 Step 960 of 1440 mtime= 80 16 0 0 secs/step (sys) = 0.15 Wrote secondary history 80,16, 0 to tiegcm.scntr_mareqx_smin_001.nc ( 16 of 24) Step 970 of 1440 mtime= 80 16 10 0 secs/step (sys) = 0.15 Step 980 of 1440 mtime= 80 16 20 0 secs/step (sys) = 0.15 Step 990 of 1440 mtime= 80 16 30 0 secs/step (sys) = 0.15 Step 1000 of 1440 mtime= 80 16 40 0 secs/step (sys) = 0.15 Step 1010 of 1440 mtime= 80 16 50 0 secs/step (sys) = 0.15 Step 1020 of 1440 mtime= 80 17 0 0 secs/step (sys) = 0.15 Wrote secondary history 80,17, 0 to tiegcm.scntr_mareqx_smin_001.nc ( 17 of 24) Step 1030 of 1440 mtime= 80 17 10 0 secs/step (sys) = 0.15 Step 1040 of 1440 mtime= 80 17 20 0 secs/step (sys) = 0.15 Step 1050 of 1440 mtime= 80 17 30 0 secs/step (sys) = 0.15 Step 1060 of 1440 mtime= 80 17 40 0 secs/step (sys) = 0.15 Step 1070 of 1440 mtime= 80 17 50 0 secs/step (sys) = 0.15 Step 1080 of 1440 mtime= 80 18 0 0 secs/step (sys) = 0.15 Wrote secondary history 80,18, 0 to tiegcm.scntr_mareqx_smin_001.nc ( 18 of 24) Step 1090 of 1440 mtime= 80 18 10 0 secs/step (sys) = 0.15 Step 1100 of 1440 mtime= 80 18 20 0 secs/step (sys) = 0.15 Step 1110 of 1440 mtime= 80 18 30 0 secs/step (sys) = 0.15 Step 1120 of 1440 mtime= 80 18 40 0 secs/step (sys) = 0.15 Step 1130 of 1440 mtime= 80 18 50 0 secs/step (sys) = 0.15 Step 1140 of 1440 mtime= 80 19 0 0 secs/step (sys) = 0.15 Wrote secondary history 80,19, 0 to tiegcm.scntr_mareqx_smin_001.nc ( 19 of 24) Step 1150 of 1440 mtime= 80 19 10 0 secs/step (sys) = 0.15 Step 1160 of 1440 mtime= 80 19 20 0 secs/step (sys) = 0.15 Step 1170 of 1440 mtime= 80 19 30 0 secs/step (sys) = 0.15 Step 1180 of 1440 mtime= 80 19 40 0 secs/step (sys) = 0.15 Step 1190 of 1440 mtime= 80 19 50 0 secs/step (sys) = 0.16 Step 1200 of 1440 mtime= 80 20 0 0 secs/step (sys) = 0.16 Wrote secondary history 80,20, 0 to tiegcm.scntr_mareqx_smin_001.nc ( 20 of 24) Step 1210 of 1440 mtime= 80 20 10 0 secs/step (sys) = 0.15 Step 1220 of 1440 mtime= 80 20 20 0 secs/step (sys) = 0.15 Step 1230 of 1440 mtime= 80 20 30 0 secs/step (sys) = 0.15 Step 1240 of 1440 mtime= 80 20 40 0 secs/step (sys) = 0.15 Step 1250 of 1440 mtime= 80 20 50 0 secs/step (sys) = 0.15 Step 1260 of 1440 mtime= 80 21 0 0 secs/step (sys) = 0.15 Wrote secondary history 80,21, 0 to tiegcm.scntr_mareqx_smin_001.nc ( 21 of 24) Step 1270 of 1440 mtime= 80 21 10 0 secs/step (sys) = 0.15 Step 1280 of 1440 mtime= 80 21 20 0 secs/step (sys) = 0.15 Step 1290 of 1440 mtime= 80 21 30 0 secs/step (sys) = 0.15 Step 1300 of 1440 mtime= 80 21 40 0 secs/step (sys) = 0.15 Step 1310 of 1440 mtime= 80 21 50 0 secs/step (sys) = 0.15 Step 1320 of 1440 mtime= 80 22 0 0 secs/step (sys) = 0.15 Wrote secondary history 80,22, 0 to tiegcm.scntr_mareqx_smin_001.nc ( 22 of 24) Step 1330 of 1440 mtime= 80 22 10 0 secs/step (sys) = 0.15 Step 1340 of 1440 mtime= 80 22 20 0 secs/step (sys) = 0.15 Step 1350 of 1440 mtime= 80 22 30 0 secs/step (sys) = 0.15 Step 1360 of 1440 mtime= 80 22 40 0 secs/step (sys) = 0.15 Step 1370 of 1440 mtime= 80 22 50 0 secs/step (sys) = 0.15 Step 1380 of 1440 mtime= 80 23 0 0 secs/step (sys) = 0.15 Wrote secondary history 80,23, 0 to tiegcm.scntr_mareqx_smin_001.nc ( 23 of 24) Step 1390 of 1440 mtime= 80 23 10 0 secs/step (sys) = 0.15 Step 1400 of 1440 mtime= 80 23 20 0 secs/step (sys) = 0.15 Step 1410 of 1440 mtime= 80 23 30 0 secs/step (sys) = 0.15 Step 1420 of 1440 mtime= 80 23 40 0 secs/step (sys) = 0.15 Step 1430 of 1440 mtime= 80 23 50 0 secs/step (sys) = 0.15 Advancing day (previous,present)= 80 2002 81 2002 sfeps= 0.1007E+01 Step 1440 of 1440 mtime= 81 0 0 0 secs/step (sys) = 0.15 Wrote primary history 81, 0, 0 to tiegcm.pcntr_mareqx_smin_001.nc ( 2 of 2) Wrote secondary history 81, 0, 0 to tiegcm.scntr_mareqx_smin_001.nc ( 24 of 24) MPI run with ntask = 4 nstep= 1440 step= 60 Model simulation time hours= 24.00 days= 1.00 Cpu time for run = 221.09 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total wallclock time mins= 4.04 hours= 0.07 Total MPI timing mins= 0.2880E+00 hours= 0.4801E-02 %Total runtime= 7.12 Subroutine Time (mins) %Total mpi %Total run mp_gather2root_prim 0.6965E-02 2.42 0.17 mp_gather2root_sech 0.5550E-02 1.93 0.14 mp_gather2root_lbc 0.8515E-04 0.03 0.00 mp_bndlats 0.2675E-01 9.29 0.66 mp_bndlats_f2d 0.2000E-02 0.69 0.05 mp_bndlons 0.2378E-01 8.26 0.59 mp_bndlons_f3d 0.3626E-01 12.59 0.90 mp_polelats 0.4027E-01 13.98 1.00 mp_polelat_f3d 0.9236E-02 3.21 0.23 mp_gatherlons_f3d 0.2835E-01 9.84 0.70 mp_scatterlons_f3d 0.1474E-01 5.12 0.36 mp_periodic_f4d 0.1473E-01 5.11 0.36 mp_periodic_f3d 0.1156E-01 4.01 0.29 mp_periodic_f2d 0.5169E-03 0.18 0.01 mp_bndlats_kmh 0.5201E-03 0.18 0.01 mp_bndlons_kmh 0.6021E-03 0.21 0.01 mp_mageq 0.2385E-02 0.83 0.06 mp_mageq_jpm1 0.3030E-01 10.52 0.75 mp_mageq_jpm3 0.2628E-02 0.91 0.06 mp_magpole_2d 0.4535E-02 1.57 0.11 mp_magpole_3d 0.2903E-04 0.01 0.00 mp_magpoles 0.1092E-02 0.38 0.03 mp_conjugate_points 0.2464E-06 0.00 0.00 mp_foldhem 0.6090E-02 2.11 0.15 mp_mag_periodic_f2d 0.3398E-02 1.18 0.08 mp_gather_pdyn 0.9455E-02 3.28 0.23 mp_mag_halos 0.1496E-02 0.52 0.04 mp_geo_halos 0.0000E+00 0.00 0.00 mp_geo_halos_f3d 0.4010E-02 1.39 0.10 mp_scatter_coeff1 mp_scatter_phim 0.2837E-03 0.10 0.01 mp_gather_f2d 0.1055E-02 0.37 0.03 mp_scatter_f2d 0.1701E-03 0.06 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Report MPI wall-clock timing (mpi_wtime) mytid= 0 istep= 1440 nstep= 1440 Total Time (mins) in 'pefield ' = 0.1437E+00 ( 3.55% of total run time) Total Time (mins) in 'dynamo_inputs ' = 0.5095E+00 ( 12.60% of total run time) Total Time (mins) in 'pdynamo_fieldline_integrals ' = 0.6748E-01 ( 1.67% of total run time) Total Time (mins) in 'pdynamo_complete_integrals ' = 0.3988E-01 ( 0.99% of total run time) Total Time (mins) in 'pdynamo_rhspde ' = 0.2649E-03 ( 0.01% of total run time) Total Time (mins) in 'stencils ' = 0.1488E-01 ( 0.37% of total run time) T1 MPI run with ntask = 4 Total Time (mins) in 'highlat_poten ' = 0.3768E-03 ( 0.01% of total run time) Total Time (mins) in 'pthreed ' = 0.4948E+00 ( 12.24% of total run time) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ TIMER (system_clock) Elapsed run time = 242.63 (secs) 4.04 (mins) 0.07 (hrs) Elapsed init time = 5.78 secs, 0.002 hrs, 2.4% (includes source i/o) Elapsed step time = 215.26 secs, 0.060 hrs, 88.7% Elapsed prep time = 257.07 secs, 0.071 hrs, 106.0% Elapsed apxparm time= 0.27 secs, 0.000 hrs, 100.0% Elapsed dynamics = 117.22 secs, 0.033 hrs, 48.3% Elapsed qrj = 15.92 secs, 0.004 hrs, 6.6% Elapsed oplus = 12.91 secs, 0.004 hrs, 5.3% Elapsed cmpminor = 19.31 secs, 0.005 hrs, 8.0% (n4s,n2d,no) Elapsed cmpmajor = 12.70 secs, 0.004 hrs, 5.2% (o2, o, he) Elapsed dt = 2.80 secs, 0.001 hrs, 1.2% Elapsed duv = 6.77 secs, 0.002 hrs, 2.8% Elapsed pdynamo = 42.06 secs, 0.012 hrs, 17.3% Elapsed magpres_grav= 3.72 secs, 0.001 hrs, 1.5% Elapsed i/o = 23.59 secs, 0.007 hrs, 9.7% Elapsed Primary io = 2.01 secs, 0.001 hrs, 0.8% Elapsed Secondary = 21.58 secs, 0.006 hrs, 8.9% Average secs/step = 0.15 Average mins/simulated day = 4.04 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ End execution of tiegcm_trunk at 12/22/15 143045 NORMAL EXIT