module current ! ! This software is part of the NCAR TIE-GCM. Use is governed by the ! Open Source Academic Research License Agreement contained in the file ! tiegcmlicense.txt. ! ! Calculate plasma current diagnostics. ! ! Subroutines in this module is called only when namelist parameter ! current_kq > 0. Calling these routines will seriously degrade performance ! of the model as a whole. ! ! Subs noso_coef and noso_crrt are serial, called by the root task only. ! Sub noso_crdens is parallel on magnetic subdomains, called by all tasks. ! ! Sub noso_coef is called by stub sub nosocoef (at end of this file), ! which is called from sub complete_integrals (pdynamo.F) by the ! root task only. This is necessary to avoid circular dependency. ! Sub noso_crrt is called from advance by the root task after pdynamo. ! Sub noso_crdens is called from advance by all tasks. ! use params_module,only: nmlon,nmlonp1,nmlat,nmlevp1,nmlath ! ! Global integrated conductivities are available only on the root task: ! use pdynamo_module,only: & zigm11_glb,zigm22_glb,zigmc_glb,zigm2_glb,rhs_glb,rim_glb,nmlon0 use addfld_module,only: addfld use diags_module,only: mkdiag_JE13D, mkdiag_JE23D, mkdiag_KQLAM, & mkdiag_KQPHI, mkdiag_JQR implicit none real,parameter :: unitv(nmlon)=1. real,dimension(nmlon0,nmlat,10) :: nscoef ! nmlon0==nmlonp1 real,dimension(nmlon0,nmlat) :: nscrrt contains !----------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine noso_coef ! ! am_02/02: calculate the coefficient stencil for both hemisphere which ! is used to calculate the height integrated current densities ! K_(q,phi)K_(q,lam) ! use cons_module,only: dlatm,dlonm,pi,r0 ! ! Local: ! integer :: i,j,jnpole,jspole,n,jn,js,je real :: dfac,dfac1n,dfac1s,dfac2n,dfac2s real,dimension(nmlonp1,nmlat) :: nszigmc,nszigm2,nszigm11,nszigm22,nsrhs real,dimension(0:nmlon0+1,nmlat) :: array real :: cs(nmlat) ! ! Externals: real,external :: sddot ! in util.F ! ! Init: ! nszigmc = 0. nszigm2 = 0. nszigm11 = 0. nszigm22 = 0. nsrhs = 0. ! ! Calculate magnetic latitude cosin array ! do j = 1,nmlat ! -pi/2 to pi/2 cs(j) = cos(-pi/2.+(j-1)*dlatm) enddo ! ! Reverse sign of ZIGMC to be compatible with Cicely's (richmond) ! Calculate difference ! for zigmc & zigm2 no sign change because values from the ! corresponding hemisphere are used ! zigmc : sum_{phi lam} = +/(-) (sum_H - sum_C) -> C Ridley ! zigm2 : sum_{lam phi} = -/(+) (sum_H + sum_C) -> D Ridley ! zigm11: sum_{phi phi} -> A Ridley ! zigm22: sum_{lam lam} -> B Ridley ! ! factors from difference quotients and derivatives ! 4.*dlatm*dlonm for mixed terms zigmc and zigm2 ! dlatm**2 or dlonm**2 for zigm22 and zigm11 ! ! factor cosin (cs and 1/cs) from pde for zigm22 and zigm11 ! dfac = 4.*dlatm*dlonm do j = 2,nmlat-1 ! 2,96 not value at the poles dfac1n = cs(j)/dlatm**2 dfac2n = cs(j)*dlonm**2 do i = 1,nmlonp1 nszigmc(i,j) = -zigmc_glb(i,j) nszigmc(i,j) = (nszigmc(i,j)+zigm2_glb(i,j))/dfac nszigm2(i,j) = nszigmc(i,j)-2.*zigm2_glb(i,j)/dfac nszigm22(i,j) = zigm22_glb(i,j)*dfac1n nszigm11(i,j) = zigm11_glb(i,j)/dfac2n enddo enddo ! ! Change sign for values at equator maybe not necessary, but ! then the sign for coefficient has to be changed too ! j = (nmlat+1)/2.0 do i = 1,nmlonp1 nszigmc(i,j) = -nszigmc(i,j) nszigm2(i,j) = -nszigm2(i,j) enddo jnpole = nmlat jspole = 1 dfac1n = cs(jnpole)/dlatm**2 dfac1s = cs(jspole)/dlatm**2 ! is not necessary cos symmetric do i = 1,nmlonp1 nszigmc (i,jnpole) = -zigmc_glb(i,jnpole) nszigmc (i,jnpole) = (nszigmc(i,jnpole)+zigm2_glb(i,jnpole))/dfac nszigm2 (i,jnpole) = nszigmc(i,jnpole)-2.*zigm2_glb(i,jnpole)/dfac nszigm22(i,jnpole) = zigm22_glb(i,jnpole)*dfac1n nszigmc (i,jspole) = -zigmc_glb(i,jspole) nszigmc (i,jspole) = (nszigmc(i,jspole)+zigm2_glb(i,jspole))/dfac nszigm2 (i,jspole) = nszigmc(i,jspole)-2.*zigm2_glb(i,jspole)/dfac nszigm22(i,jspole) = zigm22_glb(i,jspole)*dfac1s ! ! Set zigm11 to zero at the magnetic poles (1 and 97) to avoid floating ! point exception (values at the poles are not used) ! nszigm11(i,jnpole) = 0.0 nszigm11(i,jspole) = 0.0 enddo ! ! Clear array for difference stencil over north and south hemisphere ! nscoef = 0.0 ! ! Calculate contribution to stencil from each pde coefficient ! one at a time because of smaller working arrays ! call nsstencil(nszigm11,nmlon0,nmlat,nscoef,array,1,nmlath) call nsstencil(nszigm22,nmlon0,nmlat,nscoef,array,4,nmlath) call nsstencil(nszigmc ,nmlon0,nmlat,nscoef,array,2,nmlath) call nsstencil(nszigm2 ,nmlon0,nmlat,nscoef,array,3,nmlath) ! ! Set boundary conditions at pole ! value change from 1.0 to 0.5 for each hemisphere ! do i = 1,nmlon0 do n = 1,8 nscoef(i,nmlat,n) = 0. nscoef(i,1,n) = 0. enddo nscoef(i,nmlat,9) = 0.5 nscoef(i,1,9) = 0.5 enddo ! ! Divide stencil by cos(theta) ! do j = 2,nmlat-1 do n = 1,9 nscoef(:,j,n) = nscoef(:,j,n)/cs(j) enddo enddo ! ! Calculate right hand side of pde from rim_glb(1) and rim_glb(2) ! do js = 2,nmlath-1 ! 2,48 south pole-1 to equator-1 jn = js+nmlath-1 ! 50,96 equator-1 to north pole-1 ! ! Differentiate rim(1) w.r.t lambda ! do i = 2,nmlon-1 nsrhs(i,js) = 1.0/(dlonm*cs(js))*0.5*(rim_glb(i+1,js,1)-rim_glb(i-1,js,1)) nsrhs(i,jn) = 1.0/(dlonm*cs(jn))*0.5*(rim_glb(i+1,jn,1)-rim_glb(i-1,jn,1)) enddo ! ! Values at the poles ! nsrhs(1,js) = 1.0/(dlonm*cs(js))*0.5*(rim_glb(2,js,1)-rim_glb(nmlon,js,1)) nsrhs(1,jn) = 1.0/(dlonm*cs(jn))*0.5*(rim_glb(2,jn,1)-rim_glb(nmlon,jn,1)) nsrhs(nmlon,js) = 1.0/(dlonm*cs(js))*0.5*(rim_glb(1,js,1)-rim_glb(nmlon-1,js,1)) nsrhs(nmlon,jn) = 1.0/(dlonm*cs(jn))*0.5*(rim_glb(1,jn,1)-rim_glb(nmlon-1,jn,1)) enddo ! ! Differentiate rim(2) w.r.t theta0 ! do js = 2,nmlath-1 ! 2,48 south pole -1 to equator-1 jn = js+nmlath-1 ! 50,96 equator+1 to north pole-1 do i = 1,nmlon nsrhs(i,js) = nsrhs(i,js) - 1.0/(dlatm*cs(js))*0.5* & (rim_glb(i,js+1,2)*cs(js+1)-rim_glb(i,js-1,2)*cs(js-1)) nsrhs(i,jn) = nsrhs(i,jn) + 1.0/(dlatm*cs(jn))*0.5* & (rim_glb(i,jn+1,2)*cs(jn+1)-rim_glb(i,jn-1,2)*cs(jn-1)) enddo enddo ! ! Calculate value at the poles by averaging over i:nmlon ! nsrhs(1,nmlat) = -2./float(nmlon)*sddot(nmlon,unitv,rim_glb(1,nmlat-1,2))/cs(nmlat-1) nsrhs(1,1) = -2./float(nmlon)*sddot(nmlon,unitv,rim_glb(1,2,2))/cs(2) ! ! Extend over longitude ! nsrhs(:,nmlat) = nsrhs(1,nmlat) nsrhs(:,1) = nsrhs(1,1) ! ! note: for calculating J_mr values with the stencil at the equator not used ! note: for the test case tstjmrim when both hemisphere are added together ! get double values at the equator, since no seperate value for south and ! north of the equator, at the equator jump in rhs, therefore values ! doubled at equator ! note: nsrhs stencil is the same as rhs in transf.f if average (north & south ! of equator is taken for derivative in lam direction ! note: introduced 0.5 to fit coefficient stencil = double nscoef(49) ! for consistency also for nsrhs: c0(j=49,10) = double nsrhs(49) ! je = nmlath i = 1 nsrhs(i,je) = 0.5/dlonm*(rim_glb(i+1,je,1)-rim_glb(nmlon,je,1)) nsrhs(i,je) = nsrhs(i,je) + 1./dlatm*(cs(je)* & rim_glb(i,je,2)+ cs(je+1)*rim_glb(i,je+1,2)) nsrhs(i,je) = nsrhs(i,je) + 1./dlatm*(cs(je)* & rim_glb(i,je,2)+ cs(je-1)*rim_glb(i,je-1,2)) nsrhs(i,je) = 0.5*nsrhs(i,je) ! do i = 2,nmlon-1 nsrhs(i,je) = 0.5/dlonm*(rim_glb(i+1,je,1)-rim_glb(i-1,je,1)) nsrhs(i,je) = nsrhs(i,je) + 1./dlatm*(cs(je)* & rim_glb(i,je,2)+ cs(je+1)*rim_glb(i,je+1,2)) nsrhs(i,je) = nsrhs(i,je) + 1./dlatm*(cs(je)* & rim_glb(i,je,2)+ cs(je-1)*rim_glb(i,je-1,2)) nsrhs(i,je) = 0.5*nsrhs(i,je) enddo ! i = nmlon nsrhs(i,je) = 0.5/dlonm*(rim_glb(1,je,1)-rim_glb(i-1,je,1)) nsrhs(i,je) = nsrhs(i,je) + 1./dlatm*(cs(je)* & rim_glb(i,je,2)+ cs(je+1)*rim_glb(i,je+1,2)) nsrhs(i,je) = nsrhs(i,je) + 1./dlatm*(cs(je)* & rim_glb(i,je,2)+ cs(je-1)*rim_glb(i,je-1,2)) nsrhs(i,je) = 0.5*nsrhs(i,je) ! ! Periodic points ! nsrhs(nmlonp1,:) = nsrhs(1,:) ! ! Scale rhs by refernce radius (R_E + H0) in meters dfac = r0*1e-2 ! dfac = r0*1.0e-2 nsrhs(:,:) = nsrhs(:,:)*dfac ! ! Insert nsrhs into coefficient : from south to north pole ! and divide by cos(theta) =1.0 not necessary ! ! nscoef(:,:,10) = nsrhs(:,:) ! ! Set value of solution to 1.0 at poles ! change control later with equilibrium ! nscoef(:,nmlat,10) = 0.5 nscoef(:,1,10) = 0.5 end subroutine noso_coef !----------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine nsstencil(zigm,nmlon0,nmlat,nscoef,array,ncoef,nmlath) ! ! Args: integer,intent(in):: nmlon0,nmlat,ncoef,nmlath real,intent(in) :: zigm(nmlon0,nmlat) real,intent(out) :: nscoef(nmlon0,nmlat,10),array(0:nmlon0+1,nmlat) ! ! Local: integer :: i,j ! ! Copy zigm (south to north pole) into array (south to north pole) ! check: is this change necessary? ! do j = 1,nmlat ! 1,97 do i = 1,nmlon0 array(i,j) = zigm(i,j) enddo enddo ! ! Extend over 32 grid spaces to alow a total of five grid levels ! check: is this necessary because no solving with these coefficients? ! i = 1 do j = 1,nmlat array(i-1,j) = array(nmlon0-i,j) array(nmlon0+i,j) = array(1+i,j) enddo ! ! Calculate contribution to stencil for each grid point ! call nscnm(array,nmlon0,nmlat,nscoef,ncoef,nmlath) end subroutine nsstencil !----------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine nscnm(array,nmlon0,nmlat,nsc,ncoef,nmlath) ! ! calculate contribution for each zigm ! the diagonial dominance of the stencil is not checked ! since the coefficients are not used for solving ! one reason for difference between added north-south ! and seperated north south hemisphere ! ! stencil for southern hemisphere changed, since ! also for the southern hemisphere latudinal counts from ! the equator to the south pole as for the northern hemisphere ! from the equator to the north pole ! nsc(i,j,n) n: ! northern hemisphere stencil n=(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) ! southern hemisphere stencil n=(1,-8,-7,-5,-4,-2,9) ! ! values at the equator (j=49): not separeted for northern and southern ! hemisphere- only one stencil and later in nscrrt equally ! distributed to northern and southern hemisphere ! ! Args: integer,intent(in) :: nmlon0,nmlat,ncoef,nmlath real,intent(in) :: array(0:nmlon0+1,nmlat) real,intent(out) :: nsc(nmlon0,nmlat,10) ! ! Local: integer :: i,j,js,jn ! ! Check: what's about boundary equator values for nsc, why not used? ! Calculate contribution for zigm11 ! if (ncoef==1) then do j = 2,nmlath-1 ! 2,48 not value at the pols (jn=97 js=1) jn = nmlath+j-1 ! 50,96 northern hemisphere js = nmlath-j+1 ! 48,2 southern hemisphere ! do i = 1,nmlon0 nsc(i,jn,1) = nsc(i,jn,1)+.5*(array(i,jn)+array(i+1,jn)) nsc(i,jn,5) = nsc(i,jn,5)+.5*(array(i,jn)+array(i-1,jn)) nsc(i,jn,9) = nsc(i,jn,9)-.5*(array(i+1,jn)+2.*array(i,jn)+array(i-1,jn)) nsc(i,js,1) = nsc(i,js,1)+.5*(array(i,js)+array(i+1,js)) nsc(i,js,5) = nsc(i,js,5)+.5*(array(i,js)+array(i-1,js)) nsc(i,js,9) = nsc(i,js,9)-.5*(array(i+1,js)+2.*array(i,js)+array(i-1,js)) enddo enddo ! ! am 2001-6-27 include boundary condition at equator ! do i = 1,nmlon0 nsc(i,nmlath,1) = nsc(i,nmlath,1)+.5*(array(i,nmlath)+array(i+1,nmlath)) nsc(i,nmlath,5) = nsc(i,nmlath,5)+.5*(array(i,nmlath)+array(i-1,nmlath)) nsc(i,nmlath,9) = nsc(i,nmlath,9)-.5*(array(i+1,nmlath)+ & 2.*array(i,nmlath)+array(i-1,nmlath)) enddo ! ! Calculate contribution for zigm12 (=ZIGMC+ZIGM2) ! elseif (ncoef==2) then do j = 2,nmlath-1 ! 2,48 not value at the pols (jn=97 js=1) jn = nmlath+j-1 ! 50,96 northern hemisphere js = nmlath-j+1 ! 48,2 southern hemisphere ! do i = 1,nmlon0 nsc(i,jn,2) = nsc(i,jn,2)+.5*(array(i,jn)+array(i+1,jn)) nsc(i,jn,4) = nsc(i,jn,4)-.5*(array(i,jn)+array(i-1,jn)) nsc(i,jn,6) = nsc(i,jn,6)+.5*(array(i,jn)+array(i-1,jn)) nsc(i,jn,8) = nsc(i,jn,8)-.5*(array(i,jn)+array(i+1,jn)) nsc(i,jn,3) = nsc(i,jn,3)+.5*(-array(i-1,jn)+array(i+1,jn)) nsc(i,jn,7) = nsc(i,jn,7)-.5*(-array(i-1,jn)+array(i+1,jn)) nsc(i,js,2)=nsc(i,js,2)+.5*(array(i,js)+array(i+1,js)) nsc(i,js,4)=nsc(i,js,4)-.5*(array(i,js)+array(i-1,js)) nsc(i,js,6)=nsc(i,js,6)+.5*(array(i,js)+array(i-1,js)) nsc(i,js,8)=nsc(i,js,8)-.5*(array(i,js)+array(i+1,js)) nsc(i,js,3)=nsc(i,js,3)+.5*(-array(i-1,js)+array(i+1,js)) nsc(i,js,7)=nsc(i,js,7)-.5*(-array(i-1,js)+array(i+1,js)) enddo enddo elseif (ncoef==3) then ! ! Calculate contribution for zigm21 (=ZIGMC-ZIGM2) ! do j = 3,nmlath-1 ! 3,48 not value at the pols (jn=97 js=1) jn = nmlath+j-1 ! 51,96 northern hemisphere js = nmlath-j+1 ! 47,2 southern hemisphere ! do i = 1,nmlon0 nsc(i,jn,2) = nsc(i,jn,2)+.5*(array(i,jn)+array(i,jn+1)) nsc(i,jn,4) = nsc(i,jn,4)-.5*(array(i,jn)+array(i,jn+1)) nsc(i,jn,6) = nsc(i,jn,6)+.5*(array(i,jn)+array(i,jn-1)) nsc(i,jn,8) = nsc(i,jn,8)-.5*(array(i,jn)+array(i,jn-1)) nsc(i,jn,1) = nsc(i,jn,1)+.5*(array(i,jn+1)-array(i,jn-1)) nsc(i,jn,5) = nsc(i,jn,5)-.5*(array(i,jn+1)-array(i,jn-1)) nsc(i,js,8)=nsc(i,js,8)-.5*(array(i,js)+array(i,js+1)) nsc(i,js,6)=nsc(i,js,6)+.5*(array(i,js)+array(i,js+1)) nsc(i,js,4)=nsc(i,js,4)-.5*(array(i,js)+array(i,js-1)) nsc(i,js,2)=nsc(i,js,2)+.5*(array(i,js)+array(i,js-1)) nsc(i,js,1)=nsc(i,js,1)-.5*(array(i,js+1)-array(i,js-1)) nsc(i,js,5)=nsc(i,js,5)+.5*(array(i,js+1)-array(i,js-1)) enddo enddo ! j = 2 ! 2 change in sign for equatorial values jn = nmlath+j-1 ! 50 northern hemisphere js = nmlath-j+1 ! 48 southern hemisphere ! do i = 1,nmlon0 !am2001-7-3 nsc(i,jn,2) = nsc(i,jn,2)+.5*(array(i,jn)+array(i,jn+1)) nsc(i,jn,4) = nsc(i,jn,4)-.5*(array(i,jn)+array(i,jn+1)) nsc(i,jn,6) = nsc(i,jn,6)+.5*(array(i,jn)-array(i,jn-1)) nsc(i,jn,8) = nsc(i,jn,8)-.5*(array(i,jn)-array(i,jn-1)) nsc(i,jn,1) = nsc(i,jn,1)+.5*(array(i,jn+1)+array(i,jn-1)) nsc(i,jn,5) = nsc(i,jn,5)-.5*(array(i,jn+1)+array(i,jn-1)) ! nsc(i,js,8)=nsc(i,js,8)-.5*(array(i,js)-array(i,js+1)) nsc(i,js,6)=nsc(i,js,6)+.5*(array(i,js)-array(i,js+1)) nsc(i,js,4)=nsc(i,js,4)-.5*(array(i,js)+array(i,js-1)) nsc(i,js,2)=nsc(i,js,2)+.5*(array(i,js)+array(i,js-1)) nsc(i,js,1)=nsc(i,js,1)-.5*(-array(i,js+1)-array(i,js-1)) nsc(i,js,5)=nsc(i,js,5)+.5*(-array(i,js+1)-array(i,js-1)) enddo ! ! Low latitude boundary conditions: contribution from zigm21(i,j-1/2)=0 ! j = 1 jn = nmlath+j-1 ! 49 js = nmlath-j+1 ! 49 ! do i = 1,nmlon0 nsc(i,jn,2) = nsc(i,jn,2)+.25*(-array(i,jn)+array(i,jn+1)) nsc(i,jn,4) = nsc(i,jn,4)-.25*(-array(i,jn)+array(i,jn+1)) nsc(i,jn,1) = nsc(i,jn,1)+.25*(-array(i,jn)+array(i,jn+1)) nsc(i,jn,5) = nsc(i,jn,5)-.25*(-array(i,jn)+array(i,jn+1)) nsc(i,jn,2) = nsc(i,jn,2)+.25*(-array(i,js)+array(i,js-1)) nsc(i,jn,4) = nsc(i,jn,4)-.25*(-array(i,js)+array(i,js-1)) nsc(i,jn,1) = nsc(i,jn,1)-.25*(array(i,js)-array(i,js-1)) nsc(i,jn,5) = nsc(i,jn,5)+.25*(array(i,js)-array(i,js-1)) enddo ! ! Calculate contribution for zigm22 ! elseif (ncoef==4) then do j = 2,nmlath-1 ! 2,48 not value at the pols (jn=97 js=1) jn = nmlath+j-1 ! 50,96 northern hemisphere js = nmlath-j+1 ! 48,2 southern hemisphere ! do i = 1,nmlon0 nsc(i,jn,3) = nsc(i,jn,3)+.5*(array(i,jn)+array(i,jn+1)) nsc(i,jn,7) = nsc(i,jn,7)+.5*(array(i,jn)+array(i,jn-1)) nsc(i,jn,9) = nsc(i,jn,9)-.5*(array(i,jn-1)+2.0*array(i,jn)+array(i,jn+1)) nsc(i,js,7)=nsc(i,js,7)+.5*(array(i,js)+array(i,js+1)) nsc(i,js,3)=nsc(i,js,3)+.5*(array(i,js)+array(i,js-1)) nsc(i,js,9)=nsc(i,js,9)-.5*(array(i,js-1)+2.0*array(i,js)+ array(i,js+1)) enddo enddo ! ! Low latitude boundary conditions: contribution from zigm22(i,j-1/2)=0 ! j = 1 jn = nmlath+j-1 ! 49 js = nmlath-j+1 ! 49 do i = 1,nmlon0 nsc(i,jn,3) = nsc(i,jn,3)+.25*(array(i,jn)+array(i,jn+1)) nsc(i,jn,9) = nsc(i,jn,9)-.25*(array(i,jn)+array(i,jn+1)) ! am 2001-7-02 otherwise double coefficients nsc(i,jn,3)=nsc(i,jn,3)+.25*(array(i,js)+array(i,js-1)) nsc(i,jn,9)=nsc(i,jn,9)-.25*(array(i,js-1)+array(i,js)) enddo endif ! ncoef == 1,2,3 or 4 end subroutine nscnm !----------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine noso_crrt use cons_module,only: dt0dts,rcos0s,pi,r0,re,ylatm use mpi_module,only: mlon0,mlon1,mlat0,mlat1,mp_allgather_2d use pdynamo_module,only: phim=>phim_glb ! (nmlonp1,nmlat) on root task only ! ! Calculate current for both hemisphere: ! [stencil*potential -RHS] = R**2 * J_mr / dt0dts / rcos0s ! ! Local: integer :: j,i,k,n,jmod,jmin,jmax,jn,js real :: vtmp,r0sq,fac,facmax,lat,lmin,lmax,pol real,dimension(nmlonp1,nmlat,nmlevp1) :: tout ! ! External: real,external :: sddot ! in util.F ! nscrrt = 0.0 i = 1 j = nmlath ! equator set J_mr = 0 nscrrt(i,j) = 0.0 ! do j = 2,nmlath-1 ! 2,48 no poles jn = nmlath+j-1 ! 50,96 nhem js = nmlath-j+1 ! 48,2 shem ! contribution of stencil ! Northern hemisphere ! nscrrt(i,jn) = nscoef(i,jn,1)*phim(i+1,jn) nscrrt(i,jn) = nscrrt(i,jn) + nscoef(i,jn,2)*phim(i+1,jn+1) nscrrt(i,jn) = nscrrt(i,jn) + nscoef(i,jn,3)*phim(i ,jn+1) nscrrt(i,jn) = nscrrt(i,jn) + nscoef(i,jn,4)*phim(nmlon0-1,jn+1) nscrrt(i,jn) = nscrrt(i,jn) + nscoef(i,jn,5)*phim(nmlon0-1,jn) nscrrt(i,jn) = nscrrt(i,jn) + nscoef(i,jn,6)*phim(nmlon0-1,jn-1) nscrrt(i,jn) = nscrrt(i,jn) + nscoef(i,jn,7)*phim(i ,jn-1) nscrrt(i,jn) = nscrrt(i,jn) + nscoef(i,jn,8)*phim(i+1,jn-1) nscrrt(i,jn) = nscrrt(i,jn) + nscoef(i,jn,9)*phim(i ,jn) nscrrt(i,jn) = nscrrt(i,jn) - nscoef(i,jn,10) ! ! Southern hemisphere ! nscrrt(i,js)= nscoef(i,js,1)*phim(i+1,js) nscrrt(i,js)=nscrrt(i,js)+nscoef(i,js,2)*phim(i+1,js-1) nscrrt(i,js)=nscrrt(i,js)+nscoef(i,js,3)*phim(i ,js-1) nscrrt(i,js)=nscrrt(i,js)+nscoef(i,js,4)*phim(nmlon0-1,js-1) nscrrt(i,js)=nscrrt(i,js)+nscoef(i,js,5)*phim(nmlon0-1,js) nscrrt(i,js)=nscrrt(i,js)+nscoef(i,js,6)*phim(nmlon0-1,js+1) nscrrt(i,js)=nscrrt(i,js)+nscoef(i,js,7)*phim(i ,js+1) nscrrt(i,js)=nscrrt(i,js)+nscoef(i,js,8)*phim(i+1,js+1) nscrrt(i,js)=nscrrt(i,js)+nscoef(i,js,9)*phim(i ,js) nscrrt(i,js)=nscrrt(i,js)-nscoef(i,js,10) enddo ! j=2,nmlath-1 do i = 2,nmlon0-1 ! 2,80 nscrrt(i,nmlath) = 0.0 ! equator do j = 2,nmlath-1 ! 2,48 no poles jn = nmlath+j-1 ! 50,96 nhem js = nmlath-j+1 ! 48,2 shem ! contribution of stencil ! Northern hemisphere ! nscrrt(i,jn) = nscoef(i,jn,1)*phim(i+1,jn) nscrrt(i,jn) = nscrrt(i,jn) + nscoef(i,jn,2)*phim(i+1,jn+1) nscrrt(i,jn) = nscrrt(i,jn) + nscoef(i,jn,3)*phim(i ,jn+1) nscrrt(i,jn) = nscrrt(i,jn) + nscoef(i,jn,4)*phim(i-1,jn+1) nscrrt(i,jn) = nscrrt(i,jn) + nscoef(i,jn,5)*phim(i-1,jn) nscrrt(i,jn) = nscrrt(i,jn) + nscoef(i,jn,6)*phim(i-1,jn-1) nscrrt(i,jn) = nscrrt(i,jn) + nscoef(i,jn,7)*phim(i ,jn-1) nscrrt(i,jn) = nscrrt(i,jn) + nscoef(i,jn,8)*phim(i+1,jn-1) nscrrt(i,jn) = nscrrt(i,jn) + nscoef(i,jn,9)*phim(i ,jn) nscrrt(i,jn) = nscrrt(i,jn) - nscoef(i,jn,10) ! ! Southern hemisphere ! nscrrt(i,js) = nscoef(i,js,1)*phim(i+1,js) nscrrt(i,js) = nscrrt(i,js) + nscoef(i,js,2)*phim(i+1,js-1) nscrrt(i,js) = nscrrt(i,js) + nscoef(i,js,3)*phim(i ,js-1) nscrrt(i,js) = nscrrt(i,js) + nscoef(i,js,4)*phim(i-1,js-1) nscrrt(i,js) = nscrrt(i,js) + nscoef(i,js,5)*phim(i-1,js) nscrrt(i,js) = nscrrt(i,js) + nscoef(i,js,6)*phim(i-1,js+1) nscrrt(i,js) = nscrrt(i,js) + nscoef(i,js,7)*phim(i ,js+1) nscrrt(i,js) = nscrrt(i,js) + nscoef(i,js,8)*phim(i+1,js+1) nscrrt(i,js) = nscrrt(i,js) + nscoef(i,js,9)*phim(i ,js) nscrrt(i,js) = nscrrt(i,js) - nscoef(i,js,10) enddo ! j=2,nmlath-1 enddo ! i=2,nmlon0-1 ! ! For i=nmlonp1 (81) ! nscrrt(nmlonp1,nmlath) = 0.0 ! equator i = nmlonp1 do j = 2,nmlath-1 ! 2,48 no poles jn = nmlath+j-1 ! 50,96 nhem js = nmlath-j+1 ! 48,2 shem ! contribution of stencil ! Northern hemisphere ! nscrrt(i,jn) = nscoef(i,jn,1)*phim(2,jn) nscrrt(i,jn) = nscrrt(i,jn) + nscoef(i,jn,2)*phim(2,jn+1) nscrrt(i,jn) = nscrrt(i,jn) + nscoef(i,jn,3)*phim(i ,jn+1) nscrrt(i,jn) = nscrrt(i,jn) + nscoef(i,jn,4)*phim(i-1,jn+1) nscrrt(i,jn) = nscrrt(i,jn) + nscoef(i,jn,5)*phim(i-1,jn) nscrrt(i,jn) = nscrrt(i,jn) + nscoef(i,jn,6)*phim(i-1,jn-1) nscrrt(i,jn) = nscrrt(i,jn) + nscoef(i,jn,7)*phim(i ,jn-1) nscrrt(i,jn) = nscrrt(i,jn) + nscoef(i,jn,8)*phim(2,jn-1) nscrrt(i,jn) = nscrrt(i,jn) + nscoef(i,jn,9)*phim(i ,jn) nscrrt(i,jn) = nscrrt(i,jn) - nscoef(i,jn,10) ! ! Southern hemisphere ! nscrrt(i,js) = nscoef(i,js,1)*phim(2,js) nscrrt(i,js) = nscrrt(i,js) +nscoef(i,js,2)*phim(2,js-1) nscrrt(i,js) = nscrrt(i,js) +nscoef(i,js,3)*phim(i ,js-1) nscrrt(i,js) = nscrrt(i,js) +nscoef(i,js,4)*phim(i-1,js-1) nscrrt(i,js) = nscrrt(i,js) +nscoef(i,js,5)*phim(i-1,js) nscrrt(i,js) = nscrrt(i,js) +nscoef(i,js,6)*phim(i-1,js+1) nscrrt(i,js) = nscrrt(i,js) +nscoef(i,js,7)*phim(i ,js+1) nscrrt(i,js) = nscrrt(i,js) +nscoef(i,js,8)*phim(2,js+1) nscrrt(i,js) = nscrrt(i,js) +nscoef(i,js,9)*phim(i ,js) nscrrt(i,js) = nscrrt(i,js) -nscoef(i,js,10) enddo ! j=2,nmlath-1 ! ! Poles ! nscrrt(1,1) = sddot(nmlon,unitv,nscrrt(1,2))/float(nmlon) nscrrt(1,nmlat)= sddot(nmlon,unitv,nscrrt(1,nmlat-1))/float(nmlon) nscrrt(:,1) = nscrrt(1,1) ! extend in longitude nscrrt(:,nmlat)= nscrrt(1,nmlat) do j = 1,nmlat lat = ylatm(j) if(lat <= -pi/18.) then lmin = lat jmin = j elseif( then lmax = lat jmax = j exit endif enddo r0sq = r0*r0*1.e-4 ! in meter facmax = dt0dts(jmax)/r0sq*rcos0s(jmax) do j= 1,nmlat fac = dt0dts(j)/r0sq*rcos0s(j) lat = ylatm(j) do i = 1,nmlonp1 ! ! Linear interpolation of J_mr between -10 and 10 degrees ! if(j > jmin.and.j < jmax) then pol = nscrrt(i,jmin)-nscrrt(i,jmax)*facmax pol = pol / (lmin-lmax) nscrrt(i,j)= nscrrt(i,jmin) + pol*(lat-lmin) else nscrrt(i,j) = nscrrt(i,j)*fac endif enddo ! endo i-loop ! ! Simple smoothing in longitudinal direction (weighted average) ! (nonsmooth values due to interpolation) ! do i = 1,nmlonp1 if (i == 1) then tout(i,j,1)= (nscrrt(i+1,j)+ & 3.*nscrrt(i,j)+ nscrrt(nmlonp1-1,j))/5.0 elseif (i == nmlonp1) then tout(i,j,1)= (nscrrt(2,j)+ & 3.*nscrrt(i,j)+nscrrt(i-1,j))/5.0 else tout(i,j,1)= (nscrrt(i+1,j)+ & 3.*nscrrt(i,j)+nscrrt(i-1,j))/5.0 endif nscrrt(i,j) = tout(i,j,1) tout(i,j,:) = nscrrt(i,j) ! copy for secondary history field enddo ! endo i-loop enddo ! enddo j-loop ! ! Save JQR: Upward current density (2d) ! call mkdiag_JQR('JQR',nscrrt,1,nmlon0,1,nmlat) end subroutine noso_crrt !----------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine noso_crdens ! ! am_02/02: calculate current density J_e1, K_(q,phi) & K_(q,lam) ! 8/1/13 btf: Parallelize in distributed magnetic grid subdomains. ! use mpi_module,only: mlon0,mlon1,mlat0,mlat1,mp_allgather_2d,& mp_mag_periodic_f2d,mp_bcast_real use pdynamo_module,only: & mlev0,mlev1, & ! -2,nlevp1 at 5-deg, -5,nlevp1 at 2.5-deg ped_mag,hal_mag, & ! 3d (mlon0:mlon1,mlat0:mlat1,mlev0:mlev1) ed13d,ed23d, & ! 3d adotv1_mag,adotv2_mag, & ! 3d je1pg_mag, & ! 3d zpotm3d ! 3d use pdynamo_module,only: & adota1_mag, & ! 2d (mlon0:mlon1,mlat0:mlat1) be3_mag, & ! 2d a1dta2_mag, & ! 2d sini_mag ! 2d use input_module,only: current_pg use cons_module,only: ylatm,h0,re,r0,dlonm ! ! Local: ! integer :: k,i,j,len real :: fac,adotam,ed1h,ed2h,sinlamq,coslamq2,facsin,lamm,sinlamm,act real :: sinim,facq,dh,actpk,r0m,difflm,epsn,epss,eps(2) real,dimension(nmlat) :: fsums,afsums,fsumn,afsumn real,dimension(mlon0:mlon1,mlat0:mlat1,mlev0:mlev1) :: & je13d,je23d, & ! output current density kqphi ! output K_(q,phi) real,dimension(mlon0:mlon1,mlat0:mlat1) :: kqphi2d,kqlam real,dimension(nmlonp1,nmlat) :: dkqphi_glb,kqphi_glb ! ! Calculate current density component Je1 (Richmond: Ionospheric ! Electrodynamics using magnetic apex coordinates pp.203 (eq 5.7)) ! at 1/2 level ! ar half levels: sig_ped,sig_hall, d_1**2/D, d1*d2/D, ue1, ue2, be3 ! at full levels: ed1, ed2 ! ! je1/d = (sig_ped * d_1**2/D * (ed1 + ue2*be3) + ! (sig_ped* d1*d2/D - sig_hall) * (ed2 - ue1*be3) ! je13d = je1/d ! je2/d = (sig_ped * d_2**2/D * (ed2 - ue1*be3) + ! (sig_ped* d1*d2/D + sig_hall) * (ed2 + ue1*be3) ! je23d = je2/d ! for current_press=1: je1/D=(rho*g-grad p)xB/B_mag^2* d_1/D ! gravity and plasma pressure ! units A/cm^2 factor of 1e4 to convert from A/cm^2 ->A/m^2 ! ! do j=mlat0,mlat1 ! call addfld('JE1PG_MAG',' ',' ', & ! available only when current_pg==1 ! je1pg_mag(:,j,:),'mlon',mlon0,mlon1,'mlev',mlev0,mlev1,j) ! call addfld('PED',' ',' ', & ! ped_mag(:,j,:),'mlon',mlon0,mlon1,'mlev',mlev0,mlev1,j) ! call addfld('HAL',' ',' ', & ! hal_mag(:,j,:),'mlon',mlon0,mlon1,'mlev',mlev0,mlev1,j) ! call addfld('ED13D',' ',' ', & ! ed13d(:,j,:),'mlon',mlon0,mlon1,'mlev',mlev0,mlev1,j) ! call addfld('ED23D',' ',' ', & ! ed23d(:,j,:),'mlon',mlon0,mlon1,'mlev',mlev0,mlev1,j) ! call addfld('ADOTV1',' ',' ', & ! adotv1_mag(:,j,:),'mlon',mlon0,mlon1,'mlev',mlev0,mlev1,j) ! call addfld('ADOTV2',' ',' ', & ! adotv2_mag(:,j,:),'mlon',mlon0,mlon1,'mlev',mlev0,mlev1,j) ! enddo ! call addfld('A1DTA2',' ',' ', & ! a1dta2_mag,'mlon',mlon0,mlon1,'mlat',mlat0,mlat1,0) ! call addfld('BE3',' ',' ', & ! be3_mag, 'mlon',mlon0,mlon1,'mlat',mlat0,mlat1,0) je13d = 0. je23d = 0. adotam = 1.0 ! approximation of d_2^2 (local scalar) do k=mlev0,mlev1-1 do j=mlat0,mlat1 do i=mlon0,mlon1 fac = ped_mag(i,j,k)*adota1_mag(i,j) ed1h = 0.5*(ed13d(i,j,k)+ed13d(i,j,k+1)) ! ed1 at midpoint je13d(i,j,k) = fac*(ed1h+adotv2_mag(i,j,k)*be3_mag(i,j)) fac = ped_mag(i,j,k)*a1dta2_mag(i,j)-hal_mag(i,j,k) ed2h = 0.5*(ed23d(i,j,k)+ed23d(i,j,k+1)) ! ed2 at midpoint je13d(i,j,k) = je13d(i,j,k) + fac*(ed2h-adotv1_mag(i,j,k)*be3_mag(i,j)) fac = ped_mag(i,j,k)*adotam je23d(i,j,k) = fac*(ed2h-adotv1_mag(i,j,k)*be3_mag(i,j)) fac = ped_mag(i,j,k)*a1dta2_mag(i,j)+hal_mag(i,j,k) je23d(i,j,k) = je23d(i,j,k) + fac*(ed1h+adotv2_mag(i,j,k)*be3_mag(i,j)) if (current_pg > 0) je13d(i,j,k) = je13d(i,j,k) + & 1.e4*je1pg_mag(i,j,k) ! convert cm -> m enddo ! i=mlon0,mlon1 enddo ! j=mlat0,mlat1 enddo ! k=mlev0,mlev1-1 ! ! Periodic point for je13d is necessary for calculation of kqphi2d below. do k=mlev0,mlev1 call mp_mag_periodic_f2d(je13d(:,:,k),mlon0,mlon1,mlat0,mlat1,1) enddo ! ! JE13D: Eastward current density (3d) ! JE23D: Downward current density (3d) ! do j=mlat0,mlat1 call mkdiag_JE13D('JE13D',je13d(:,j,1:mlev1),mlon0,mlon1,1,mlev1,j) call mkdiag_JE23D('JE23D',je23d(:,j,1:mlev1),mlon0,mlon1,1,mlev1,j) enddo ! ! Calculate K_(q,phi) (Richmond: Ionospheric ! Electrodynamics using magnetic apex coordinates pp.208 (eq 7.4)) ! K_(q,phi) = int_(h_l)^(h_u) [( [R_0/R]^0.5 * ! * je1/D * sin(lam_q)/sin(lam_m) sin(I_m)/sin(I)*D] dh ! with F = D*sin(lam_m)/sin(lam_q)*sin(I)/sin(I_m)*[R/R_0]^3 ! do j=mlat0,mlat1 sinlamq = sin(ylatm(j)) ! sin(lam_q) if (j==nmlath) sinlamq = sin(ylatm(j-1)) ! ylatm is global to all tasks coslamq2 = 1. - sinlamq*sinlamq ! cos^2(lam_q) do i=mlon0,mlon1 ! ! At equator sin lam_q/sin I is set to the average otherwise quotient = 0 ! check this later 010611 ! k = mlev0 if (j==nmlath) then facsin = sinlamq/sini_mag(i,j-1) ! sin(lam_q)/sin(I) fac = r0/(re + max(zpotm3d(i,j-1,k),h0)) fac = min(fac,1.) lamm = acos(sqrt(coslamq2*fac)) ! cos^2(lam_m) = R_0/R*cos^2(lam_q) lamm = sign(lamm,ylatm(j-1)) ! lam_m else facsin = sinlamq/sini_mag(i,j) ! sin(lam_q)/sin(I) fac = r0/(re + max(zpotm3d(i,j,k),h0)) ! sqrt(R_0 / R) fac = min(fac,1.) lamm = acos(sqrt(coslamq2*fac)) ! cos^2(lam_m) = R_0/R*cos^2(lam_q) lamm = sign(lamm,ylatm(j)) ! lam_m endif sinlamm = sin(lamm) ! sin(lam_m) ! ! sin(I_m) = sin(lam_m)/sqrt(1/4+3/4*sin^2(lam_m)) sinim = sinlamm/sqrt(.25+.75*sinlamm**2) facq = sinim/sinlamm*facsin ! sin(I_m)/sin(lam_m)*sin(lam_q)/sin(I) fac = fac**0.5 ! sqrt(R_0 / R) ! ! sqrt(R_0 / R)*sin(I_m)/sin(lam_m)*sin(lam_q)/sin(I) act = fac*facq ! These appear to be ok: ! write(6,"('crdens: i=',i4,' j=',i4,' facsin,fac,lamm=',3e12.4)") & ! i,j,facsin,fac,lamm kqphi2d(i,j) = 0. kqphi(i,j,:) = 0. do k = mlev0,mlev1-1 ! (R_e + h)/R_0 : R_0 = R_e + h0 ; h0 = 9.e6 cm fac = r0/(re + max(zpotm3d(i,j,k+1),h0)) ! R_0 / R lamm = acos(sqrt(coslamq2*fac)) ! cos^2(lam_m) = R_0/R*cos^2(lam_q) lamm = sign(lamm,ylatm(j)) ! lam_m sinlamm = sin(lamm) ! sin(lam_m) ! ! sin(I_m) = sin(lam_m)/sqrt(1/4+3/4*sin^2(lam_m)) sinim = sinlamm/sqrt(.25+.75*sinlamm**2) facq = sinim/sinlamm*facsin ! sin(I_m)/sin(lam_m)*sin(lam_q)/sin(I) dh = max(zpotm3d(i,j,k+1),h0) - max(zpotm3d(i,j,k),h0) ! dh dh = dh*1.e-2 ! convertion [cm] to [m] fac = fac**0.5 ! sqrt(R_0 / R) ! ! sqrt(R_0 / R)*sin(I_m)/sin(lam_m)*sin(lam_q)/sin(I) actpk = fac*facq ! ! integration value at 1/2 level kqphi2d(i,j) = kqphi2d(i,j) + 0.5*(actpk+act)*je13d(i,j,k)*dh act = actpk kqphi(i,j,k) = kqphi2d(i,j) ! for output enddo ! k=mlev0,mlev1-1 enddo ! i=mlon0,mlon1 ! if (current_pg > 0) call addfld('KQPHI_TOT','kqphi_int (u,E,g,p)', & ! '[A/m]',kqphi(:,j,:),'mlon',mlon0,mlon1,'mlev',mlev0,mlev1,j) ! if (current_pg <= 0) call addfld('KQPHI_UE','kqphi_int (u,E)', & ! '[A/m]',kqphi(:,j,:),'mlon',mlon0,mlon1,'mlev',mlev0,mlev1,j) enddo ! mlat0,mlat1 ! ! KQPHI: Height-integrated current density (+east) ! Note kqphi2d is dimensioned with halo points. ! call mkdiag_KQPHI('KQPHI',kqphi2d(mlon0:mlon1,mlat0:mlat1),mlon0,mlon1,mlat0,mlat1) ! ! Calculate K_(q,lam) (Richmond: Ionospheric ! Electrodynamics using magnetic apex coordinates pp.208 (eq 7.5)) ! K_(q,lam) = -1/cos(lam_q) int_(-pi/2)^(lam_q) [J_mr*R*cos(lam_q) + ! d(K_(q,phi))/d(phi_q) ] d(lam_q) ! d(K_(q,phi))/d(phi_q) ! call mp_allgather_2d(kqphi2d(mlon0:mlon1,mlat0:mlat1),kqphi_glb, & nmlonp1,nmlat,mlon0,mlon1,mlat0,mlat1,1) fac = 0.5/dlonm ! 1/(2*d lon_m) dkqphi_glb = 0. do j = 1,nmlat do i = 2,nmlonp1-1 dkqphi_glb(i,j) = (kqphi_glb(i+1,j)-kqphi_glb(i-1,j))*fac enddo dkqphi_glb(1,j) = (kqphi_glb(2,j)-kqphi_glb(nmlonp1-1,j))*fac dkqphi_glb(nmlonp1,j) = dkqphi_glb(1,j) enddo ! j=mlon0,mlat1 ! ! Scan longitude subdomain: ! ! Note that all tasks now have global ylatm (cons.F), ! global dkqphi_glb(nmlonp1,nmlat), and global ! nscrrt(nmlon0,nmlat) (from sub noso_crrt above) ! ! But noso_crrt was called by root task only, so need to broadcast ! global nscrrt to all tasks: ! call mp_bcast_real(nscrrt,nmlonp1*nmlat,0) r0m = r0*1.e-2 do i=mlon0,mlon1 fsums(1) = 0. ! south pole afsums(1) = 0. ! ! [J_mr*R*cos(lam_q)+d K_(qphi)]_(j=1) act = nscrrt(i,1)*r0m*cos(ylatm(1))+dkqphi_glb(i,1) ! ! difflm: d | (lam_q(j)-lam_q(j-1))| ! actpk: [J_mr*R*cos(lam_q)+d K_(qphi)]_(j) ! act: [integrand]_(j-1)+[integrand]_(j) ! act: -[integrand]_(j-1/2)] d lam_q ! fsums: int_(-pi/2)^(lam_q)[integrand] d lam_q ! afsums: int_(-pi/2)^(lam_q) | [integrand] | d lam_q ! ! Integrate from the south pole+1 to equator ! do j=2,nmlath difflm = abs(ylatm(j)-ylatm(j-1)) ! ylatm has global lats actpk = nscrrt(i,j)*r0m*cos(ylatm(j))+dkqphi_glb(i,j) act = act +actpk act = -act/2.0*difflm fsums(j) = fsums(j-1) + act afsums(j)= afsums(j-1) + abs(act) act = actpk enddo ! j=2,nmlath ! ! Integrate from the north pole to equator ! fsumn(nmlat) = 0. ! north pole afsumn(nmlat) = 0. act = nscrrt(i,nmlat)*r0m*cos(ylatm(nmlat))+dkqphi_glb(i,nmlat) do j=nmlat-1,nmlath,-1 difflm = abs(ylatm(j)-ylatm(j+1)) actpk = nscrrt(i,j)*r0m*cos(ylatm(j))+dkqphi_glb(i,j) act = act +actpk act = act/2.0*difflm fsumn(j) = fsumn(j+1) + act afsumn(j)= afsumn(j+1) + abs(act) act = actpk enddo ! ! correction to equal integration from north to equator with ! integration from south to equator ! epsn: half of error to south weighted by absolute value ! epss: half of error to north weighted by absolute value ! kqlam_cor = kqlam - err/2/abs(kqlam)_south*abs(kqlam)_(lam_q) ! kqlam_cor /cos(lam_q) ! kqlam(i,:) = 0. do j=mlat0,mlat1 if (j==1) then ! south pole kqlam(i,j) = -dkqphi_glb(i,j) ! at south pole K_(q,lam) = -d(K_(q,phi))/d(phi) endif if (j==nmlat) then ! north pole kqlam(i,j) = dkqphi_glb(i,j) ! at north pole K_(q,lam) = d(K_(q,phi) endif enddo epsn = 0.5*(fsums(nmlath)-fsumn(nmlath))/afsumn(nmlath) epss = 0.5*(fsums(nmlath)-fsumn(nmlath))/afsums(nmlath) do j=mlat0,mlat1 if (j > 1 .and. j <= nmlath) then ! southern hem, excluding pole kqlam(i,j)= fsums(j) - epss*afsums(j) kqlam(i,j)= kqlam(i,j)/cos(ylatm(j)) endif enddo ! ! kqlam_cor = kqlam + err/2/abs(kqlam)_north*abs(kqlam)_(lam_q) ! kqlam_cor /cos(lam_q) ! do j=mlat0,mlat1 if (j < nmlat .and. j >= nmlath) then ! northern hem, excluding pole kqlam(i,j)= fsumn(j) + epsn*afsumn(j) kqlam(i,j)= kqlam(i,j)/cos(ylatm(j)) endif enddo enddo ! i=mlon0,mlon1 ! ! KQLAM: Height-integrated current density (+north) ! call mkdiag_KQLAM('KQLAM',kqlam,mlon0,mlon1,mlat0,mlat1) end subroutine noso_crdens !----------------------------------------------------------------------- end module current !----------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine nosocoef ! ! This stub is outside the current module to avoid circular dependency ! between current and pdynamo modules. This routine is called from ! sub complete_integrals (pdynamo.F). ! use current,only: noso_coef call noso_coef end subroutine nosocoef