This file: $modeldir/scripts/README Information about utilities found in the scripts directory of the model root directory. Make.gfort_hao64 Make file for the GNU gfortran compiler on Linux desktop systems. Make.intel_hao64 Make file for the Intel compiler on Linux desktop systems. Make.pgi_hao64 Make file for the PGI compiler on Linux desktop systems. Make.intel_ys Make file for the Intel compiler on the NCAR supercomputer. Makefile Main Makefile for all supported platforms. abspath Utility to obtain full linux paths change_nlcomment Utility to change comment character in namelist input files master.inp Master namelist file describing all available namelist parameters. minsperday Calculates WC minutes per simulated day, given timestep and WC secs/step mkdepends Script to determine dependencies at build time. mklogs Utility to parse the stdout file into log files for each mpi task. rmbinchars Utility to remove binary characters from stdout files. run.lsf Example LSF run script (created by the job script) tgcm_contents Utility to determine histories on an output netCDF history file. tgcm_put Utility to store history files on the NCAR hpss. tiegcm-linux.job Default job script for Linux desktop platform. tiegcm-ys.job Default job script for NCAR supercomputer. tiegcm_res2.5_default.inp Default namelist input file for 2.5-degree resolution tiegcm_res5.0_default.inp Default namelist input file for 5.0-degree resolution