&tgcm_input ; ; Example namelist read parameters using the Weimer potential ; model, driven by IMF data (IMF_NCFILE), but using constant ; F10.7 solar flux. This is a 30-day run for the December, 2006 ; "AGU" storm case. ; LABEL = 'dec2006 weimer imf' START_YEAR = 2006 START_DAY = 330 CALENDAR_ADVANCE = 1 ; ; Used to start equilibration run: ;SOURCE = '$TGCMDATA/TGCM.tiegcm1.93.p_imf_dec2006_001.nc' ;SOURCE_START = 330,0,0 ; ; Output from equilibration run is used for production run: SOURCE = 'tiegcm1.94-beta.p_dec2006_weimer_imf_equil_004.nc' SOURCE_START = 330,0,0 ; ; START: Start time (day,hour,minute) ; STOP: Stop time (day,hour,minute) ; STEP: Timestep (seconds) ; START = 330,0,0 STOP = 360,0,0 STEP = 120 ; ; Primary History parameters: ; HIST = 1,0,0 OUTPUT = 'tiegcm1.94-beta.p_dec2006_weimer_imf_001.nc','to', 'tiegcm1.94-beta.p_dec2006_weimer_imf_004.nc','by','1' MXHIST_PRIM = 10 ; ; Secondary History parameters: ; SECSTART = 330,1,0 SECSTOP = 360,0,0 SECHIST = 0,1,0 SECOUT = 'tiegcm1.94-beta.s_dec2006_weimer_imf_001.nc','to', 'tiegcm1.94-beta.s_dec2006_weimer_imf_015.nc','by','1' MXHIST_SECH = 48 SECFLDS = 'TN','UN','VN','O1','NO','N4S','NE','TE','TI','TEC', 'O2','O2P','OMEGA','POTEN','UI_ExB','VI_ExB','WI_ExB', 'DEN','HEATING','QJOULE','CO2_COOL','NO_COOL','HMF2','NMF2', 'SIGMA_PED','SIGMA_HAL','Z','ZG' ; ; Diagnostic fields available with this release: ;SECFLDS = 'CO2_COOL','NO_COOL','DEN','HEATING','QJOULE', ; 'SIGMA_PED','SIGMA_HAL','TEC','UI_ExB','VI_ExB','WI_ExB', ; 'LAMDA_PED','LAMDA_HAL','HMF2','NMF2','SCHT','MU_M' ; TIDE = 0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0. TIDE2 = 0.,0. ; ; At 5 deg resolution, use gswm migrating tides only. ; At 2.5 deg resolution, optionally use both migrating ; and non-migrating tides. ; GSWM_MI_DI_NCFILE = '$TGCMDATA/gswm_diurn_5.0d_99km.nc' GSWM_MI_SDI_NCFILE = '$TGCMDATA/gswm_semi_5.0d_99km.nc' ;GSWM_NM_DI_NCFILE = '$TGCMDATA/gswm_nonmig_diurn_5.0d_99km.nc' ;GSWM_NM_SDI_NCFILE = '$TGCMDATA/gswm_nonmig_semi_5.0d_99km.nc' ; ; Potential model can be 'HEELIS' (optionally with GPI data), ; or 'WEIMER' (optionally with IMF data). If WEIMER, both IMF ; and GPI may be specified, but only f10.7 will be used from GPI. ; POTENTIAL_MODEL = 'WEIMER' ; ; If potential model is HEELIS, GPI data can be used to calculate ; POWER and CTPOTEN from Kp data, and to use data for f10.7 flux. ; If GPI_NCFILE is specified, one or more of POWER,CTPOTEN,F107,F107A ; must be commented out (data will be used for those that are commented ; out, otherwise the user-provided values will be used). ; ;GPI_NCFILE = '$TGCMDATA/gpi_2000001-2009031.nc' ; ; If KP is specified, and POWER and/or CTPOTEN are commented, ; then the given KP will be used to calculate POWER and/or CTPOTEN ; ;KP = 4.0 ;POWER = 16. ;CTPOTEN = 45. F107 = 150. F107A = 150. ; ; If potential model is WEIMER, data file IMF_NCFILE can be specified ; to read one or more of BXIMF,BYIMF,BZIMF,SWVEL,SWDEN. If IMF_NCFILE ; is specified and POWER is not provided, it will be calculated from ; BZ,SWVEL. Also, if IMF_NCFILE is provided, user cannot provide CTPOTEN ; (it will be calculated from the Weimer potential). ; IMF_NCFILE = '$TGCMDATA/imf_OMNI_2006001-2006365.nc' ; ;BXIMF = 0. ;BYIMF = 0. ;BZIMF = -5. ;SWVEL = 400. ;SWDEN = 4.0 ; AURORA = 1 COLFAC = 1.5 /