module qjoule ! ! This software is part of the NCAR TIE-GCM. Use is governed by the ! Open Source Academic Research License Agreement contained in the file ! tiegcmlicense.txt. ! real,parameter :: joulefac = 1.5 ! joule heating multiplication factor ! contains !----------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine qjoule_ti(un,vn,w,ui,vi,wi,lam1,op,nplus, | n2p,nop,o2p,barm,tn,qji_ti,lev0,lev1,lon0,lon1,lat) ! ! Calculate ion joule heating for use in ion temperature. ! This is called from sub dynamics before settei. Qji_ti output from ! here is passed to settei for ion temperature calculation. ! In earlier model versions, this calculation was at the end of settei. ! See also sub qjoule_tn below for neutral temperature. ! ! am 6/05: correct calculation of Joule heating going into the ions ! - include also vertical velocity by using lambda_1 (mag. direction) ! and vertical velocity difference ! - using the ration between the mean molecular weights ! ! before ! Q_JI = [ lambda_xx * u_i(u_i-u_n) + lambda_yy*v_i*(v_i-v_n)] ! now ! Q_JI = m_n/(m_n+m_i) * lambda_1 * [ (u_i-u_n)^2 + (v_i-v_n)^2+ (w_i-w_n)^2] ! use cons_module,only: avo, ! avogadro number 6.023e23 particles / mole | grav, ! acceler. due to gravity at lower boundary [cm/s^2] | gask, ! gas konstant 8.314e7 [ergs/K/mol] | rmass_o2 , rmass_o1, rmass_n2, ! 32,16,28 [g/mol] | rmass_n4s, rmass_no, rmass_op ! 14,30,16 [g/mol] use addfld_module implicit none ! ! Args: integer,intent(in) :: lev0,lev1,lon0,lon1,lat real,dimension(lev0:lev1,lon0-2:lon1+2),intent(in) :: | un,vn, ! zonal, meridional neutral velocity [cm/s] | w, ! dimensionless vertical neutral velocity omega [1/s] (interface) | ui,vi,wi, ! zonal, meridional, vertical ion velocity (ExB) [cm/s] (interface) | lam1, ! lambda_1 ion drag coefficients [1/s] (interface) | op, ! O+ 1/cm^3 at half levels | nplus, ! N+ 1/cm^3 at half levels | n2p, ! N2+ 1/cm^3 at half levels | nop, ! NO+ 1/cm^3 at half levels | o2p, ! O2+ 1/cm^3 at half levels | barm, ! mean molecular weight (interface) | tn ! neutral temperature (deg K) real,dimension(lev0:lev1,lon0-2:lon1+2),intent(out) :: | qji_ti ! ion joule heating for ti (output) [ergs/s/g] ! ! Local: integer :: k,i real,dimension(lev0:lev1,lon0:lon1) :: | vert_vel, ! scale height | uii,vii,wii ! ion velocities at interfaces real :: m_i,m_n,mfac ! ! Task subdomain: do i=lon0,lon1 do k=lev0,lev1-1 ! ! mean molecular weight of ion at half level [g/mol] m_i = op(k,i)*rmass_o1 + o2p(k,i)*rmass_o2+ | nplus(k,i)*rmass_n4s+ n2p(k,i)*rmass_n2+ | nop(k,i)*rmass_no m_i = m_i/(op(k,i) + o2p(k,i)+nplus(k,i)+ n2p(k,i)+ | nop(k,i)) ! mean molecular weight of neutrals at half level [g/mol] m_n = .5*(barm(k,i)+barm(k+1,i)) ! ratio m_n/(m_n+m_i) mfac = m_i+m_n mfac = m_n/mfac ! scale height H [cm] to convert omega [1/s] to vertical neutral wind [cm/s] vert_vel(k,i) = 0.5*(w(k,i)+w(k+1,i))*gask*tn(k,i)/ | (.5*(barm(k,i)+barm(k+1,i))*grav) ! Ion velocities at half levels uii(k,i) = .5*(ui(k,i)+ui(k+1,i)) ! s6 vii(k,i) = .5*(vi(k,i)+vi(k+1,i)) ! s5 wii(k,i) = .5*(wi(k,i)+wi(k+1,i)) ! s5 ! ! Joule heating (s7): [ergs/s/g] ! (note qji_ti at lev1 not defined) qji_ti(k,i) = (uii(k,i)-un(k,i))**2+(vii(k,i)-vn(k,i))**2 + | (wii(k,i)-vert_vel(k,i))**2 qji_ti(k,i) = mfac*.5*(lam1(k,i)+lam1(k+1,i))*qji_ti(k,i) enddo ! k=lev0,lev1-1 enddo ! i=lon0,lon1 ! call addfld('QJI_TI','QJI_TI ',' ',qji_ti(lev0:lev1-1,lon0:lon1), ! | 'lev',lev0,lev1-1,'lon',lon0,lon1,lat) end subroutine qjoule_ti !----------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine qjoule_tn(un,vn,w,ui,vi,wi,lam1,barm,tn,qji_tn, | lev0,lev1,lon0,lon1,lat) ! ! Calculate ion joule heating for neutral temperature. ! This is called from dynamics before dt. ! (in earlier model versions, this was in dt.F) ! ! am 6/05: include the vertical component of the velocities ! - include also vertical velocity by using lambda_1 (mag. direction) ! and vertical velocity difference ! change from ! Q_J = [ lambda_xx * (u_i-u_n)^2 + lambda_yy*(v_i-v_n)^2 ! (lambda_xy-lambda_yx)* (u_i-u_n)*(v_i-v_n)] ! to ! Q_J = lambda_1 * [ (u_i-u_n)^2 + (v_i-v_n)^2 + (w_i-w_n)^2] ! use cons_module,only: | grav, ! acceler. due to gravity at lower boundary [cm/s^2] | gask ! gas konstant 8.314e7 [ergs/K/mol] use addfld_module use diags_module,only: mkdiag_QJOULE,mkdiag_QJOULE_INTEG implicit none ! ! Args: integer,intent(in) :: lev0,lev1,lon0,lon1,lat real,dimension(lev0:lev1,lon0-2:lon1+2),intent(in) :: | un,vn, ! zonal, meridional neutral velocity [cm/s] | w, ! dimensionless vertical neutral velocity omega [1/s] (interface) | ui,vi,wi, ! zonal, meridional, vertical ion velocity (interface) | lam1, ! lambda_1 ion drag coefficient | barm, ! mean molecular weight (interface) | tn ! neutral temperature (deg K) real,dimension(lev0:lev1,lon0-2:lon1+2),intent(out) :: | qji_tn ! ion joule heating for tn (output) ! ! Local: integer :: k,i real,dimension(lev0:lev1,lon0:lon1) ::vel_zonal,vel_merid, | vel_vert,scheight ! scale height ! ! scheight: scale height H [cm] to convert omega [1/s] to vertical ! neutral wind [cm/s] on half level ! do i=lon0,lon1 do k=lev0,lev1-1 scheight(k,i) = gask*tn(k,i)/ | (.5*(barm(k,i)+barm(k+1,i))*grav) vel_zonal(k,i) = .5*(ui(k,i)+ui(k+1,i))-un(k,i) ! s2 vel_merid(k,i) = .5*(vi(k,i)+vi(k+1,i))-vn(k,i) ! s3 vel_vert(k,i) = .5*(wi(k,i)+wi(k+1,i)-scheight(k,i)* | ( w(k,i)-w(k+1,i)) ) enddo ! k=lev0,lev1-1 enddo ! i=lon0,lon1 do i=lon0,lon1 do k=lev0,lev1-1 qji_tn(k,i) = .5*(lam1(k,i)+lam1(k+1,i))* | (vel_zonal(k,i)**2 + vel_merid(k,i)**2 + | vel_vert(k,i)**2) ! ! Apply joule heating factor (formerly in dt.F): qji_tn(k,i) = qji_tn(k,i) * joulefac enddo ! k=lev0,lev1-1 enddo ! i=lon0,lon1 ! ! call addfld('QJI_UN','QJI_UN','cm/s',un(:,lon0:lon1), ! | 'lev',lev0,lev1,'lon',lon0,lon1,lat) ! call addfld('QJI_VN','QJI_VN','cm/s',vn(:,lon0:lon1), ! | 'lev',lev0,lev1,'lon',lon0,lon1,lat) ! call addfld('QJI_W','QJI_W','cm/s',vn(:,lon0:lon1), ! | 'lev',lev0,lev1,'lon',lon0,lon1,lat) ! call addfld('QJI_UI','QJI_UI','cm/s',ui(:,lon0:lon1), ! | 'lev',lev0,lev1,'lon',lon0,lon1,lat) ! call addfld('QJI_VI','QJI_VI','cm/s',vi(:,lon0:lon1), ! | 'lev',lev0,lev1,'lon',lon0,lon1,lat) ! call addfld('QJI_WI','QJI_WI','cm/s',wi(:,lon0:lon1), ! | 'lev',lev0,lev1,'lon',lon0,lon1,lat) ! call addfld('QJI_LAM1','QJI_LAM','1/s',lam1(:,lon0:lon1), ! | 'lev',lev0,lev1,'lon',lon0,lon1,lat) ! call addfld('QJI_TN','QJI_TN','ergs/s/g', ! | qji_tn(lev0:lev1-1,lon0:lon1), ! | 'lev',lev0,lev1-1,'lon',lon0,lon1,lat) ! ! Save diagnostic Total Joule Heating: call mkdiag_QJOULE('QJOULE',qji_tn,lev0,lev1,lon0,lon1,lat) ! ! Save diagnostic Height-integrated Joule Heating: call mkdiag_QJOULE_INTEG('QJOULE_INTEG',qji_tn(:,lon0:lon1), | lev0,lev1,lon0,lon1,lat) end subroutine qjoule_tn !----------------------------------------------------------------------- end module qjoule