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Thermospheric General Circulation Models (TGCM)

TGCMPROC-like master scripts

Profiles (Zp/Height vs field)

master script: profile_master.ncl

Creates profile plots. User settable options include limiting the axis, interpolation to height etc.
1) user choice: zonal mean + latitude

     lat2plt   = -40  
     type      = "zmean"
2) user choice: longitude + latitude

     type     = "lon"           
     lon2plt  = 90              
     lat2plt  = 57
3) user choice: slt + latitude

     type     = "slt"           
     slt      =  12              
     lat2plt  = -22
4) user choice: limit axis

     ymin     = -16
     ymax     = -8
     xmin     = -10
     xmax     =  10
5) user choice: interp to height, convert to density, x-axis log

     type          = "slt"      
     slt           = 12 
     lat2plt       = -22
     height        = True
     top           = 500
     bott          = 40
     dz            = 20
     xlog          = True
     density_units = "GM/CM3"