Correlations between data and derived parameters

This page contains animations showing correlations between AMIE's derived parameters and the observational data used by the AMIE procedure to compute those derived parameters, for the period November 2 - 5, 1993.

Hall Conductance

with Field-Align current

with Horizontal current

with Conductance (observations)

with Electric potential

Electric Potential

with Magnetic observations

with E-field observations

with Field-align current

with Horizontal current

with Conductance (observations)

with Computed conductance

Field Aligned Current

with Magnetic observations

with E-field observations

with Horizontal current

with Conductance (observations)

with Hall Conductance

with Electric potential

Horizontal Current

with Magnetic observations

with E-field observations

with Conductance (observations)

with Computed conductance

with Electric potential

with Field-align current