UARC October 21-23, 1997

The AMIE model was run for the 3-day core World Day period of October 21-23, 1997 during the longer UARC campaign of October 15-29, 1997. Only Northern Hemisphere runs were made every hour using data for +/-30 min. The initial auroral electron and electric potential models used depended on the hourly binned value of the hemispheric power derived from NOAA satellite data. Plots of the total Hall conductance and the electric potential plot are listed below. Overplots of the input electron precipitation data appear over the Hall conductance, where dashed lines indicate Southern Hemisphere passes. The Southern Hemisphere passes were used since conjugacy was assumed for the auroral oval. Overplots of the input electric fields from ion drift measurements are plotted over the electric potential, where dashed lines indicate line-of-sight (l-o-s) measurements that have the computed perpendicular component added. In both overplots, a '+' symbol indicates data from a time after the hour, while a 'o' symbol is from data at a time before the hour. Since only half the globe was covered with input ion drift measurements, the potentials are not always believable in the regions of missing data.

Input Data:

Electron precipitation measurements:

  • N2= NOAA-12 from Dave Evans via Susan Greer
  • N4= NOAA-14 from Dave Evans via Susan Greer

    IS Radars:

  • M= Millstone Hill l-o-s velocities from John Foster via their web page where velocities larger than 2000 m/s or error bars larger than 500 m/s were eliminated. Velocities below 60 degrees magnetic latitude are not shown.

    HF Radars:

  • T= Saskatoon vector velocities from George Sofko via Mike Ruohoniemi where velocities near the radar were eliminated if the total error bar was greater than 150 m/s after October 21.
  • K= Kapuskasing vector velocities from Mike Ruohoniemi.
  • G= Goose Bay vector velocities from Mike Ruohoniemi.
  • ST= Stokkseyri vector velocities from Jean-Paul Villain via Mike Ruohoniemi.
  • P= Pykkvibaer l-o-s velocities from Tudor Jones via Tim Yeoman.
  • H= Hankasalmi l-o-s velocities from Tudor Jones via Tim Yeoman.


  • MD= Millstone Hill vector velocities from Bodo Reinisch via James Scali starting after 19 UT on October 22, 1997. Since the plots go down to 60 and this station is below that, the vector never shows on the plot, but the station name shows when there is data.
  • SD= Sondrestrom vector velocities from Terry Bullett via James Scali.

    AMIE Output:

    Summary Plots

    AMIE Summary plots of potential drops (dotted is a symmetric potential centered on the magnetic pole), Joule heating (solid is simple Joule without neutral winds, while dashed is assuming error in the electric fields) and Hemispheric Power (dotted is calculated from NOAA passes on the statistical model while dot-dash is the hourly input binned values from the original NOAA-12 and 14 estimates), the MLT of the cusp (determined from the inflow of convection in the symmetric potential), and the magnetic latitude of the cusp (solid line) and the magnetic latitude of the maximum electromagnetic power.

    AMIE Summary plots of currents over the Northern Hemisphere, Equivalent (solid) and Potential (dotted) currents, Field-Aligned currents, and the electromagnetic (EM) and Ring Current Power.

    Total Hall Conductance and Electric Potential

    The following plots are small, but they indicate the locations of all of the data points.

    --Revised October 28, 1997 by Barbara Emery,