PRO tomo,r,theta,phi,ModPramsStruct,ModSolStruct ;+ ; Name: ; TOMO ; ; Purpose: This main tomo module will open a set of tomography density maps gained from coronagraph observations, ; and interpolate/extrapolate these densities (based on simple physical assumptions) throughout the required region ; of the corona specified by the input spherical coordinates r, theta, phi. ; ; The tomography method is described by ; ; ; ; Please reference these works if you use this module for public work. ; ; The mean tomographical densities within streamers and coronal holes, as functions of height, are fitted to ; to a model velocity/acceleration profile assuming mass flux constant. This allows the extrapolation of ; densities and velocities throughout any coronal region. The velocity profile is given by the simple ; equation ; v(r) = v_user * ( 1 - exp(-h/r_h) ) ; where v_user is the user-supplied vfast or vslow, ; h is height ( = r - 1) ; r_h is a scale height calculated by the tomo module to best fit the tomographical densities. ; Note this velocity allows acceleration up to the maximum v_user, over scale heights of r_H ; ; Based on this velocity profile, the densities at any given height are given by ; p(r) = (p_f/( 1 - exp(-h/r_h) ) * (r_user/r)^2 ; where r_user is a user-supplied height where the outflow velocity reaches its asymptotic value ; p_f is the density at r_user, calculated by the tomo module to best fit the tomographical densities. ; ; These equations are fitted separately to the mean streamer densities as given by the tomography maps, and ; the mean coronal hole densities. The final extrapolation then uses the longitude-latitude distribution ; of tomographical densities, plus the streamer/coronal hole height profiles, to calculate densities throughout ; the required coronal region. So, if, in the original tomography map a point has a density which is halfway between ; the maximum streamer and minimum coronal hole densities, it will be a mean of the streamer and coronal hole height profiles. ; ; Note that the module, given a required date, searches the FORWARD database for the tomographical map structure made ; closest in time. If this time is longer than 30 days a warning is given, but the module continues. ; ; Calling sequence: ; TOMO,r,theta,phi,ModPramsStruct, ModSolStruct ; ; ; Inputs: ; r, theta, phi -- position in 3D space where model is to be evaluated ; r in units of RSUN, th, ph in RADIANS ; ; ModPramsStruct - structure associated with model, containing ; model name (TOMO), model parameters ; set up in ; ; Outputs: ModSolStruct - Solution of model, containing density,temperature,pressure ; ; Called by FOR_INTENSINT and FOR_POSNOINT (via call_procedure) ; ; Author and history: ; Written by Huw Morgan Aug-Sept 2020 ; edited for FORWARD code consistency (SEG) Sept. 2020 ; updated to allow simple density falloff Feb. 2022 ;- COMPILE_OPT IDL2 ;default long and square brackets for array subscripts ;extract parameter variables from params structure t=tag_names(ModPramsStruct) for i=0,n_elements(t)-1 do void=execute(t[i]+'=ModPramsStruct.(i)') ; one of the ModPramsStruct parameters is filename ; which is where the tomographic data live ; restore,filename tomo_sizearr,d.dens,nlon,nlat,nr ilon=interpol(findgen(nlon*3),[d.lon-2*!pi,d.lon,d.lon+2*!pi],phi) ilat=interpol(findgen(nlat),,theta) ; ; allow simple option with power law decrease with distance ; if simple eq 1 then begin dens=interpolate([d.dens[*,*,0],d.dens[*,*,0],d.dens[*,*,0]],ilon,ilat)*((d.r[0]/r)^(-1*rpwr)) vel=dens*0.d0 endif else begin ;index the streamers and coronal holes regions ind_str=where(d.dens[*,*,0] gt mean(d.dens[*,*,0],/nan)*1.5,complement=ind_ch) ;find mean density at each height separately for streamers and coronal holes mn_str=dblarr(nr) mn_ch=dblarr(nr) for ir=0,nr-1 do begin mn_str[ir]=mean((d.dens[*,*,ir])[ind_str],/nan) mn_ch[ir]=mean((d.dens[*,*,ir])[ind_ch],/nan) endfor ;fit these mean density height profiles to function of speed ;assuming mass flux constant and radial expansion functargs={ht_asympt:ht_asympt_slow,rinrs:d.r,dens:mn_str} start_parms=[min(mn_str)*0.5d,5.d] pstr=mpfit('tomo_speedfit',start_parms,functargs=functargs,/quiet) functargs={ht_asympt:ht_asympt_fast,rinrs:d.r,dens:mn_ch} start_parms=[min(mn_ch)*0.5d,2.d] pch=mpfit('tomo_speedfit',start_parms,functargs=functargs,/quiet) nrmod=101 rmod=interpol(minmax(r,/nan),nrmod) densst=(pstr[0]/(1-exp(-((rmod-1)/pstr[1]))))*((ht_asympt_slow/rmod)^2) densch=(pch[0] /(1-exp(-((rmod-1)/pch[1])))) *((ht_asympt_fast/rmod)^2) vmodslow=vslow*(1-exp(-((rmod-1)/pstr[1]))) vmodfast=vfast*(1-exp(-((rmod-1)/pch[1]))) nrmod=5001 rmod=10^interpol(alog10([1.01,200]),nrmod) densst=(pstr[0]/(1-exp(-((rmod-1)/pstr[1]))))*((ht_asympt_slow/rmod)^2) densch=(pch[0] /(1-exp(-((rmod-1)/pch[1])))) *((ht_asympt_fast/rmod)^2) vmodslow=vslow*(1-exp(-((rmod-1)/pstr[1]))) vmodfast=vfast*(1-exp(-((rmod-1)/pch[1]))) ir=interpol(dindgen(nrmod),rmod,r) mnmx=minmax(d.dens[*,*,0]) weight=interpolate([d.dens[*,*,0],d.dens[*,*,0],d.dens[*,*,0]],ilon,ilat,missing=!values.f_nan) weight=(weight-mnmx[0])/(mnmx[1]-mnmx[0]) dens=weight*interpolate(densst,ir)+(1-weight)*interpolate(densch,ir) vel=weight*interpolate(vmodslow,ir)+(1-weight)*interpolate(vmodfast,ir) endelse k=1.38d-16; boltzmann constant cgs Pres=2.d0*Dens*k*Te Temp=Te+Dens*0.;isothermal ModSolStruct={Pres:Pres,Dens:Dens,Temp:Temp,Vr:vel,Vth:0.*vel,Vph:0.*vel} END