pro makemascube,date=date,working_dir=working_dir,mheat=mheat,local=local,sequence=sequence,choosehigh=choosehigh,cubename=cubename,resstring=resstring ; ; PRO MAKEMASCUBE ; ; Converts Predictive Science Inc. (PSI) MAS ; model cubes into form readable by FORWARD ; ; will save a cube e.g. '2120_HMI2_cube_MAS.dat' ; to working_dir ; ; which can be accessed e.g. ; ; for_drive,'numcube',cubename='2120_HMI2_cube_MAS.dat',line='Bx' ; ; or via for_widget -- the date will be carried along. ; ; Keyword inputs ; ; DATE -> will establish Carrington rotation and central meridian ; ; WORKING_DIR --> file I/O will occur here ; ; LOCAL -- use a local cube ; ; SEQUENCE -- MAS identifier ; ; CHOOSEHIGH -- choose high res model if available ; ; MHEAT - MAS heating model and magnetic boundary ; ; HMI1: ;hmi_mast_std_0101 (Heating model 1): The 'standard' heating model from Lionello et al. 2009. ; - This model typically gives hotter QS temperatures, typically between 1.4-1.8 MK. ; - Coronal holes are wider/more open. ; - Active regions aren't as visible due to the properties of the magnetic maps and heating model at this resolution. ; ; HMI2: ;hmi_mast_std_0201 (Heating model 2): used for most recent eclipse predictions. ; - This model typically gives cooler QS temperatures, typically between 1.2-1.5 MK. ; - The coronal base density is slightly higher everywhere. ; - Coronal holes are smaller and slightly more dense than heating model 1. ; - Active regions are heated more and are hotter/more visible. ; ; HMI3: ;hmi_masp_std_0201 ; Old, polytropic simulation, not recommended ; ; GONG2: ;also available as gong_mast_std_0201 ; ; OUTPUT ; Cubename= filename of cube with forward-friendly model ; ; CALLED BY NUMCUBEPRAMS ; CALLS MAKEMYCUBE ; ; Written Cooper Downs, Modified Sarah Gibson ; Version 2.0 July 2014 ; ; Feb 2019 -- fixed bug where Boltzmann's constant was slightly off (SEG) ; May 2019 -- added sequence keyword ; June 2019 used slash, file_delete for PC compatibility ; July 2020 -- made writediruse have a slash but filenames not ; for compatibility with for_directdownload ; Oct 2022 -- changed array ( to [ (with help from Vema Panditi) ; June 2023 -- bug fix - misname for MDI1 ; -- removed undefine(rspcode) because redundant with tempvar ; was causing a bug because applied to MDI1 undefining ; Sept 2023 -- added "choosehigh" option which checks first for high ; before medium ; updated comments, fixed minor issues slash=path_sep() ; ; absolute earliest KP rotation 1625 ; dateminkpo='1975-03-01T00:00:00' ; ; a good default ; datedefault='2012-01-04' ; this is needed because forward will pass in '' which will result in garbage CROT if date eq '' then date=datedefault default,date,datedefault default,mheat,'HMI2' default,sequence,'002' crotminkpo=1625 crotminmdi=1911 crotminmdimed=2000 crotmaxmdi=2104 crotminhmi=2097 crot=fix(TIM2CARR(date,/dc)) if strpos(strupcase(mheat),'HM') ge 0 then if crot lt crotminhmi then begin mheat='MDI2' endif if strpos(strupcase(mheat),'MD') ge 0 then if crot lt crotminmdimed then begin mheat='MDI1' endif if strpos(strupcase(mheat),'MD') ge 0 then if crot lt crotminmdi then begin mheat='KP1' endif if strpos(strupcase(mheat),'KP') ge 0 then if crot lt crotminkpo then date=dateminkpo if strpos(strupcase(mheat),'MD') ge 0 then if crot gt crotmaxmdi then begin mheat='HMI2' endif case mheat of 'HMI1': mheatuse='hmi_mast_mas_std_0101' 'HMI2': mheatuse='hmi_mast_mas_std_0201' 'HMI3': mheatuse='hmi_masp_mas_std_0201' 'MDI1': mheatuse='mdi_mas_mas_std_0101' 'MDI2': mheatuse='mdi_mas_mas_std_0201' 'KP1': mheatuse='kpo_mas_mas_std_0101' 'KP2': mheatuse='kpo_mas_mas_std_0201' 'MW1': mheatuse='mwo_mas_mas_std_0101' 'GONG1': mheatuse='gong_mas_mas_std_0101' 'GONG2': mheatuse='gong_mast_mas_std_0201' 'SOLIS1': mheatuse='solis_mas_mas_std_0101' 'SOLIS2': mheatuse='solis_mas_mas_std_0201' 'WTD':mheatuse='wave-turbulence-driven' endcase ;datename=anytim(date,/ccsds) ;datename=str_replace(datename,':','') ;datename=str_replace(datename,'-','') ;datename=str_replace(datename,'_','') ; ; in case date changed ; crot=fix(TIM2CARR(date,/dc)) crotname=strtrim(string(crot),2) crotname=crotname[0] if keyword_set(working_dir) then writediruse=working_dir+slash else writediruse='.'+slash cubename = writediruse+crotname+'_'+mheat+'_cube_MAS' if keyword_set(local) then cubename = writediruse+crotname+'_'+mheat+'_local_cube_MAS' if keyword_set(resstring) then $ if resstring eq 'eclipse' then cubename=cubename+'_eclipse_'+date ;print,'crot=',crotname,'date=',date if file_exist(cubename+'.dat') eq 0 then begin if keyword_set(local) eq 0 then begin ; ; downloading e.g. ; ; ; note recent ones are high not medium! if keyword_set(choosehigh) then begin resstring='high' resstring2='medium' endif else begin resstring='medium' resstring2='high' endelse resused=resstring URLPATHUSE='data/runs/cr'+strtrim(string(crot),2)+'-'+resstring+'/'+mheatuse+'/' URLPATHUSE=URLPATHUSE[0] filenames='' for_getbyurl,filenames,URLPATHUSE,writediruse=writediruse,rspcode=rspcode,usehost='' ; if does not find ; first check to see if high or medium depending where it checked first res if exist(rspcode) eq 1 and crot ge crotminhmi then begin ; undefine,rspcode URLPATHUSE='data/runs/cr'+strtrim(string(crot),2)+'-'+resstring2+'/'+mheatuse+'/' URLPATHUSE=URLPATHUSE[0] filenames='' tempvar=size(temporary(rspcode)) print,'checking other resolution' for_getbyurl,filenames,URLPATHUSE,writediruse=writediruse,rspcode=rspcode,usehost='' resused=resstring2 ; if still not find, check to see if another HMI is available if exist(rspcode) eq 1 then begin resused=resstring ; undefine,rspcode if strupcase(mheat) ne 'HMI2' then begin URLPATHUSE='data/runs/cr'+strtrim(string(crot),2)+'-'+resstring+'/hmi_mast_mas_std_0201/' URLPATHUSE=URLPATHUSE[0] tempvar=size(temporary(rspcode)) filenames='' print,'checking HMI2' for_getbyurl,filenames,URLPATHUSE,writediruse=writediruse,rspcode=rspcode,usehost='' if exist(rspcode) eq 0 then mheat='HMI2' endif if exist(rspcode) eq 1 and strupcase(mheat) ne 'HMI1' then begin ; undefine,rspcode URLPATHUSE='data/runs/cr'+strtrim(string(crot),2)+'-'+resstring+'/hmi_mast_mas_std_0101/' URLPATHUSE=URLPATHUSE[0] tempvar=size(temporary(rspcode)) filenames='' print,'checking HMI1' for_getbyurl,filenames,URLPATHUSE,writediruse=writediruse,rspcode=rspcode,usehost='' if exist(rspcode) eq 0 then mheat='HMI1' endif if exist(rspcode) eq 1 then begin ; undefine,rspcode URLPATHUSE='data/runs/cr'+strtrim(string(crot),2)+'-'+resstring+'/hmi_masp_mas_std_0201/' URLPATHUSE=URLPATHUSE[0] tempvar=size(temporary(rspcode)) filenames='' print,'checking HMI3' for_getbyurl,filenames,URLPATHUSE,writediruse=writediruse,rspcode=rspcode,usehost='' if exist(rspcode) eq 0 then mheat='HMI3' endif endif endif ; if earlier, check to see if another MDI is available if exist(rspcode) eq 1 and crot le crotmaxmdi then begin ; undefine,rspcode if crot ge crotminmdimed then if strupcase(mheat) ne 'MDI2' then begin URLPATHUSE='data/runs/cr'+strtrim(string(crot),2)+'-'+resstring+'/mdi_mas_mas_std_0201/' URLPATHUSE=URLPATHUSE[0] tempvar=size(temporary(rspcode)) filenames='' print,'checking MDI2' for_getbyurl,filenames,URLPATHUSE,writediruse=writediruse,rspcode=rspcode,usehost='' if exist(rspcode) eq 0 then mheat='MDI2' endif if exist(rspcode) eq 1 and strupcase(mheat) ne 'MDI1' then begin ; undefine,rspcode URLPATHUSE='data/runs/cr'+strtrim(string(crot),2)+'-'+resstring+'/mdi_mas_mas_std_0101/' URLPATHUSE=URLPATHUSE[0] tempvar=size(temporary(rspcode)) filenames='' print,'checking MDI1' for_getbyurl,filenames,URLPATHUSE,writediruse=writediruse,rspcode=rspcode,usehost='' if exist(rspcode) eq 0 then mheat='MDI1' endif endif ;--- now trap for the other medium resolution polytropic runs ; if necessary if exist(rspcode) eq 1 then begin ; undefine,rspcode URLPATHUSE='data/runs/cr'+strtrim(string(crot),2)+'-'+resstring+'/kpo_mas_mas_std_0201/' URLPATHUSE=URLPATHUSE[0] tempvar=size(temporary(rspcode)) print,'checking KP2' for_getbyurl,filenames,URLPATHUSE,writediruse=writediruse,rspcode=rspcode,usehost='' if exist(rspcode) eq 0 then mheat='KP2' else begin URLPATHUSE='data/runs/cr'+strtrim(string(crot),2)+'-'+resstring+'/mwo_mas_mas_std_0201/' URLPATHUSE=URLPATHUSE[0] tempvar=size(temporary(rspcode)) print,'checking MW2' for_getbyurl,filenames,URLPATHUSE,writediruse=writediruse,rspcode=rspcode,usehost='' if exist(rspcode) eq 0 then mheat='MW2' else begin URLPATHUSE='data/runs/cr'+strtrim(string(crot),2)+'-'+resstring+'/gong_mast_mas_std_0201/' URLPATHUSE=URLPATHUSE[0] tempvar=size(temporary(rspcode)) print,'checking GONG2' for_getbyurl,filenames,URLPATHUSE,writediruse=writediruse,rspcode=rspcode,usehost='' if exist(rspcode) eq 0 then mheat='GONG2' else begin URLPATHUSE='data/runs/cr'+strtrim(string(crot),2)+'-'+resstring+'/solis_mas_mas_std_0201/' URLPATHUSE=URLPATHUSE[0] print,'checking SOLIS2' tempvar=size(temporary(rspcode)) for_getbyurl,filenames,URLPATHUSE,writediruse=writediruse,rspcode=rspcode,usehost='' if exist(rspcode) eq 0 then mheat='SOLIS2' endelse endelse endelse endif ;--- find any low res polytropic run for this date if exist(rspcode) eq 1 then begin ; undefine,rspcode URLPATHUSE='data/runs/cr'+strtrim(string(crot),2)+'-'+resstring+'/kpo_mas_mas_std_0101/' URLPATHUSE=URLPATHUSE[0] tempvar=size(temporary(rspcode)) print,'checking KP1' for_getbyurl,filenames,URLPATHUSE,writediruse=writediruse,rspcode=rspcode,usehost='' if exist(rspcode) eq 0 then mheat='KP1' else begin URLPATHUSE='data/runs/cr'+strtrim(string(crot),2)+'-'+resstring+'/mwo_mas_mas_std_0101/' URLPATHUSE=URLPATHUSE[0] tempvar=size(temporary(rspcode)) print,'checking MW1' for_getbyurl,filenames,URLPATHUSE,writediruse=writediruse,rspcode=rspcode,usehost='' if exist(rspcode) eq 0 then mheat='MW1' else begin URLPATHUSE='data/runs/cr'+strtrim(string(crot),2)+'-'+resstring+'/gong_mas_mas_std_0101/' URLPATHUSE=URLPATHUSE[0] tempvar=size(temporary(rspcode)) print,'checking GONG1' for_getbyurl,filenames,URLPATHUSE,writediruse=writediruse,rspcode=rspcode,usehost='' if exist(rspcode) eq 0 then mheat='GONG1' else begin URLPATHUSE='data/runs/cr'+strtrim(string(crot),2)+'-'+resstring+'/solis_mas_mas_std_0101/' URLPATHUSE=URLPATHUSE[0] tempvar=size(temporary(rspcode)) print,'checking SOLIS1' for_getbyurl,filenames,URLPATHUSE,writediruse=writediruse,rspcode=rspcode,usehost='' if exist(rspcode) eq 0 then mheat='SOLIS1' else mheat='' endelse endelse endelse endif endif else begin resused=resstring endelse if exist(rspcode) eq 0 or keyword_set(local) then begin ; unzip cd,writediruse,current=old_dir spawn,'unzip' cd,old_dir MasDataDir = writediruse+'corona' ps_read_mas_run, MasDataDir, mas, sequence=sequence ;help, mas ;---- now convert to FORWARD datacube style/units r = mas.r th = mas.t ph = mas.p br = bth = bph = mas.bp dens = mas.rho temp = mas.temp*1d6 pres = 2*1.3807d-16*dens*temp vr=mas.vr vth=mas.vt vph=mas.vp ; put ph between -pi and pi limits ; output so far will have 181 values of ph, ; from 0 to 2*pi. The problem with doing the next commented out ; lines was that it gave double value 0 and was not symmetric ; better to hard code the shift to avoid this ; however, be careful with local files which may have different resolution ; and/or may not have odd number of points ; testlow=where(ph lt -!dpi) ; if min(testlow) ne -1 then ph[testlow]=ph[testlow]+2.d0*!dpi testhigh=where(ph gt !dpi) ; if min(testhigh) ne -1 then ph[testhigh]=ph[testhigh]-2.d0*!dpi ; ; put in a test here-- below it assumes that the input was 0-2pi ; if min(testlow) ne -1 then begin print,'some phi values less than zero?' stop endif if min(testhigh) ne -1 then begin print,'reordering cube so that runs -pi to pi' sizeph=size(ph) sizeph=sizeph[1] isodd=0 if fix((sizeph-1)/2.) eq (sizeph-1)/2. then isodd=1 if isodd eq 1 then begin nnsp=1 nnhm=(sizeph-1)/2 nnh=(sizeph-1)/2 nnhp=(sizeph-1)/2 + 1 nnfm=sizeph-2 nnf=sizeph-1 endif else begin nnsp=0 nnhm=sizeph/2 -1 nnh=sizeph/2 nnhp=sizeph/2 nnfm=sizeph-1 nnf=sizeph-1 endelse phold=ph ph[0:nnhm]=phold[nnh:nnf]-2.d0*!dpi ph[nnhp:nnfm]=phold[nnsp:nnh-1] ph[nnf]=phold[nnhp-1] densold=dens dens[*,*,0:nnhm]=densold[*,*,nnh:nnf] dens[*,*,nnhp:nnfm]=densold[*,*,nnsp:nnh-1] dens[*,*,nnf]=densold[*,*,nnhp-1] tempold=temp temp[*,*,0:nnhm]=tempold[*,*,nnh:nnf] temp[*,*,nnhp:nnfm]=tempold[*,*,nnsp:nnh-1] temp[*,*,nnf]=tempold[*,*,nnhp-1] presold=pres pres[*,*,0:nnhm]=presold[*,*,nnh:nnf] pres[*,*,nnhp:nnfm]=presold[*,*,nnsp:nnh-1] pres[*,*,nnf]=presold[*,*,nnhp-1] brold=br br[*,*,0:nnhm]=brold[*,*,nnh:nnf] br[*,*,nnhp:nnfm]=brold[*,*,nnsp:nnh-1] br[*,*,nnf]=brold[*,*,nnhp-1] bthold=bth bth[*,*,0:nnhm]=bthold[*,*,nnh:nnf] bth[*,*,nnhp:nnfm]=bthold[*,*,nnsp:nnh-1] bth[*,*,nnf]=bthold[*,*,nnhp-1] bphold=bph bph[*,*,0:nnhm]=bphold[*,*,nnh:nnf] bph[*,*,nnhp:nnfm]=bphold[*,*,nnsp:nnh-1] bph[*,*,nnf]=bphold[*,*,nnhp-1] vrold=vr vr[*,*,0:nnhm]=vrold[*,*,nnh:nnf] vr[*,*,nnhp:nnfm]=vrold[*,*,nnsp:nnh-1] vr[*,*,nnf]=vrold[*,*,nnhp-1] vthold=vth vth[*,*,0:nnhm]=vthold[*,*,nnh:nnf] vth[*,*,nnhp:nnfm]=vthold[*,*,nnsp:nnh-1] vth[*,*,nnf]=vthold[*,*,nnhp-1] vphold=vph vph[*,*,0:nnhm]=vphold[*,*,nnh:nnf] vph[*,*,nnhp:nnfm]=vphold[*,*,nnsp:nnh-1] vph[*,*,nnf]=vphold[*,*,nnhp-1] endif ;---- save the data in FORWARD format as an IDL save file RawFile=writediruse+'data_forward.dat' save, r, th, ph, br, bth, bph, dens, temp, pres, vr, vth, vph, FileName=RawFile if resused eq 'high' then begin case mheat of 'HMI1': mdescr = 'hmi_thermo_high_h1' 'HMI2': mdescr = 'hmi_thermo_high_h2' 'HMI3': mdescr = 'hmi_polytropic_high_h3' else: mdescr = 'something else' endcase ; ; no other high res should be there ; endif else begin case mheat of 'HMI1': mdescr = 'hmi_thermo_med_h1' 'HMI2': mdescr = 'hmi_thermo_med_h2' 'HMI3': mdescr = 'hmi_polytropic_h3' 'MDI1': mdescr = 'mdi_polytropic_low' 'MDI2': mdescr = 'mdi_polytropic_med' 'KP1': mdescr = 'kpo_polytropic_low' 'KP2': mdescr = 'kpo_polytropic_med' 'MW1': mdescr = 'mwo_polytropic_low' 'GONG1': mdescr = 'gong_polytropic_low' 'GONG2': mdescr = 'gong_polytropic_med' 'SOLIS1': mdescr = 'solis_polytropic_low' 'SOLIS2': mdescr = 'solis_polytropic_med' 'WTD': mdescr = 'wave-turbulence-driven' endcase if resused eq 'eclipse' then mdescr=mdescr+'-'+resused+'-'+date endelse ;---- now load it up into forward ModelName=strtrim(string(crot),2)+'_'+strupcase(mdescr)+'.dat' ModelName=ModelName[0] CubeDir = writediruse make_my_cube, simname=RawFile, OutFile=cubename, OutDir=CubeDir, /rsun, /global, modelname=ModelName,mheat=mheat file_delete, writediruse+'', writediruse+'data_forward.dat', writediruse+'corona', /quiet, /recursive endif else begin cubename='' print, '' print, '### COULD NOT FIND THE MAS DATA FOR DOWNLOAD!' print, '### The date requested is either too old, too new' print, '### or the specific model requested does not exist' print, '' endelse endif else print,'using existing cube',cubename+'.dat' end