PRO pfssmod,r,theta_for,phi_for,ModPramsStruct,ModSolStruct ;+ ; Name: ; PFSSMOD ; ; Purpose: ; Main wrapper program to call the PFSS model and get back out the ; parameters: pressure, density, temp, br, bth, bphi ; ; Calling sequence: ; PFSSMOD,r,theta_for,phi_for,ModPramsStruct,ModSolStruct ; ; Input: ; ; r: scalar x1 (r) position of the desired interpolation point ; in units of solar radii ; ; theta_for : scalar x2 (theta) position of the desired interpolation ; (named theta_for to avoid conflict with PFSS_DATA_BLOCK) ; point in radians ; ; phi_for : scalar x3 (phi) position of the desired interpolation ; (named phi_for to avoid conflict with PFSS_DATA_BLOCK) ; point in radians ; ; ModPramsStruct : Structure created further up the chain by ; ; ; Output: ; ModSolStruct : interpolated value of the model parameters at ; the given r,th,phi ; ; Called by FOR_INTENSINT and FOR_POSNOINT (via call_procedure) ; Calls: FOR_HYDROCALC ; ; Common blocks: ; PFSS_DATA_BLOCK -- part of DeRosa PFSS software ; stores datacube information ; ; ; Author and history: ; Written by Laurel Rachmeler, Sarah Gibson ; LR: original version ; modified for hydrostatic model consistency SEG March 2011 ; modified for forward-backward compatibility LR June 2013 ; ; Version 2.0 July 2014 ; ; Feb 2016 - commented L0,B0, ; added negative rtop to signify ; source surface at infinity but rtop size of box ; Nov 2016 -- removed common block PFSSSTUFF -- unneeded becasue PFSS package ; codes avoid unnecessary re-restoring of files ; Also used simpler link to PFSS_DATA_BLOCK ; Also changed FLTARR to DBLARR ; Also fixed bug where field above SS was not scaled by Rss*Rss ; Feb 2017 - topology stuff, open field, mag strength at photo ftpt, expansion factor at point ; Sep 2018 -- adjusted hydro strategy so densprof and odensprof are usually scalars ; that are multiplied by standard profiles. However left it possibility of vector line command input. ; Oct 2018 -- added Vasquez hydrostatic ; Sep 2019 -- added Cranmer empirical ; Jan 2024 -- updated open topology info to include sign ;- COMPILE_OPT IDL2 ;default long and square brackets for array subscripts @pfss_data_block ;extract parameter variables from params structure t=tag_names(ModPramsStruct) for i=0,n_elements(t)-1 do void=execute(t[i]+'=ModPramsStruct.(i)') CoordSize=SIZE(r) NDim=CoordSize[0] nunwrapall=PRODUCT(CoordSize[1:NDim]) ;map input onto 1-D ;arrays of dimension ;nunwrap ;unwrap the positions into a 1d array nunwrapall=LONG(nunwrapall) p1=REFORM(r,nunwrapall) p2=REFORM(theta_for,nunwrapall) p3=REFORM(phi_for,nunwrapall) irc=DBLARR(N_ELEMENTS(p1)) ithc=DBLARR(N_ELEMENTS(p1)) iphc=DBLARR(N_ELEMENTS(p1)) b1=DBLARR(N_ELEMENTS(p1)) b2=DBLARR(N_ELEMENTS(p1)) b3=DBLARR(N_ELEMENTS(p1)) ;find where the r is above/below the top of box (source surface unless negative) low_index=WHERE(p1 LE abs(rtop),countl);below IF countl LE 0 THEN print,'Warning: none of your points are below the source surface' high_index=WHERE(p1 GT abs(rtop),counth);above almost_rtop=abs(rtop)*0.999999 IF countl GT 0 THEN BEGIN ;find spherical coords for below source surface irc[low_index]=get_interpolation_index(rix,p1[low_index]) ithc[low_index]=get_interpolation_index(lat,90-p2[low_index]*!radeg) iphc[low_index]=get_interpolation_index(lon,(p3[low_index]*!radeg+360) mod 360) ENDIF IF counth GT 0 THEN BEGIN ;find spherical coords for above source surface, basically calculate ;Br at rtop and use that with bth=bph=0 high_rs=dblarr(counth)+almost_rtop irc[high_index]=get_interpolation_index(rix,high_rs) ithc[high_index]=get_interpolation_index(lat,90-p2[high_index]*!radeg) iphc[high_index]=get_interpolation_index(lon,(p3[high_index]*!radeg+360) mod 360) ENDIF b1=interpolate(br,iphc,ithc,irc) b2=interpolate(bth,iphc,ithc,irc) b3=interpolate(bph,iphc,ithc,irc) IF counth GT 0 THEN BEGIN ;force outer radial field if it isn't already ;impose r^2 dropoff (taking into account that Br is evaluated at SS ; so need to scale from there). b1[high_index]=rtop*rtop*b1[high_index]/(p1[high_index]*p1[high_index]) ; ; test for non-radiality -- this will happen for example if source surface ; is at infinity (rtop lt 0) but points are outside the box (top=abs(rtop)) ; btest=b2[high_index]*b2[high_index] + b3[high_index]*b3[high_index] test=where(btest gt 1d-4) if min(test) ne -1 then print,'field above box assuming to be radial, but nonradial fields as high as ',sqrt(max(btest[test])),' Gauss' b2[high_index]=0 b3[high_index]=0 ENDIF ; now figure out plasma ; note densprof, odensprof are set up as a vector in for_hydrodefaults ; for all HYDRO>1 ; and is a tag on ModPramsStruct hydrosave=hydro hydrouse=hydro if hydro eq 4 then hydrouse=3 for_hydrocalc,p1,dens_he,pres_he,temp_he,hydro=hydrouse,isothermal=t0,densprof=densprof pres=pres_he temp=temp_he dens=dens_he hydro=hydrosave ; topology stuff - open field marker(op), mag strength at photo ftpt (bmf), ; expansion factor at point (expf) ; note -- need to load the cube because it is not in the COMMON block ; if tag_exist(ModPramsStruct,'topology') then begin if topology eq 1 then begin restore,filename op=DBLARR(N_ELEMENTS(p1)) bmf=DBLARR(N_ELEMENTS(p1)) expf=DBLARR(N_ELEMENTS(p1)) op=interpolate(open,iphc,ithc,irc) ; ; NOTE USING FIRST FOOTPOINT INFO ONLY -- appropriate for open ; if exist(brphot) eq 0 then brphot=brphot1 if exist(bthphot) eq 0 then bthphot=bthphot1 if exist(bphphot) eq 0 then bphphot=bphphot1 bphotmag=sqrt(brphot^2+bthphot^2+bphphot^2) bmag=sqrt(br^2+bth^2+bph^2) expfac=bphotmag*open/bmag for ic = 0,nr-1 do expfac[*,*,ic]=expfac[*,*,ic]/rix[ic]/rix[ic] bmf=interpolate(bphotmag,iphc,ithc,irc) expf=interpolate(expfac,iphc,ithc,irc) brf=interpolate(br,iphc,ithc,irc) ; ; overwrite plasma for open ; and add sign ; for_hydrocalc,p1,odens_he,opres_he,otemp_he,hydro=hydro,isothermal=ot0,densprof=odensprof opencheck=where(op ne 0) signopen=abs(brf)/brf if min(opencheck) ne -1 then begin pres[opencheck]=opres_he[opencheck] temp[opencheck]=otemp_he[opencheck] dens[opencheck]=odens_he[opencheck] ; print,minmax(op[opencheck]) op[opencheck]=op[opencheck]*signopen[opencheck] endif closedcheck=where(op eq 0) if min(closedcheck) ne -1 then op[closedcheck]=.1*signopen[closedcheck] endif endif ;reform all of the solutions into whatever the initial r,theta,phi ;form was pres=REFORM(pres,CoordSize[1:NDim],/overwrite) dens=REFORM(dens,CoordSize[1:NDim],/overwrite) temp=REFORM(temp,CoordSize[1:NDim],/overwrite) b1=REFORM(b1,CoordSize[1:NDim],/overwrite) b2=REFORM(b2,CoordSize[1:NDim],/overwrite) b3=REFORM(b3,CoordSize[1:NDim],/overwrite) if tag_exist(ModPramsStruct,'topology') then begin if topology eq 1 then begin op=REFORM(op,CoordSize[1:NDim],/overwrite) bmf=REFORM(bmf,CoordSize[1:NDim],/overwrite) expf=REFORM(expf,CoordSize[1:NDim],/overwrite) endif endif ;reform r,th,phi. DO need to do these, because they got reset with the ;restore. r=REFORM(p1,CoordSize[1:NDim]) theta_for=REFORM(p2,CoordSize[1:NDim]) phi_for=REFORM(p3,CoordSize[1:NDim]) Vel=Pres*0.d0+velimpose ;put solutions into the correct structure if tag_exist(ModPramsStruct,'topology') then begin if topology eq 1 then begin ModSolStruct={Pres:pres,Dens:dens,Temp:temp,Vel:vel,$ Br:b1,Bth:b2,Bph:b3,BPhotMag:bmf,ExpFac:expf,Open:op} endif else $ ModSolStruct={Pres:pres,Dens:dens,Temp:temp,Vel:vel,$ Br:b1,Bth:b2,Bph:b3} endif else $ ModSolStruct={Pres:pres,Dens:dens,Temp:temp,Vel:vel,$ Br:b1,Bth:b2,Bph:b3} END