The PFSSMOD is a numerical model that works with Potential Field Source Surface extrapolation of the coronal field from a photospheric magnetogram. The density, temperature, and pressure for this model are analytic and based on a set of input keywords (step 2). In order to use the PFSS model with the forward code, you must first install the 'pfss' SolarSoft package and add it to your SSW_INSTR list. The steps to using the PFSSMOD model are: 1 - If you do not already have a pfss save file, create one. There are three ways to get these files: - In sswidl type 'pfss_viewer', select a date, and then hit the Load button. Click OK when the program tries to access the file online. IDL will print a line like "pfss_viewer: restoring /tmp/Bfield_20080405_120400.h5", which tells you which file you downloaded and where it is stored. Copy or move the file to your working directory. Note: these files are created with a set grid, which may not be as fine as you require. - Create your own save file from a magnetogram. Follow the instructions in $FORWARD/MODELS/PSFFMOD/ DON'T run it as a program file, it is only named .pro so you get the right encoded character coloring. - Run for_drive for PFSS model with a date set. A save set will be downloaded to your local or working directory (when keyword working_dir set) 2 - Decide what plasma profiles you want (density, temperature, pressure). The relevant keywords are: hydro, densprof, t0, topology. They are dsecribed in $FORWARD/MODELS/PFSSMOD/ and in PFSSMODHELP.txt and the DEFAULTS directory. Your choices will be set as keyword inputs into the for_drive command. 3 - Run the for_drive code on your pfss save file using the chosen plasma parameters. See the DEFAULTS codes or the $FORWARD_DOCS/EXAMPLES/examples_pfss.txt file for more description on the specific keywords that go with this model. NOTES: - If you are using a field that is external to your source surface (i.e. a continuance of the radial field), and your source surface is not the standard 2.5 r_sun, set rtop to the correct value. **Note if you run for_drive with a date and an rtop set, the save file will have a source surface set at rtop** - Each carrington magnetogram is a full sun, the location of the zero-meridian (the solar longitude closest to the Earth) is not automatically set to correspond to the date that you want. **Note now for_drive will adjust cmer and bang to consistent with date, and also if your save file has a date it will set to be consistent with that* If you created your own save file, you will have to look online to find the central meridian for the time frame you want to view. **unless the date is part of the name**