PRO NUMCUBE,r,theta,phi,ModPramsStruct,ModSolStruct,nreinit=nreinit,nowidgmess=nowidgmess ;+ ; Name: ; NUMCUBE ; ; Purpose: ; Main wrapper program to call the data cube and get back out the ; parameters of the cube: pressure, density, temp, br, bth, bphi ; ; Calling sequence: ; NUMCUBE,r,theta,phi,ModPramsStruct, ModSolStruct ; ; Input: ; ; r : scalar x1 (r) position of the desired interpolation point ; in units of solar radii ; ; theta : scalar x2 (theta) position of the desired interpolation ; point in radians ; ; phi : scalar x3 (phi) position of the desired interpolation ; point in radians ; ; ModPramsStruct : Structure created further up the chain by ; that includes all the necessary modifications to ; the cube like rotating the central meridian and latitude, and ; what to do outside the cube. ; ; Output: ; ModSolStruct : interpolated value of the model parameters at ; the given r,theta,phi ; ; Called by FOR_INTENSINT and FOR_POSNOINT (via call_procedure), PSIMAS, AWSOM ; Calls FOR_INTERP_CUBE ; ; Author and history: ; Written by Laurel Rachmeler, Terry Kucera, Sarah Gibson ; LR: original version ; modified for hydrostatic model consistency SEG March 2011 ; Vectorized, TAK 8-Feb-2013 ; Added velocity capability SEG Oct 2013 - Jan 2014 ; Fixed rotation problem (was rotating outside too) Jan 2014 SEG ; Version 2.0 July 2014 ; Added POP2 capablity Jan 2015 SEG ; Aug-2020 -- SEG -- added IONDENS tag compatibility ; Sep 2021 - passed through nowidgmess ; Sep 2023 -- passed through hooks for AWSOM ;- COMPILE_OPT IDL2 ;default long and square brackets for array subscripts ;**warn if giving default if ModPramsStruct.Label eq 'Radial Field' and nreinit eq 1 then $ if keyword_set(nowidgmess) then message,/info,'If you have a specific CUBENAME datacube, you need to explicitly set it as a model parameter, otherwise default is $FORWARD/MODELS/NUMCUBE/cube1.dat, but it is probably not what you want! If you are running PSIMAS or AWSOM from date try changing the date' else d=dialog(/WARNING,'If you have a specific CUBENAME datacube, you need to explicitly set it as a model parameter, otherwise default is $FORWARD/MODELS/NUMCUBE/cube1.dat, but it is probably not what you want! If you are running PSIMAS from date try changing the date') ;***UNWRAP THE POSITION DATA*** ;The position input might be a point, a line, or a ;cube. I want them to be a long line, so unwrap if it isn't ;If input arrays have mare than 1D, reform them into 1D arrays CoordSize=SIZE(r) NDim=CoordSize[0] nunwrapall=PRODUCT(CoordSize[1:NDim]) ;map input onto 1-D ;arrays of dimension ;nunwrap nunwrapall=LONG(nunwrapall) p1=REFORM(r,nunwrapall) p2=REFORM(theta,nunwrapall) p3=REFORM(phi,nunwrapall) COMMON THECUBE, cube ; We used to have a limit to avoid overloading IDL memory ; but this should be taken care of at the top level via the memory keyword a_pres=p1*0d0 a_dens=p1*0d0 a_temp=p1*0d0 a_b1=p1*0d0 a_b2=p1*0d0 a_b3=p1*0d0 if tag_exist(cube,'Vr') then begin a_v1=p1*0.d0 a_v2=p1*0.d0 a_v3=p1*0.d0 endif else a_vel=p1*0.d0 if tag_exist(cube,'Pop2Dens') then a_pop2dens=p1*0d0 if tag_exist(cube,'Pop2Temp') then a_pop2temp=p1*0d0 if tag_exist(cube,'FillingFactor') then a_fillingfactor=p1*0d0 if tag_exist(cube,'Pop2FillingFactor') then a_pop2fillingfactor=p1*0d0 dopop2=0 if (tag_exist(cube,'Pop2Dens') or tag_exist(cube,'Pop2Temp') or tag_exist(cube,'FillingFactor') or tag_exist(cube,'Pop2FillingFactor')) and (ModPramsStruct.DThres eq 0 and ModPramsStruct.ColdPts eq 0) then dopop2=1 ;***DO THE INTERPOLATION FROM THE DATA CUBE*** ;the actual cube is passed in with ModPramsStruct.cube ioncheck=0 if tag_exist(cube,'IonDens') then ioncheck = 1 if ioncheck eq 1 then begin iondens=1 FOR_INTERP_CUBE, ModPramsStruct,cube,$ p1,p2,p3,$ pres,dens,temp,br,bth,bph,vr,vth,vph,$ pop2dens,pop2temp,fillfact,pop2fillfact,bphotmag,expfac,open,iondens=iondens endif else begin FOR_INTERP_CUBE, ModPramsStruct,cube,$ p1,p2,p3,$ pres,dens,temp,br,bth,bph,vr,vth,vph,$ pop2dens,pop2temp,fillfact,pop2fillfact,bphotmag,expfac,open endelse a_pres=pres a_dens=dens a_temp=temp if ioncheck eq 1 then a_iondens=iondens if dopop2 eq 1 then begin if tag_exist(cube,'Pop2Dens') then a_pop2dens=pop2dens if tag_exist(cube,'Pop2Temp') then a_pop2temp=pop2temp if tag_exist(cube,'FillingFactor') then a_fillingfactor=fillfact if tag_exist(cube,'Pop2FillingFactor') then a_pop2fillingfactor=pop2fillfact endif topyes=0 if tag_exist(cube,'topology') then begin if ModPramsStruct.topology eq 1 then begin topyes=1 a_bphotmag=bphotmag a_expfac=expfac a_open=open endif endif a_b1=br a_b2=bth a_b3=bph if tag_exist(cube,'Vr') then begin a_v1=vr a_v2=vth a_v3=vph endif else a_vel=vr ;***RE-WRAP THE POSITION AND VECTOR DATA*** a_pres=REFORM(a_pres,CoordSize[1:NDim],/overwrite) a_dens=REFORM(a_dens,CoordSize[1:NDim],/overwrite) a_temp=REFORM(a_temp,CoordSize[1:NDim],/overwrite) if ioncheck eq 1 then a_iondens=REFORM(a_iondens,CoordSize[1:NDim],/overwrite) if dopop2 eq 1 then begin if tag_exist(cube,'Pop2Dens') then a_pop2dens=REFORM(a_pop2dens,CoordSize[1:NDim],/overwrite) if tag_exist(cube,'Pop2Temp') then a_pop2temp=REFORM(a_pop2temp,CoordSize[1:NDim],/overwrite) if tag_exist(cube,'Pop2FillingFactor') then a_pop2fillingfactor=REFORM(a_pop2fillingfactor,CoordSize[1:NDim],/overwrite) if tag_exist(cube,'FillingFactor') then a_fillingfactor=REFORM(a_fillingfactor,CoordSize[1:NDim],/overwrite) endif if topyes eq 1 then begin a_bphotmag=reform(a_bphotmag,coordsize[1:ndim],/overwrite) a_expfac=reform(a_expfac,coordsize[1:ndim],/overwrite) a_open=reform(a_open,coordsize[1:ndim],/overwrite) endif a_b1=REFORM(a_b1,CoordSize[1:NDim],/overwrite) a_b2=REFORM(a_b2,CoordSize[1:NDim],/overwrite) a_b3=REFORM(a_b3,CoordSize[1:NDim],/overwrite) if tag_exist(cube,'Vr') then begin a_v1=REFORM(a_v1,CoordSize[1:NDim],/overwrite) a_v2=REFORM(a_v2,CoordSize[1:NDim],/overwrite) a_v3=REFORM(a_v3,CoordSize[1:NDim],/overwrite) endif else a_vel=REFORM(a_vel,CoordSize[1:NDim],/overwrite) ;don't need to reform positions because I copied the ;original positions from r, theta, phi to p1,p2,p3 ;r=REFORM(r,CoordSize[1:NDim],/overwrite) ;theta=REFORM(theta,CoordSize[1:NDim],/overwrite) ;phi=REFORM(phi,CoordSize[1:NDim],/overwrite) ;zero out B-field if NOFIELD is applied ; OR if not 0 or 1, can act as a multiplier on the field if tag_exist(ModPramsStruct,'nofield') then begin if ModPramsStruct.nofield eq 1 then begin a_b1 = 0.d0 *a_b1 a_b2 = 0.d0 *a_b2 a_b3 = 0.d0 *a_b3 endif if ModPramsStruct.nofield ne 0 and ModPramsStruct.nofield ne 1 then begin a_b1 = ModPramsStruct.nofield*a_b1 a_b2 = ModPramsStruct.nofield*a_b2 a_b3 = ModPramsStruct.nofield*a_b3 endif endif if tag_exist(cube,'Vr') then $ ModSolStruct={Pres:a_pres,Dens:a_dens,Temp:a_temp,$ Br:a_b1,Bth:a_b2,Bph:a_b3,Vr:a_v1,Vth:a_v2,Vph:a_v3} $ else $ ModSolStruct={Pres:a_pres,Dens:a_dens,Temp:a_temp,Vel:a_vel,$ Br:a_b1,Bth:a_b2,Bph:a_b3} ; ; deal with various POP2 possibilities ; if dopop2 eq 1 then begin if tag_exist(cube,'Pop2Dens') then ModSolStruct=add_tag(ModSolStruct,a_pop2dens,'Pop2Dens') if tag_exist(cube,'Pop2Temp') then ModSolStruct=add_tag(ModSolStruct,a_pop2temp,'Pop2Temp') ; ; allow setting or overwriting of filling factor if P2FILL set to other than one ; -- assume FILL=1-P2FILL everywhere, P2FILL=P2FILL everywhere ; if ModPramsStruct.P2Fill ne 1 then begin FillFact=1.-ModPramsStruct.P2Fill Pop2FillFact=ModPramsStruct.P2Fill endif else begin if tag_exist(cube,'Pop2FillingFactor') then Pop2FillFact=a_pop2fillingfactor else Pop2FillFact=1 if tag_exist(cube,'FillingFactor') then FillFact=a_fillingfactor else FillFact=1 endelse ModSolStruct=add_tag(ModSolStruct,FillFact,'FillingFactor') ModSolStruct=add_tag(ModSolStruct,Pop2FillFact,'Pop2FillingFactor') MaxFillFact=max(FillFact+Pop2FillFact) ;Maybe this should result in a full stop, or a reduction in FillFact, but for now it is just a warning. if MaxFillFact gt 1 then message,/info,'The maximum combined filling factor, '+trim(MaxFillFact)+', >1!' endif ; utilization of COLDPTS or DTHRES ; dopop2 should be 0 in this case, and any pop2 information ; in the cube ignored if ModPramsStruct.DThres ne 0 or ModPramsStruct.ColdPts ne 0 then begin if ModPramsStruct.DThres ne 0 then begin a_pop1dens=a_dens a_pop2dens=a_dens thresD=ModPramsStruct.DThres if thresD eq 1 then thresD=5d8 testpop1=where(a_dens lt thresD) testpop2=where(a_dens ge thresD) endif if ModPramsStruct.ColdPts ne 0 then begin a_pop1dens=a_dens a_pop2dens=a_dens thresT=ModPramsStruct.ColdPts if thresT eq 1 then thresT=3d4 testpop1=where(a_temp gt thresT) testpop2=where(a_temp le thresT) endif if ModPramsStruct.P2Fill eq 1 then begin if min(testpop2) ne -1 then a_pop1dens[testpop2]=0. if min(testpop1) ne -1 then a_pop2dens[testpop1]=0. FillFact=1. Pop2FillFact=1. endif else begin FillFact=a_dens*0. Pop2FillFact=a_dens*0. if min(testpop1) ne -1 then FillFact[testpop1]=1. if min(testpop2) ne -1 then FillFact[testpop2]=1.-ModPramsStruct.P2Fill if min(testpop1) ne -1 then Pop2FillFact[testpop1]=0. if min(testpop2) ne -1 then Pop2FillFact[testpop2]=ModPramsStruct.P2Fill endelse ModSolStruct=add_tag(ModSolStruct,a_pop1dens,'Pop1Dens') ModSolStruct=add_tag(ModSolStruct,a_pop2dens,'Pop2Dens') ModSolStruct=add_tag(ModSolStruct,FillFact,'FillingFactor') ModSolStruct=add_tag(ModSolStruct,Pop2FillFact,'Pop2FillingFactor') endif if tag_exist(cube,'RegimeForce') then ModSolStruct=add_tag(ModSolStruct,cube.RegimeForce,'RegimeForce') if topyes eq 1 then begin ModSolStruct=add_tag(ModSolStruct,a_bphotmag,'BPhotMag') ModSolStruct=add_tag(ModSolStruct,a_expfac,'ExpFac') ModSolStruct=add_tag(ModSolStruct,a_open,'Open') endif if ioncheck eq 1 then ModSolStruct=add_tag(ModSolStruct,a_iondens,'IonDens') END