PRO FOR_INTERP_CUBE, ModPramsStruct,cube,x1,x2,x3,pres,dens,temp,br,bth,bph,vr,vth,vph,pop2dens,pop2temp,fillfact,pop2fillfact,bmf,expf,op,iondens=iondens ;+ ; Name: ; CUBE ; Purpose: ; Take the data cube and get a value of all of the model ; paramters at an arbitrary position in space. Does this ; with a 3D linear interpolation of a value on a grid. The ; grid does not need to be regular, ; ; Calling sequence: ; INTERP_CUBE,ModPramsStruct,cube,x1,x2,x3,pres,dens,temp,br,bth,bph ; (iondens=iondens if set) ; ; Input: ; Cube : the data cube structure within which you want to ; interpolate. Must be in the correct format ; ; x1 : scalar x1 (r) position of the desired interpolation point ; in units of solar radii VECTOR IN THIS VERSION ; ; x2 : scalar x2 (theta) position of the desired interpolation ; point in radians VECTOR IN THIS VERSION ; ; x3 : scalar x3 (phi) position of the desired interpolation ; point in radians VECTOR IN THIS VERSION ; ; ; ModPramsStruct : Structure created in NUMCUBEPRAMS ; that includes all the necessary information such as ; what to do outide the cube. ; Also includes these tags: ; VelImpose : if nonzero, fills or overwrites velocity to be parallel to B ; with magnitude VelImpose ; CubeRot : if nonzero, rotates cube ; ; Output: ; pres,temp,dens,br,bth,bph,vr,vth,vph: interpolated value of the model parameters at ; r,th.phi. All are scalars ; also pop2dens,pop2temp,fillfact,pop2fillfact if passed through ; if velocity is passed as scalar magnitude (assuming direction along field) ; then vr will contain this ('vel') and vth and vph will be empty ; (direction projection along field will happen in FOR_FIELDCALLS) ; ; Called by NUMCUBE ; Calls FOR_CARTTOSPHERE, FOR_CUBEROT, FOR_HYDROCALC, FOR_SPHERETOCART ; INTERPOL, INTERPOLATE ; ; Author and history: ; Written by Yuhong Fan, Laurel Rachmeler, Terry Kucera, Sarah Gibson ; LR: modified to add comments, and adapt to the ; data cube instead of an array ; YF : created oridinal interpolation program, ; modified for hydrostatic model consistency SEG March 2011 ; ; Sarah Gibson: added one degree pixel padding for global models ; March 2012 ; Vectorized. TAK 7-Feb-2013 ; Fixed bug dividing by Rsun and in const SEG Sept 2013 ; Added velocity capability SEG 24-0ct-24 ; Moved cube rotation into this routine, since otherwise the outside was also rotated Jan 2014 SEG ; Version 2.0 July 2014 ; Added Pop2 capability; fixed possible bug where "if cube" instead of "if cube ne 0" Jan 2015 SEG ; Other Pop2 related changes, Jan 29, 2016 TAK ; Added check for Vel scalar (new implementation make_my_cube allows that) before interpolation ; Feb 2015 SEG ; ; Added topology tag capability Apr 2017 SEG ; Removed pixel padding because it no longer applied July 2017 SEG ; Sep 2018 -- adjusted hydro strategy so densprof and odensprof are usually scalars ; that are multiplied by standard profiles. However left it possibility of vector line command input. ; also made it no longer forced that hydro=1 for the odens/cdens profiles. ; Oct 2018 -- added Vasquez hydrostatic ; Sep 2019 -- added Cranmer empirical hydro=4 ; Aug 2020 -- SEG -- added iondens checks ; Feb 2022 -- SEG -- updated treatment of plasma using for_hydrodefaults ; simpliefied parameters ; fixed bug where B0 was written Bo, and replaced with Bnorm ; to avoid conflict with solar B angle ; Nov 2022 -- SEG -- fixed bug where In/out of bounds didn't ; account properly for top radial point (out=ge, in = lt) ; Also added negative hydro to allow r**2 dropoff in/out ; Also fixed bug where inbounds was failing becuase ; phi close to pi/2 ; Also put in check for because default NUMCUBE doesn't have it ;- ;extract parameter variables from params structure t=tag_names(ModPramsStruct) for i=0,n_elements(t)-1 do void=execute(t[i]+'=ModPramsStruct.(i)') x1v=cube.r ;grid positions in r (R_sun) ;grid positions in theta (radians) ;grid positions in phi (radians) n1=N_ELEMENTS(x1v) n2=N_ELEMENTS(x2v) n3=n_ELEMENTS(x3v) Br=x1*0. Bth=x1*0. Bph=x1*0. Vr=x1*0. Vth=x1*0. Vph=x1*0. pres=x1*0. dens=x1*0. temp=x1*0. ioncheck=0 if keyword_set(iondens) then ioncheck=1 if ioncheck eq 1 then iondens=x1*0. pop2dens=x1*0. pop2temp=x1*0. fillfact=x1*0. pop2fillfact=x1*0. ;at this point ;x1=r ;x2=theta ;x3=phi ;in original passed in coordinates ; ; cube rotation ; p1=x1 p2=x2 p3=x3 IF ModPramsStruct.CubeRot ne 0 THEN BEGIN ;***TRANSFORM TO CARTESIAN, ORIGINAL COORDINATES, POSITION ONLY*** FOR_SPHERETOCART, p1, p2, p3 ;p1=x ;p2=y ;p3=z ;in original passed in coordinates ;***DO THE CUBE ROTATION*** FOR_CUBEROT, ModPramsStruct.CubeRot, p1, p2, p3 ;p1=x ;p2=y ;p3=z ;in radially-rotated coordinates ;***TRANSFORM BACK TO SPHERICAL, ROTATED COORDINATES*** FOR_CARTTOSPHERE, p1, p2, p3 ;p1=r ;p2=theta ;p3=phi ;in radially-rotated coordinates ENDIF ;p1=r ;p2=theta ;p3=phi ;in radial-rotated coordinates ;Change angle ranges tmp=where(p3 GT (!dPI),c) & if c gt 0 then p3[tmp]=p3[tmp]-2.d0*!DPI tmp=where(p3 LT (-!dPI),c) & if c gt 0 then p3[tmp]=p3[tmp]+2.d0*!DPI r_sun=6.9570d10 ; cm solar radii topyes=0 if tag_exist(cube,'topology') then begin if ModPramsStruct.topology eq 1 then begin topyes=1 op=DBLARR(N_ELEMENTS(x1))-1 bmf=DBLARR(N_ELEMENTS(x1)) expf=DBLARR(N_ELEMENTS(x1)) ; ; outside the box (OutofBounds) will have default op=-1 ; and bmf=expf=0. ; bphotmag=sqrt(cube.brphot1^2+cube.bthphot1^2+cube.bphphot1^2) bmag=sqrt(^2+cube.bth^2+cube.bph^2) expfac=bphotmag*double( for ic = 0,n1-1 do expfac[*,*,ic]=expfac[*,*,ic]/x1v[ic]/x1v[ic] ; ; closed plasma ; if (hydro ne 0 and hydro ne 4) then tophydro=hydro else tophydro=3 for_hydrocalc,p1,cdens_he,cpres_he,ctemp_he,hydro=tophydro,isothermal=cT0,densprof=cdensprof ; ; open plasma ; for_hydrocalc,p1,odens_he,opres_he,otemp_he,hydro=tophydro,isothermal=oT0,densprof=odensprof endif endif IF n_elements(cube.axisym) EQ 0 THEN axisym=0 ELSE axisym=cube.axisym ;in case you forgot to set this parameter ;first check if it is in range. ; need to compare rotated coordinates to cube gridpoints; ; but, if out of range these will be evaluated in non-rotated coordinates ; That last line of the if statement ;means that the phi range only counts if the cube isn't 2d axisymmetric ;or global if tag_exist(cube,'global') then else global=0 OutofBounds=where( ((p1 LT x1v[0]) OR (p1 GT x1v[n1-1]) $ OR (p1 GE 1000.) $ OR ((p2 LT x2v[0]) OR (p2 GT x2v[n2-1]) $ OR ((p3 LT x3v[0]) OR (p3 GT x3v[n3-1]) AND (axisym EQ 0)) $ AND (global NE 1) )),Cout) if Cout gt 0 THEN BEGIN ;deal with magnetic field CASE Bout of 1: begin ;small external field br[OutofBounds]=0 ;default so not really needed bth[OutofBounds]=0 ;default so not really needed bph[OutofBounds]=0 ;default so not really needed end 2: begin ;split radial field, gauss br[OutofBounds]=Bnorm/(x1[OutofBounds]*x1[OutofBounds]) ;IF (x2[OutofBounds] GT !DPI/2.d0) THEN br=-1.*br ;negative on the bottom half tmp2=where(x2[OutofBounds] GT !DPI/2.d0,c2) if c2 gt 0 then br[OutofBounds[tmp2]]=-1.*br[OutofBounds[tmp2]] bth[OutofBounds]=0 ;default so not really needed bph[OutofBounds]=0 ;default so not really needed end ELSE: begin ;dipole field, gauss const=Bnorm/(2*x1[OutofBounds]*x1[OutofBounds]*x1[OutofBounds]) br[OutofBounds]=const*2.0*COS(x2[OutofBounds]) bth[OutofBounds]=const*SIN(x2[OutofBounds]) bph[OutofBounds]=0 end ENDCASE ;deal with plasma IF (hydro LE 0) THEN BEGIN IF (hydro EQ 0) THEN BEGIN pres[OutofBounds]=1d-5 dens[OutofBounds]=1d-5 temp[OutofBounds]=1d-5 if ioncheck eq 1 then iondens[OutofBounds]=1d-5 ENDIF ELSE BEGIN ; ; NEW! negative hydro means use the upper/lower boundary value ; for a given (potentially rotated) theta,phi and assume r**2 falloff. ; this will actually be applied later (since interpolation needed to ; determine theta,phi) ; ; for now zero out ions outside of box -- may return to this later if ioncheck eq 1 then iondens[OutofBounds]=1d-5 ENDELSE ENDIF ELSE BEGIN ;hydrostatic, calculate with HYDROCALC for_hydrocalc,x1[OutofBounds],dens_he,pres_he,temp_he,hydro=hydro,isothermal=te,densprof=densprof pres[OutofBounds]=pres_he temp[OutofBounds]=temp_he dens[OutofBounds]=dens_he ; ; we don't want to put ions outside box even if hydro model being assumed ; for rest of plasma ; if ioncheck eq 1 then iondens[OutofBounds]=1d-5 ENDELSE ; out of bounds should not be affected by filling factor fillfact[OutofBounds]=1. ; pop2 should always be in bounds pop2dens[OutofBounds]=1d-5 pop2temp[OutofBounds]=1d-5 pop2fillfact[OutofBounds]=1d-5 ; out of bounds, velocity will be 0 vr[OutofBounds]=0.d0 vth[OutofBounds]=0.d0 vph[OutofBounds]=0.d0 ENDIF ;end out of bounds InBounds=where((((p1 GE x1v[0]) AND (p1 LE x1v[n1-1])) $ AND (p1 LT 1000.) $ AND (((p2 GE x2v[0]) AND (p2 LE x2v[n2-1])) $ AND (((p3 GE x3v[0]) AND (p3 LE x3v[n3-1])) OR (axisym EQ 1)) $ OR (global EQ 1) )),Cin) If CIn gt 0 or hydro lt 0 THEN BEGIN ;find r position in the grid j1=interpol(indgen(n_elements(x1v)),x1v,p1) ;find theta position in the grid j2=interpol(indgen(n_elements(x2v)),x2v,p2) ;find phi position in the grid. If the grid is axisymmetric, then ;this is just zero. IF axisym THEN BEGIN j3=0 ENDIF ELSE BEGIN j3=interpol(indgen(n_elements(x3v)),x3v,p3) ENDELSE mult=p1*0.+1. JAbove=0 JBelow=0 ; if doing r**2 falloff for out of box points IF hydro lt 0 and Cout gt 0 THEN BEGIN ; check to see if below or above BelowBounds = where (p1 lt x1v[0],JBelow) AboveBounds = where (p1 gt x1v[n1-1],JAbove) if JBelow gt 0 then begin j1[BelowBounds]=interpol(indgen(n_elements(x1v)),x1v,x1v[0]) mult[BelowBounds]=(x1v[0]*x1v[0])/p1[BelowBounds]/p1[BelowBounds] endif if JAbove gt 0 then begin j1[AboveBounds]=interpol(indgen(n_elements(x1v)),x1v,x1v[n1-1]) mult[AboveBounds]=(x1v[n1-1]*x1v[n1-1])/p1[AboveBounds]/p1[AboveBounds] endif ENDIF ;find the interpolated value. This is a linear weighted ;interpolation. Take the value at one of the grid points, and weight ;it by the product of the distances b/w the target location and the ;opposite grid walls. Sum the 8 possible combinations (one for each ;neighboring grid point IF axisym THEN BEGIN ; ; if topology tag is set, use open/closed info to determine density, pres, temp ; also expansion factor ; ; this should never be used for iondens - will result in zero values if done ; at some point may want to adjust for_makeplasma to allow for closed/open ion values ; if topyes eq 1 then begin op[InBounds]= interpolate(double(,j1[inbounds],j2[inbounds]) bmf[InBounds]= interpolate(bphotmag,j1[inbounds],j2[inbounds]) expf[InBounds]= interpolate(expfac,j1[inbounds],j2[inbounds]) ; ; overwrite plasma for closed ; closedcheck=where(op eq 0) if min(closedcheck) ne -1 then begin pres[closedcheck]=cpres_he[closedcheck] temp[closedcheck]=ctemp_he[closedcheck] dens[closedcheck]=cdens_he[closedcheck] endif ; ; overwrite plasma for open ; opencheck=where(op ne 0 and op ne -1) if min(opencheck) ne -1 then begin pres[opencheck]=opres_he[opencheck] temp[opencheck]=otemp_he[opencheck] dens[opencheck]=odens_he[opencheck] endif endif else begin pres[InBounds]= interpolate(double(cube.pres),j1[inbounds],j2[inbounds]) dens[InBounds]= interpolate(double(cube.dens),j1[inbounds],j2[inbounds]) temp[InBounds]=interpolate(double(cube.temp),j1[inbounds],j2[inbounds]) if JAbove gt 0 then begin pres[AboveBounds]= mult[abovebounds]*interpolate(double(cube.pres),j1[abovebounds],j2[abovebounds]) dens[AboveBounds]= mult[abovebounds]*interpolate(double(cube.dens),j1[abovebounds],j2[abovebounds]) temp[AboveBounds]=interpolate(double(cube.temp),j1[abovebounds],j2[abovebounds]) endif if JBelow gt 0 then begin pres[BelowBounds]= mult[belowbounds]*interpolate(double(cube.pres),j1[belowbounds],j2[belowbounds]) dens[BelowBounds]= mult[belowbounds]*interpolate(double(cube.dens),j1[belowbounds],j2[belowbounds]) temp[BelowBounds]=interpolate(double(cube.temp),j1[belowbounds],j2[belowbounds]) endif if ioncheck eq 1 then iondens[InBounds]= interpolate(double(cube.iondens),j1[inbounds],j2[inbounds]) endelse if tag_exist(cube,'Pop2Dens') && n_elements(cube.Pop2Dens) gt 1 $ then pop2dens[InBounds]= interpolate(double(cube.pop2dens),j1[inbounds],j2[inbounds]) if tag_exist(cube,'Pop2Temp') && n_elements(cube.pop2Temp) gt 1 $ then pop2temp[InBounds]= interpolate(double(cube.pop2temp),j1[inbounds],j2[inbounds]) if tag_exist(cube,'Pop2FillingFactor') && n_elements(cube.Pop2FillingFactor) gt 1 $ then pop2fillfact[InBounds]= interpolate(double(cube.pop2fillingfactor),j1[inbounds],j2[inbounds]) if tag_exist(cube,'FillingFactor') && n_elements(cube.FillingFactor) gt 1 $ then fillfact[InBounds]= interpolate(double(cube.fillingfactor),j1[inbounds],j2[inbounds]) br[InBounds]=interpolate(double(,j1[inbounds],j2[inbounds]) bth[InBounds]= interpolate(double(cube.bth),j1[inbounds],j2[inbounds]) bph[InBounds]= interpolate(double(cube.bph),j1[inbounds],j2[inbounds]) if ModPramsStruct.VelImpose eq 0. then begin if tag_exist(cube,'Vr') then begin vr[InBounds]=interpolate(double(cube.vr),j1[inbounds],j2[inbounds]) vth[InBounds]= interpolate(double(cube.vth),j1[inbounds],j2[inbounds]) vph[InBounds]= interpolate(double(cube.vph),j1[inbounds],j2[inbounds]) endif else begin if tag_exist(cube,'Vel') then begin if min(cube.Vel) eq 0. and max(cube.Vel) eq 0. then vr[InBounds]=0.d0 else $ vr[InBounds]=interpolate(double(cube.vel),j1[inbounds],j2[inbounds]) endif else vr[InBounds]=0.d0 endelse endif else vr[InBounds]=interpolate(double(ModPramsStruct.VelImpose)+cube.dens*0.d0,j1[inbounds],j2[inbounds]) ENDIF ELSE BEGIN ;not axysimmetric if topyes eq 1 then begin op[InBounds]= interpolate(double(,j1[inbounds],j2[inbounds],j3[inbounds]) bmf[InBounds]= interpolate(bphotmag,j1[inbounds],j2[inbounds],j3[inbounds]) expf[InBounds]= interpolate(expfac,j1[inbounds],j2[inbounds],j3[inbounds]) ; ; overwrite plasma for closed ; closedcheck=where(op eq 0) if min(closedcheck) ne -1 then begin pres[closedcheck]=cpres_he[closedcheck] temp[closedcheck]=ctemp_he[closedcheck] dens[closedcheck]=cdens_he[closedcheck] endif ; ; overwrite plasma for open ; opencheck=where(op ne 0 and op ne -1) if min(opencheck) ne -1 then begin pres[opencheck]=opres_he[opencheck] temp[opencheck]=otemp_he[opencheck] dens[opencheck]=odens_he[opencheck] endif endif else begin pres[InBounds]= interpolate(double(cube.pres),j1[inbounds],j2[inbounds],j3[inbounds]) dens[InBounds]= interpolate(double(cube.dens),j1[inbounds],j2[inbounds],j3[inbounds]) temp[InBounds]=interpolate(double(cube.temp),j1[inbounds],j2[inbounds],j3[inbounds]) if JAbove gt 0 then begin pres[AboveBounds]= mult[abovebounds]*interpolate(double(cube.pres),j1[abovebounds],j2[abovebounds],j3[abovebounds]) dens[AboveBounds]= mult[abovebounds]*interpolate(double(cube.dens),j1[abovebounds],j2[abovebounds],j3[abovebounds]) temp[AboveBounds]=interpolate(double(cube.temp),j1[abovebounds],j2[abovebounds],j3[abovebounds]) endif if JBelow gt 0 then begin pres[BelowBounds]= mult[belowbounds]*interpolate(double(cube.pres),j1[belowbounds],j2[belowbounds],j3[belowbounds]) dens[BelowBounds]= mult[belowbounds]*interpolate(double(cube.dens),j1[belowbounds],j2[belowbounds],j3[belowbounds]) temp[BelowBounds]=interpolate(double(cube.temp),j1[belowbounds],j2[belowbounds],j3[belowbounds]) endif if ioncheck eq 1 then iondens[InBounds]=interpolate(double(cube.iondens),j1[inbounds],j2[inbounds],j3[inbounds]) endelse if tag_exist(cube,'Pop2Dens') && n_elements(cube.pop2Dens) gt 1 $ then pop2dens[InBounds]= $ interpolate(double(cube.pop2dens),j1[inbounds],j2[inbounds],j3[inbounds]) if tag_exist(cube,'Pop2Temp') && n_elements(cube.pop2Temp) gt 1 $ then pop2temp[InBounds]= $ interpolate(double(cube.pop2temp),j1[inbounds],j2[inbounds],j3[inbounds]) if tag_exist(cube,'Pop2FillingFactor') && n_elements(cube.Pop2FillingFactor) gt 1 $ then pop2fillfact[InBounds]= $ interpolate(double(cube.pop2fillingfactor),j1[inbounds],j2[inbounds],j3[inbounds]) if tag_exist(cube,'FillingFactor') && n_elements(cube.FillingFactor) gt 1 $ then fillfact[InBounds]= $ interpolate(double(cube.fillingfactor),j1[inbounds],j2[inbounds],j3[inbounds]) br[InBounds]=interpolate(double(,j1[inbounds],j2[inbounds],j3[inbounds]) bth[InBounds]= interpolate(double(cube.bth),j1[inbounds],j2[inbounds],j3[inbounds]) bph[InBounds]= interpolate(double(cube.bph),j1[inbounds],j2[inbounds],j3[inbounds]) if ModPramsStruct.VelImpose eq 0. then begin if tag_exist(cube,'Vr') then begin vr[InBounds]=interpolate(double(cube.vr),j1[inbounds],j2[inbounds],j3[inbounds]) vth[InBounds]= interpolate(double(cube.vth),j1[inbounds],j2[inbounds],j3[inbounds]) vph[InBounds]= interpolate(double(cube.vph),j1[inbounds],j2[inbounds],j3[inbounds]) endif else begin if tag_exist(cube,'Vel') && n_elements(cube.Vel) gt 1 then begin if min(cube.Vel) eq 0. and max(cube.Vel) eq 0. then vr[InBounds]=0.d0 else $ vr[InBounds]=interpolate(double(cube.vel),j1[inbounds],j2[inbounds],j3[inbounds]) endif else vr[InBounds]=0.d0 endelse endif else vr[InBounds]=interpolate(double(ModPramsStruct.VelImpose)+cube.dens*0.d0,j1[inbounds],j2[inbounds],j3[inbounds]) ENDELSE ; ; ;***TRANSFORM POSITION AND VECTOR TO CARTESIAN, ROTATED COORDINATES*** IF ModPramsStruct.CubeRot ne 0 THEN BEGIN p1use=p1[InBounds] p2use=p2[InBounds] p3use=p3[InBounds] ; ; need to be careful we dont transform the position vector twice ; p1use2=p1[InBounds] p2use2=p2[InBounds] p3use2=p3[InBounds] b1use=br[InBounds] b2use=bth[InBounds] b3use=bph[InBounds] v1use=vr[InBounds] v2use=vth[InBounds] v3use=vph[InBounds] FOR_SPHERETOCART, p1use, p2use, p3use,b1use,b2use,b3use if tag_exist(cube,'Vr') then begin FOR_SPHERETOCART,p1use2,p2use2,p3use2,v1use,v2use,v3use endif ; coordinates are: ;p1=x ;p2=y ;p3=z ;b1=bx ;b2=by ;b3=bz ;v1=vx ;v2=vy ;v3=vz ;in radially-rotated coordinates ;***DO THE DE-ROTATION ABOUT THE RADIAL-AXIS*** FOR_CUBEROT, -1*ModPramsStruct.CubeRot,p1use,p2use,p3use,b1use,b2use,b3use if tag_exist(cube,'Vr') then $ FOR_CUBEROT, -1*ModPramsStruct.CubeRot,p1use2,p2use2,p3use2,v1use,v2use,v3use ; coordinates are: ;p1=x ;p2=y ;p3=z ;b1=bx ;b2=by ;b3=bz ;v1=vx ;v2=vy ;v3=vz ;in original orientation cartesian coordinates ;***TRANSFORM POSITION AND VECTOR TO SPHERICAL, ORIGINAL COORDINATES*** FOR_CARTTOSPHERE,p1use,p2use,p3use,b1use,b2use,b3use if tag_exist(cube,'Vr') then $ FOR_CARTTOSPHERE,p1use2,p2use2,p3use2,v1use,v2use,v3use ; coordinates are: ;p1=r ;p2=theta ;p3=phi ;b1=br ;b2=btheta ;b3=bphi ;v1=vr ;v2=vtheta ;v3=vphi ;in original passed in spherical coordinates ; ; now put into arrays ; br[InBounds]=b1use bth[InBounds]=b2use bph[InBounds]=b3use vr[InBounds]=v1use vth[InBounds]=v2use vph[InBounds]=v3use ENDIF ; end if cuberot ENDIF ;end in bounds END