pro for_hydrodefaults,$ hydro=hydro,$ cdensprof=cdensprof,ct0=ct0,$ odensprof=odensprof,ot0=ot0,$ rcdensprof=cdensprof_rd,rct0=ct0_rd,$ rodensprof=odensprof_rd,rot0=ot0_rd,$ vcdensprof=vcdensprof,vodensprof=vodensprof ; ; Since multiple models use the hydrostatic option in various ways, ; it makes sense to drive them with one program ; ; ; INPUT KEYWORDS ; ; HYDRO: hydrostatic atmospheric models ; ; CALLED by models (within [model]* ; CROISSANT (for spherically symmetric open field background) ; DIPOLE (for both open and closed field) ; GIBBAGLOW (for both open and closed field) ; NUMCUBE (for spherically symmetric open field background "outside the box", ; and/or if keyword TOPOLOGY set, to set open vs closed field density profiles) ; PFSSMOD (for spherically symmetric open field density, ; or if keyword TOPOLOGY set, to set open vs closed field density profiles) ; PSIMAS (for open field background "outside the box") ; ; The options are: ; HYDRO=0 - zero density ; not allowed for DIPOLE, GIBBAGLOW, or PFSSMOD -- replaced with hydro=3 ; HYDRO=1; exponential isothermal hydrostatic equilibrium ; HYDRO=2; radial power law hydrostatic equilibrium ; HYDRO=3; Vasquez et al 2003 density, electron temperature ; DEFAULT ; HYDRO=4; Cranmer et al 1999 empirical model for coronal hole density, temperature ; only allowed for open field profiles ; if set, any closed fields will revert to HYDRO=3 representation ; HYDRO=5; simpler version of HYDRO=2, with only one radial power law (for far field) ; HYDRO > 5 --> HYDRO=3 ; ; KEYWORDS SET IN FOR_HYDRODEFAULTS ; ; CDENSPROF,ODENSPROF - ; HYDRO=0, CDENSPROF,ODENSPROF not used, set to 'NULL' and won't show up in widget ; HYDRO=1, CDENSPROF, ODENSPROF represent density at coronal base in CGS units, ; CDENSPROF scaled by 1d9 ; ODENSPROF scaled by 1d8 ; HYDRO=2, CDENSPROF, ODENSPROF can be input array [A,B,C,D,E,F] (units in cgs) ; or multipliers of array [densprof*A,B,densprof*C,D,densprof*E,F] ; (note for widget it has to be multiplier, so, scalar) ; closed field array defaults to values of Gibson et al 1999 WSM streamer ; open field array defaults to values of Guhathakurta et al 1999 WSM c. hole ; dens = A*r^-B + C*r^-D + E*r^-F ; HYDRO=3, CDENSPROF,ODENSPROF can be array [A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,aa,bb,alpha,beta] ; or multipliers of A1 ; closed field array defaults to Vasquez/Sittler-Guhathakurta streamer values ; open field array defaults to Vasquez/Sittler-Guhathakurta polar ; dens=A1*exp(A2/r)*r^-2*(1+A3/r+A4/r^2+A5/r^3) ; HYDRO=4,ODENSPROF can be array [da,db,dc,dd,de,ta,tb,tc,td] ; or multipliers of da ; open field array defaults to Cranmer coronal hole values ; dens_he= da*1e5*(db*(1./r)^dc + dd*(1./r)^de) ; (for HYDRO=4 CDENSPROF set to 'NULL' and for_hydrodefaults will ; be called twice, the second time with HYDRO=3) ; HYDRO=5, ODENSPROF CDENSPROF are density at coronal base ; density=densprof*1d7r^T0 ; ; DEFAULT CDENSPROF=1 (CDENSPROF=6 for HYDRO=5) ; DEFAULT ODENSPROF=1 ; ; CT0, OTO ; HYDRO=0,1, isothermal temperature parameter value ; HYDRO=2 -- not used set to null and not shown in widget ; (temperature follows from density profile, ideal gas law, hydrostatic pressure balance) ; HYDRO=3 scaling factor for model, divided by 1.5d6, and uses parameters in DENSPROF ; temp=T0*(8e5/1.5e6)*(aa+1)/(aa+bb*r^alpha + (1-bb)*r^-beta) ; (normalized to 1.5e6 so same T0 default can be used as other HYDRO choices) ; HYDRO=4 scaling factor for model, divided by 1.5d6, and uses parameters in DENSPROF ; temp_he= T0*(1e6/1.5e6)*(ta*r^tb + tc*r^td)^(-1) ; (normalized to 1.5e6 so same T0 default can be used as other HYDRO choices) ; (for HYDRO=4 CTO set to 'NULL'and for_hydrodefaults will ; be called twice, the second time with HYDRO=3) ; DEFAULT CTO 1.5D6 ; DEFAULT OTO 1.D6 ; (except for HYDRO=3 and 4 -- DEFAULT OTO 1.5D6) ; HYDRO=5 -- defines slope of radial falloff; designed for far field falloff ; (temperature follows from density profile, ideal gas law, hydrostatic pressure balance) ; DEFAULT CTO =-4 OTO=-2 ; ; BOOKKEEPING ; ; R* -- input keywords set in *, only set if readprams is set ; ; ; OUTPUT KEYWORDS ; ; VODENSPROF, VCDENSPROF ; Full vectors for for_hydrocalc to use ; if hydro gt 5 then begin print,'hydro must be 5 or less. Resetting to default hydro=3 (Vasquez profiles)' hydro = 3 endif oduse='1.' cduse='1.' if hydro eq 5 then cduse='6.' cdensprof=n_elements(cdensprof) eq 0?(n_elements(cdensprof_rd) eq 0?cduse:cdensprof_rd):$ (strupcase(cdensprof) eq 'NULL'?'1.':cdensprof) odensprof=n_elements(odensprof) eq 0?(n_elements(odensprof_rd) eq 0?oduse:odensprof_rd):$ (strupcase(odensprof) eq 'NULL'?'1.':odensprof) if hydro eq 0 then begin cdensprof='NULL' odensprof='NULL' endif if hydro eq 4 then begin cdensprof='NULL' endif case 1 of hydro eq 5: begin otset='-2.' ctset='-4.' end hydro eq 3 or hydro eq 4: begin otset='1.5d6' ctset='1.5d6' end else: begin otset='1.d6' ctset='1.5d6' end endcase ct0=n_elements(ct0) eq 0?(n_elements(ct0_rd) eq 0?ctset:ct0_rd):$ (strupcase(ct0) eq 'NULL'?ctset:ct0) ot0=n_elements(ot0) eq 0?(n_elements(ot0_rd) eq 0?otset:ot0_rd):$ (strupcase(ot0) eq 'NULL'?otset:ot0) if hydro eq 2 then begin ct0='NULL' ot0='NULL' endif if hydro eq 4 then begin ct0='NULL' endif ; ; make output vectors ; Case 1 of hydro eq 0 : begin vcdensprof = 'NULL' vodensprof = 'NULL' end hydro eq 1 : begin if n_elements(cdensprof) eq 1 then vcdensprof = string(1000000000.*cdensprof) $ else begin print,'exponential case requires scalar densprof; assuming default base density 1d9' vcdensprof = '1d9' endelse if n_elements(odensprof) eq 1 then vodensprof = string(100000000.*odensprof) $ else begin print,'exponential case requires scalar densprof; assuming default base density 1d8' vodensprof = '1d8' endelse end hydro eq 2 : begin vcdensprof=string([cdensprof*360000000.,15.3,cdensprof*99000000.,7.34,cdensprof*36500000.,4.31]) ; radial power law from WSM streamer in Gibson et al., 1999 vodensprof=string([odensprof*173690000.,13.72,odensprof*1995000.,4.09,odensprof*131600.,2.]) ; radial power law from WSM coronal hole in Guhathakurta et al., 1999 end hydro eq 3 : begin vcdensprof=string([cdensprof*0.0032565,3.6728,4.8947,7.6123,5.9868,0.1,0.33,0.55,6.6]) vodensprof=string([odensprof*0.0012921,4.8039,0.29696,-7.1743,12.321,0.,0.47,0.7,6.6]) ; density radial power laws from Sittler-Guhathakurta 1999 (as described in Vasquez 2003) ; temperature Vasquez 2003 for streamer and coronal hole end hydro eq 4 : begin vodensprof=string([odensprof,3890.,10.5,8.69,2.57,0.35,1.1,1.9,-6.6]) ; temperature, density from Cranmer 1999 coronal hole vcdensprof='NULL' end hydro eq 5 : begin vodensprof=string(10000000.*odensprof) vcdensprof=string(10000000.*cdensprof) end endcase end