pro lowhund,rpB,thetapB,phipB,ModPramsStruct,ModSolStruct ; ; Name: LOWHUND ; ; Purpose: Calculate the density, temperature, magnetic field of the ; Low-Hund model at a location rpB, thetapB, phipB (true spherical ; coordinates - need to be converted to model Cartesian) ; ; Inputs: ; rpB, thetapB, phipB -- position in 3D space where model is to be evaluated ; rpB in units of RSUN, thetapB, phipB in units of RADIANS ; ; ModPramsStruct - structure associated with model, containing ; model name (LOWHUND), model parameters ; set up in ; ; Outputs: ModSolStruct - Solution of model, containing density, ; pressure, magnetic field (Br, Bth, Bph) ; ; Calls ; ; Written: S. Gibson ; ; Version 2.0 July 2014 ; Oct 2022 -- changed array ( to [ (with help from Vema Panditi) ; Feb 2023 -- updated hydro isothermal treatment; also ; removed adip as parameter to be varied as it ; is not set up right and isnt necessary ; Adapted from ff_stepdens in original version of code ; Read in Parameters: x_o=ModPramsStruct.X_o r_o=ModPramsStruct.R_o lambdasign=ModPramsStruct.Signlambda ; adip=ModPramsStruct.Adip ; forcing 0 for now because not set up right adip=0 zeta_o=ModPramsStruct.Zeta_o a_o=ModPramsStruct.A_o lambda=ModPramsStruct.Lambda a1=ModPramsStruct.A1 isothermal=ModPramsStruct.Isothermal hydro=ModPramsStruct.Hydro out=ModPramsStruct.Out aa1 = ModPramsStruct.AA bb = ModPramsStruct.BB cc = ModPramsStruct.CC dd = ModPramsStruct.DD ee = ModPramsStruct.EE ff = ModPramsStruct.FF ; Convert coordinates to model Cartesian ; NOTE: we are making the rope independent in the phi ; direction rather than the y direction, because it makes ; a more realistic LOS integration. However, one must be ; sure to use dimensions of the rope (e.g. 0.025 Rsun for radius ; as default) that make the curvature small, because otherwise, ; this introduces a curl of magnetic field that is unbalanced Rsun = 6.9570d10 x = Rsun*(rpB*sin(thetapB)) + x_o - Rsun z = Rsun*(rpB*cos(thetapB)) r = sqrt(x*x+z*z) zeta = -(x+r_o)/(z^2+(x+r_o)^2) geta,r,zeta,lambda,adip,a1,Ain,Aout,zeta_o,r_o testin=where(r lt r_o) AA = Aout by=AA*0. getbzbx,z,x,r,zeta,lambda,adip,a1,bzin,bzout,bxin,bxout,zeta_o,r_o bz=bzout bx=bxout g = 2.74d4 Mp = 1.673d-24 dens=2.*a_o/(g*(x+r_o)^3) pres=a_o/((x+r_o)^2) testunder=where(x lt 0.) if min(testunder) ne -1 then dens[testunder]=2.*a_o/(g*(r_o)^3) if min(testunder) ne -1 then pres[testunder]=a_o/((r_o)^2) if min(testin) ne -1 then begin AA[testin] = Ain[testin] by[testin]=lambda*sqrt(Ain[testin]) bz[testin]=bzin[testin] bx[testin]=bxin[testin] dens[testin]=2.*a_o/(g*(x[testin]+r_o)^3) + 2.*a1*Ain[testin]/(g*(x[testin]+r_o)^3) pres[testin]=a_o/((x[testin]+r_o)^2) + a1*Ain[testin]/((x[testin]+r_o)^2) endif ; convert mass density to number density ; rho --> N dens=dens/Mp st=sin(thetapB) ct=cos(thetapB) sp=sin(phipB) cp=cos(phipB) ; NOTE we should recheck these to see if they are the ; best kluge to use br= bx*st + bz*ct bth= bx*ct - bz*st bph = by ; these are the true cartesian to spherical coords transform ; ; br=by*st*sp + bx*st*cp + bz*ct ; bth=by*ct*sp + bx*ct*cp - bz*st ; bph = -bx*sp + by*cp ; ; at this point the density is as in LH analytic solution ; which can cause problems, espcially outside the rope ; because it's for a plane parallel atmosphere ; wrapped onto a spherical coordinate system ; testout=where(r ge r_o,c) ; default hydro will be +1 ; this will create a radial hydrostatic dropoff for both ; density and pressure, fit to coronal values if hydro ne 0 then begin ; ; number density dens_hydro=(aa1*rpB^(-bb)+cc*rpB^(-dd)+ee*rpB^(-ff)) pres_hydro=-1*Mp*g*Rsun*((aa1/(-bb+1))*rpB^(-bb+1)+(cc/(-dd+1))*rpB^(-dd+1)$ +(ee/(-ff+1))*rpB^(-ff+1)) if hydro gt 0 then begin ; ; everywhere outside cavity gets radial hydrostatic solution ; dens[testout]=dens_hydro[testout] pres[testout]=pres_hydro[testout] endif else begin ; ; everywhere including cavity (no longer a cavity) gets radial hydrostatic solution dens=dens_hydro pres=pres_hydro endelse endif ; ; temperature kk=1.381d-16 temp=pres/dens/kk ; ; we have the option of forcing a single constant temperature if we want ; otherwise it will be consistent with density and pressure and change with height ; which is the default (ISOTHERMAL=0) ; if isothermal ne 0 then begin ; ; this changed temperature only above the cavity, not everywhere outside it ; (also I think there was a bug in the 1.5 instead of 1. in front of g*r_o*Mp ; ; maxtest = where(rpB gt 1.+2.*r_o/Rsun,d) ; if d ne 0 then temp[maxtest] = 1.5*g*r_o*Mp/kk ; if c ne 0 then temp[testout] = g*r_o*Mp/kk if isothermal ne 1 then temp[*]=isothermal endif ; we have the option to have a multiplier on the external field if c ne 0 then begin br[testout]=out*br[testout] bth[testout]=out*bth[testout] bph[testout]=out*bph[testout] endif Vel=Pres*0.d0 + ModPramsStruct.VelImpose ; now output variables requested ModSolStruct={Pres:Pres,Dens:Dens,Temp:temp,Br:br,Bth:bth,Bph:bph,Vel:Vel} end