pro ff_stepdens common prams,a_o,r_o,zeta_o,bzex,rhorat common grid,y,z,r,zeta ; Oct 2022 -- changed array ( to [ (with help from Vema Panditi) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; set up plotting ; read,'xwin (0) or ps (1)',nplot if nplot eq 0 then set_plot,'x' if nplot eq 1 then begin set_plot,'ps' device,filename='' endif if nplot eq 0 then begin set_plot,'x' window,xs=825,ys=750 endif !p.multi=[0,2,2] !p.charsize=1.2 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; number of steps nstep=11 a1ar=dblarr(nstep) rhoratar=dblarr(nstep) betamaxar=dblarr(nstep) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; ; set up prams ; g = 2.74e4 Rsun = 7e10 ; ; things that could be changed ; ; ***cavity size and location*** r_o = .1*Rsun zo = -.9*r_o ;zo = 0. ; in units of r_o -- zo -1 means right at bottom of circle ; and zo has to be greater than or equal to that ; yo is boundary at that height yo=sqrt(r_o*r_o - zo*zo) gridget,zo ; ***external bipolar field*** at z = zo y = yo (gauss) ; bzex = 10. ; ; ***direction of twist*** ; this doesnt affect much except allows ; by/bx to be either sign ; lambdasign = 1 ; ***number density*** ; at coronal base outside cavity (z = zo) rhoex=5d8*1.673e-24 ; ; FREE PARAMETER ADIP ; adip = 0 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; from these we can deduce zeta_o = 1./2./r_o ; (follows from lowh equation 13) ; FREE PARAMETER A_0 a_o=0.5*rhoex*g*(zo+r_o)^3 ; follows from choice of external density at z = zo ; FREE PARAMETER LAMBDA getmag,lambda,adip,yo,zo lambda=lambdasign*lambda ; follows from bzex, ro, and value of adip ; equations 7,17, 21 and 22 ; assign direction of twist using lambdasign ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; now step through density depletion delta= -1./(nstep-1) rhorat=1.-delta for i = 0,nstep-1 do begin ; ***density ratio*** rhorat=rhorat+delta ; depletion at cavity center axis y = 0, z = 0 ; e.g. 20 percent is rhorat of 0.8 ; FREE PARAMETER A1 getAstuff,lambda,adip,a1,0 ; follows from choice of rhorat, and a_o, adip and lambda ; note rhorat is only true at cavity center getA,lambda,adip,a1,Ain,Aout test=where(r lt r_o) a1ar[i]=a1 rhoratar[i]=rhorat AA = Aout AA[test] = Ain[test] bx=AA*0. bx[test]=lambda*sqrt(Ain[test]) getbybz,lambda,adip,a1,byin,byout,bzin,bzout by=byout by[test]=byin[test] bz=bzout bz[test]=bzin[test] dens=2.*a_o/(g*(z+r_o)^3) dens[test]=2.*a_o/(g*(z[test]+r_o)^3) + 2.*a1*Ain[test]/(g*(z[test]+r_o)^3) dens=dens/1.673e-24 depletion = 2.*a_o/(g*(z+r_o)^3) - dens*1.673e-24 depletion = depletion/(2.*a_o/(g*(z+r_o)^3)) depletion2 = depletion*0. depletion2[test] = a1*Ain[test]/a_o pres=a_o/((z+r_o)^2) pres[test]=a_o/((z+r_o)^2) + a1*Ain[test]/((z[test]+r_o)^2) ; ; temperature kk=1.381e-16 TT = pres/dens/kk ; beta beta = 8.*!pi*pres/(bx*bx+by*by+bz*bz) betamax = max(beta[test]) betamaxar[i]=betamax ; now make 2d plots contour,alog10(dens),y/Rsun,z/Rsun,nlevels=10,/follow,title='log(number density)',xtitle=strtrim(string(1.-rhorat),2)+' depletion at axis' contour,depletion,y/Rsun,z/Rsun,levels=[0.01,.1,.2,.3,.4,.5,.6,.7,.8,.9],/follow,title='depletion',xtitle=strtrim(string(1.-rhorat),2)+' depletion at axis' ; plot_io, z[0,*]/Rsun,dens[0,*],xrange=[0,.2],xs=1,yrange=[1e7,1e9],ys=1 contour,aa,y/Rsun,z/Rsun,nlevels=10,/follow,title='A',xtitle='adipole/r_o='+strtrim(string(adip/rsun),2)+'lambda='+strtrim(string(lambda),2) ; contour,depletion2,y/Rsun,z/Rsun,nlevels=3,/follow,title='depletion',xtitle=strtrim(string(1.-rhorat),2)+' depletion at axis' ; contour,bx,y/Rsun,z/Rsun,nlevels=10,/follow,title='Bx',xtitle='betamax='+strtrim(string(betamaxar[i]),2) ; contour,by,y/Rsun,z/Rsun,nlevels=10,/follow,title='By, a1='+strtrim(string(a1),2),xtitle='ad='+strtrim(string(adip),2)+', a1='+strtrim(string(a1),2)+', l='+strtrim(string(lambda),2)+' ; contour,bz,y/Rsun,z/Rsun,nlevels=10,/follow,title='Bz' ; contour,alog10(pres),y/Rsun,z/Rsun,nlevels=10,/follow,title='log(pres)',xtitle='Temp (10^6 K) min='+strtrim(string(min((TT/1e6))),2)+', max='+strtrim(string(max((TT/1e6))),2) ; contour,TT/1e6,y/Rsun,z/Rsun,title='Temp (1e6 K)',levels=[.5,1.,5,10,15],c_annotation=['.5','1','5','10','15'] contour,beta,y/rsun,z/rsun,nlevels=10,/follow,title='beta' stop endfor ; ; plots !p.charsize=1.2 !p.multi=0 plot,rhoratar,betamaxar,xtitle='rhorat',ytitle='max beta', title='lambda='+strtrim(string(lambda),2)+'bext.'+strtrim(string(bzex),2) if nplot eq 1 then device,/close end ;******************************************************************* pro gridget,zo common prams,a_o,r_o,zeta_o,bzex,rhorat common grid,y,z,r,zeta ; ; set up grid ; y = dblarr(100,100) z = dblarr(100,100) ; ; for i = 0,99 do begin y[*,i] = dindgen(100)*.03*r_o - 1.5*r_o z[i,*] = dindgen(100)*.03*r_o + zo endfor r = sqrt(y^2+z^2) zeta = -(z+r_o)/(y^2+(z+r_o)^2) end ;******************************************************************* pro getbybz,lambda,adip,a1,byin,byout,bzin,bzout common prams,a_o,r_o,zeta_o,bzex,rhorat common grid,y,z,r,zeta dasheardrout = -(r_o^2*lambda^2/4.)/r dasheardrin = -r*lambda^2/4. dzetadz = zeta/(z+r_o) + 2.*zeta^2 dzetady = zeta^2*2.*y/(z+r_o) dadzout=dasheardrout*z/r + adip*dzetadz dadzin=dasheardrin*z/r + adip*dzetadz + 4.*!pi*a1*(1./zeta + 1./zeta_o)*dzetadz dadyout=dasheardrout*y/r + adip*dzetady dadyin=dasheardrin*y/r + adip*dzetady + 4.*!pi*a1*(1./zeta + 1./zeta_o)*dzetady byin=dadzin byout=dadzout bzin=-dadyin bzout=-dadyout end ;******************************************************************* pro getmag,lambda,adip,yo,zo common prams,a_o,r_o,zeta_o,bzex,rhorat ; external B field evaluated at z = zo, y = yo=sqrt(r_o^2-zo^2) ; bzex= lambda^2*ro/4. - dipterm dipterm=2.*yo*(zo+r_o) dipterm=dipterm/(yo*yo + (zo+r_o)^2) dipterm=dipterm/(yo*yo + (zo+r_o)^2) dipterm=dipterm*adip lambda=sqrt((4./r_o)*(bzex+dipterm)) end ;******************************************************************* pro getAstuff,lambda,adip,a1,zuse common prams,a_o,r_o,zeta_o,bzex,rhorat common grid,y,z,r,zeta ; only need to evaluate this at one point, not whole grid ; in other words, taking delta-rho at one point ; flux rope center y = 0, z = 0 ruse= zuse zetause = -1/(zuse+r_o) Ashearin = (1./8.)*lambda^2*(r_o^2 - ruse^2) Apot = adip*(zetause + zeta_o) AA= 4*!pi*(alog(-zetause/zeta_o)+(zetause+zeta_o)/zeta_o) BB=Ashearin+Apot CC = (1-rhorat)*a_o a1p = (-BB + sqrt(BB^2-4.*AA*CC))/2./AA a1m = (-BB - sqrt(BB^2-4.*AA*CC))/2./AA ; a1 must be less than zero, if rhorat less than one, and A pos ; I am pretty sure AA is always negative inside the cavity ; BB is definitely positive, and so is CC ; (note adip needs to be negative because zeta is negative) ; a1m is thus always positive, and not the solution ; a1p should work since BB^2-4.*AA*CC should be bigger than BB^2 (AA neg) ; BUT watch out, if zo is small, roundoff errors mess it up if a1p gt 0 then print,'Oops, zo too small' if a1p lt 0 then a1 = a1p end ;******************************************************************* pro getA,lambda,adip,a1,Ain,Aout common prams,a_o,r_o,zeta_o,bzex,rhorat common grid,y,z,r,zeta Ashearin = (1./8.)*lambda^2*(r_o^2 - r^2) Ashearout = -(1./8.)*lambda^2*r_o^2*alog(r^2/r_o^2) Acorona = 4*!pi*a1*(alog(-zeta/zeta_o)+(zeta+zeta_o)/zeta_o) Apot = adip*(zeta + zeta_o) ; ; note -- I am not including prominence current sheet ; Ain = Ashearin + Acorona + Apot Aout = Ashearout + Apot test=where(r lt r_o) negA = where(Ain[test] lt 0.) if min(negA) ne -1 then begin print,'negative stream function, bad prams' stop endif end