pro liteslow,rpB,thetapB,phipB,ModPramsStruct,ModSolStruct common llshiftcoord,Rcap,Thcap,Phcap common llprams,xo,rbub,ao common llprams2,aa,bb,cc,dd,ee,ff,alnot,sig1,out common llresults,bstrengthphys,brphys,bthphys,bphphys ; ; Name: LITESLOW ; ; Purpose: Calculate the density, temperature, magnetic field of the ; LITES-Low model at a location rpB, thetapB, phipB (true spherical ; coordinates) ; ; Inputs: ; rpB, thetapB, phipB -- position in 3D space where model is to be evaluated ; rpB in units of RSUN, thetapB, phipB in units of RADIANS ; ; ModPramsStruct - structure associated with model, containing ; model name (GIBLOW), model parameters ; set up in ; ; Outputs: ModSolStruct - Solution of model, containing density,temperature ; pressure, magnetic field (Br, Bth, Bph), and velocity ; ; Common Blocks: transcoord, shiftcoord, sscoord, prams, prams2, results, jresults, ; fieldprams, outblock, inblock, background ; ; Calls litescoords, litesfieldcalc ; ; Written: JD (Adopted from ; ; Version 2.0 July 2014 ; Oct 2022 -- changed array ( to [ (with help from Vema Panditi) ; Read in Parameters: xo = ModPramsStruct.Xo rbub = ModPramsStruct.Rbub ao = ModPramsStruct.Ao alnot = ModPramsStruct.Alnot sig1= ModPramsStruct.Sig1 out = ModPramsStruct.Out densscale = ModPramsStruct.Densscale aa = ModPramsStruct.AA bb = ModPramsStruct.BB cc = ModPramsStruct.CC dd = ModPramsStruct.DD ee = ModPramsStruct.EE ff = ModPramsStruct.FF ; ; first shift coordinate systems ; litescoords,rpB,thetapB,phipB ; ; now calculate the field ; litesfieldcalc,rpB,thetapB,phipB ; ; for inside the sun (to avoid unrealistic density profile for self-similarly expanding solutions ; really only used for Gibson-Low ; densin=(aa+cc+ee)*rpB^(-3.) ; ; outside the sun, r > 1 for a non-time-varying solution ; densout=(aa*rpB^(-bb)+cc*rpB^(-dd)+ee*rpB^(-ff)) Dens=densin*0.d0 testin=where(rpB lt 1.) testout=where(rpB ge 1.) if min(testin ne -1) then Dens[testin]=densin[testin] if min(testout ne -1) then Dens[testout]=densout[testout] ; ; allow the option of having a different density ; outside the bubble ; notbub = where(Rcap ge rbub) if min(notbub) ne -1 then Dens[notbub]=densscale*dens[notbub] mp = 1.6696d-24 ; (in grams) R = 1./6.02d-9 Temp = Dens*0. + 1.d6 Pres = R*Temp*mp*Dens Vel = 0.0*Dens + ModPramsStruct.VelImpose ; now output variables requested ModSolStruct={Pres:Pres,Dens:Dens,Temp:Temp,Br:brphys,Bth:bthphys,Bph:bphphys,Vel:Vel} end