pro gibbaglow,rpB,thetapB,phipB,ModPramsStruct,ModSolStruct ; Name: GIBBAGLOW ; ; Purpose: Calculate the density, temperature, magnetic field of the ; Gibson-Bagenal-Low model at a location rpB, thetapB, phipB ; (true spherical coordinates) ; ; Inputs: ; rpB, thetapB, phipB -- position in 3D space where model is to be evaluated ; r in units of RSUN, th, ph in RADIANS ; ; ModPramsStruct - structure associated with model, containing ; model name (GIBBAGLOW), model parameters ; set up in ; ; Outputs: ModSolStruct - Solution of model, containing density,temperature, ; pressure, magnetic field (Br, Bth, Bph) ; ; Calls GBL_STREAMFUNC ; Calls GBL_DIFF_STREAMFUNC ; Calls GBL_DIFFDIFF_STREAMFUNC ; Calls GBL_VELRADPROF ; Calls FOR_HYDROCALC ; ; Written: Jie Zhao and S. Gibson ; June 2018; updated for new hydro scaling - Sept 2018 ; added hydro=3 - Oct 2018 ; updated for new hydro scaling - Aug-Sept 2019 ; added hydro=4 ; Feb 2022 updted to interface with for_hydrodefaults ; and changed Te, Densprof to CT0, CDensprof ;---------------------------------------- ;print,'hello model' ; ; set physical parameters ; g=6.67d-8 ;gravitational constant cgs ms=1.99d33 ;grams in sun mp=1.67d-24 ; grams in proton k=1.38d-16; boltzmann constant cgs rs=6.9570d10 ;cm solar rad numpts=n_elements(rpB) ;extract parameter variables from params structure t=tag_names(ModPramsStruct) for i=0,n_elements(t)-1 do void=execute(t[i]+'=ModPramsStruct.(i)') ; now figure out plasma ; note cdensprof, odensprof are set up as a vector in for_hydrodefaults ; for all HYDRO>1 ; and is a tag on ModPramsStruct hydrosave=hydro hydrouse=hydro if hydro eq 4 then hydrouse=3 for_hydrocalc,rpB,Denso_P0,Po0,To0,hydro=hydro,isothermal=oT0,densprof=odensprof for_hydrocalc,rpB,Densc_P0,Pc0,Tc0,hydro=hydrouse,isothermal=cT0,densprof=cdensprof hydro=hydrosave ; ; for testing only -- comparing normalizations from original GBL paper ; and original Low paper. ; should also change to commented values of gamma1,gamma3,bpar ; in ; ; norm1=1. ; norm3=1. ; norm1=2.d0/!pi/bpar/bpar norm3=-1.d0/45.d0/!pi/bpar/bpar/bpar/bpar if norm1*gamma1*norm3*gamma3 le 0 then balance=1 else balance = 0 ; ; set up shifted (bulk-current) coordinate system ; rb=(rpB+apar)/(1.+apar) ; ; Calculate stream function ; Streamfunc=gbl_streamfunc(rb,thetapB,bpar,norm1=norm1,norm3=norm3) strfunc1=Streamfunc.strfunc1 strfunc3=Streamfunc.strfunc3 strfunc=gamma1*strfunc1+gamma3*strfunc3 ;======================calculate physical parameters============= ;============== Magnetic field Density Pressure Temperature ===== ; ; for this we need derivatives in both the physical and stretched (rb) ; coordinate systems Dstrfunc_rb=gbl_diff_streamfunc(rb,thetapB,bpar,norm1=norm1,norm3=norm3) Dsf1_rb=Dstrfunc_rb.Dsf1_r Dsf1_thrb=Dstrfunc_rb.Dsf1_th Dsf3_rb=Dstrfunc_rb.Dsf3_r Dsf3_thrb=Dstrfunc_rb.Dsf3_th Dsf_thrb = gamma1*Dsf1_thrb+gamma3*Dsf3_thrb Dsf_rb = (gamma1*Dsf1_rb+gamma3*Dsf3_rb) Dstrfunc_r=gbl_diff_streamfunc(rpB,thetapB,bpar,norm1=norm1,norm3=norm3) Dsf1_r=Dstrfunc_r.Dsf1_r Dsf1_thr=Dstrfunc_r.Dsf1_th Dsf3_r=Dstrfunc_r.Dsf3_r Dsf3_thr=Dstrfunc_r.Dsf3_th Dsf_thr = gamma1*Dsf1_thr+gamma3*Dsf3_thr Dsf_r = (gamma1*Dsf1_r+gamma3*Dsf3_r) ; ; Second derivatives ; ; first stretched coordinate rb DDstrfunc_rb = gbl_diffdiff_streamfunc(rb,thetapB,bpar,norm1=norm1,norm3=norm3) DDsf1_rrb = DDstrfunc_rb.DDsf1_rr DDsf3_rrb = DDstrfunc_rb.DDsf3_rr DDsf1_thrb = DDstrfunc_rb.DDsf1_thr DDsf3_thrb = DDstrfunc_rb.DDsf3_thr DDsf_thrb = (gamma1*DDsf1_thrb+gamma3*DDsf3_thrb) DDsf_rrb = (gamma1*DDsf1_rrb+gamma3*DDsf3_rrb) ; now physical coordinate rpB DDstrfunc_r = gbl_diffdiff_streamfunc(rpB,thetapB,bpar,norm1=norm1,norm3=norm3) DDsf1_rr = DDstrfunc_r.DDsf1_rr DDsf3_rr = DDstrfunc_r.DDsf3_rr DDsf1_thr = DDstrfunc_r.DDsf1_thr DDsf3_thr = DDstrfunc_r.DDsf3_thr DDsf_thr = (gamma1*DDsf1_thr+gamma3*DDsf3_thr) DDsf_rr = (gamma1*DDsf1_rr+gamma3*DDsf3_rr) ; --------------------identify open vs closed field -------------------- if numpts gt 1 then begin type1pts= where(((strfunc lt 0) and (thetapB lt !dpi/2.d0) and (Dsf_thr gt 0)) or ((strfunc lt 0) and (thetapB ge !dpi/2.d0) and (Dsf_thr le 0)),complement=type2pts) type3pts= where(((strfunc ge 0) and (thetapB lt !dpi/2.d0) and (Dsf_thr le 0)) or ((strfunc ge 0) and (thetapB ge !dpi/2.d0) and (Dsf_thr gt 0)),complement=type4pts) if gamma1 le 0 then begin openpts=type1pts closedpts=type2pts endif else begin openpts=type3pts closedpts=type4pts endelse endif else begin if(((strfunc lt 0) and (thetapB lt !dpi/2.d0) and (Dsf_thr gt 0)) or ((strfunc lt 0) and (thetapB ge !dpi/2.d0) and (Dsf_thr le 0))) then begin if gamma1 lt 0 then begin openpts=1 closedpts=0 endif else begin openpts=0 closedpts=1 endelse endif if(((strfunc ge 0) and (thetapB lt !dpi/2.d0) and (Dsf_thr le 0)) or ((strfunc ge 0) and (thetapB ge !dpi/2.d0) and (Dsf_thr gt 0))) then begin if gamma1 lt 0 then begin openpts=0 closedpts=1 endif else begin openpts=1 closedpts=0 endelse endif endelse if balance eq 0 then begin openpts=-1 closedpts=-1 endif Open=rpb*0.+1. if min(closedpts) ne -1 then Open[closedpts]=0. ;===================================Pressure=================================== eta_r=(1.+apar/rpB)^2 ;bulk current Pb = 1./(8.*!pi)*(1./eta_r-1.)*(1./rpB^4/sin(thetapB)^2)*(Dsf_thrb)^2 P_closed= Pc0 + Pb P_open = Po0 + Pb Pres=P_closed if numpts gt 1 then begin if min(openpts) ne -1 then Pres[openpts]=P_open[openpts] endif else begin if openpts eq 1 then Pres=P_open endelse ;Calculate the thermal pressure jump across the open and closed boundary dP = Pc0-Po0 ;===================================Magnetic field============================= Br = (1./rpB^2/sin(thetapB))*Dsf_thrb Bth = (-1./rpB/sin(thetapB)/(1.+apar))*Dsf_rb Bph = 0.*Br B_closed = sqrt(Br^2+Bth^2) ;This is to make sure that the total pressure is consistent between the open and closed region ;The jump should be depend on the r only with the same dimensions as pressure and B ... ; ; watch out for zero B ; nonzerob=where(B_closed ne 0.) C_jump=B_closed*0. + 1. if min(nonzerob) ne -1 then C_jump[nonzerob]=sqrt(1.+ dP[nonzerob]/((B_closed[nonzerob])^2/(8.*!pi))) Bmag=B_closed B_open=C_jump*B_closed if numpts gt 1 then begin if min(openpts) ne -1 then Bmag[openpts]=B_open[openpts] if min(openpts) ne -1 then Br[openpts]=C_jump[openpts]*Br[openpts] if min(openpts) ne -1 then Bth[openpts]=C_jump[openpts]*Bth[openpts] if min(openpts) ne -1 then Bph[openpts]=C_jump[openpts]*Bph[openpts] endif else begin if openpts eq 1 then begin Bmag=B_open Br=C_jump*Br Bth=C_jump*Bth Bph=C_jump*Bph endif endelse ;====================================Density=================================== Dens_first= (rs/g/ms/mp)*((eta_r-1)/(8.*!pi)*((2./sin(thetapB)^2/(1.+apar)^3)*Dsf_rb*DDsf_rrb)) Dens_Pb=(rs/g/ms/mp)*(-rpB^2/(8.*!pi)*(2.*((1+apar/rpB)^(-3))*apar*rpB^(-6)*sin(thetapB)^(-2)*(Dsf_thrb)^2 $ - 4.*(1./eta_r-1.)*sin(thetapB)^(-2)*rpB^(-5)*(Dsf_thrb)^2 $ + 2.*(1./eta_r-1.)*rpB^(-4)*sin(thetapB)^(-2)*Dsf_thrb*DDsf_thrb/(1.+apar))) Dens_closed = Dens_first + Densc_P0 + Dens_Pb Dens_open = Dens_first*C_jump^2 + Denso_P0 + Dens_Pb Dens=Dens_closed if numpts gt 1 then begin if min(openpts) ne -1 then Dens[openpts]=Dens_open[openpts] endif else begin if openpts eq 1 then Dens=Dens_open endelse ;=============================Temperature=============================== Temp=Pres/Dens/k/2. test=where(Temp*0. ne 0.) if min(Test) ne -1 then Temp(test) = 0.d0 ; ; used for plasma beta ; Ptot = Pres + Bmag*Bmag/(8.d0*!dPi) ;=======================Velocity=================================== Vel=gbl_velradprof(rpB,vscale) ; ; only have velocity in open region ; Vel=Open*Vel ;=========================Diagnostics============================== ; ; uncomment if want ; ; can calculate critical points here -- but mostly for diagnostic purposes ; ; gbl_calc_crit,apar,bpar,norm1,norm3,gamma1,gamma3 ; ; in case we need the second derivative of the stream function with respect to theta ; for diagnostic purposes (can replace Stream as below) ; ;DDsf1_thth = DDstrfunc_r.DDsf1_thth ;DDsf3_thth = DDstrfunc_r.DDsf3_thth ;DDsf_thth = (gamma1*DDsf1_thth+gamma3*DDsf3_thth) ; ; this is a diagnostic of magnetic field vs height ; (could also replace Stream below) ; ;DBsq_r = -4.*(1./rpB^5/sin(thetapB)^2)*(Dsf_thr)^2+(2./rpB^4/sin(thetapB)^2)*(Dsf_thr)*(DDsf_thr)$ ; -2.*(1./(1+apar)^2/rpB^3/sin(thetapB)^2)*(Dsf_r)^2 + (2./(1.+apar)^2/rpB^2/sin(thetapB)^2)*(Dsf_r)*(DDsf_rr) ; ;this is for diagnostic purposes ;Brdip = gamma1*(1./rpB^3)*2.*cos(thetapB) ;Bthdip = gamma1*(1./rpB^3)*sin(thetapB) ;Bmagdip=sqrt(brdip*brdip+bthdip*bthdip) ;=======================Save data=================================== Stream=strfunc ;Stream=DDsf_thth ;Stream=Dsf_thr ModSolStruct={Pres:Pres,Dens:Dens,Temp:Temp,Br:Br,Bth:Bth,Bph:Bph,Stream:Stream,Open:Open,Vel:Vel} ;print,'goodbye model' end