pro for_viewfromdata,usedfile=usedfile,$ date=date,gridtype=gridtype,xxmin=xxmin,xxmax=xxmax,yymin=yymin,yymax=yymax,$ ngrid=ngrid,ngy=ngy,cmer=cmer,bang=bang,aia=aia,line=line,instrument=instrument,euvia=euvia,euvib=euvib,ViewInputs=ViewInputs ; ; Set up viewer coordinate from date and/or keyword input ; ; Called by FOR_DRIVE, FOR_WIDGET_EVENT, FOR_WIDGET_CALENDAR_EVENT, FOR_WIDGET_MODEL_EVENT, FOR_WIDGET ; ; Calls FOR_PLOTFITS, GET_STEREO_LONLAT, TIM2CARR, PB0R ; REQUIRES PACKAGE SECCHI ; ; ; Written by Sarah Gibson 2012-2013 ; Version 2.0 July 2014 ; ; 1-Mar-2016 Added option for setting cmer by date if cmer='null' (USER) SEG ; 3-Sep-2021 -- defined gridtypeuse ; (its needed in USEDFILE because the file chosen defines the gridtype ; and need to check for contradiction -- although note this hasn't really been tested for ; DATA CARRMAP) ; October 2021 -- added comment about CMER no longer being non-number if n_elements(date) eq 1 then begin if date ne '' then begin spacecraft='Earth' if keyword_set(euvia) then spacecraft='A' if keyword_set(euvib) then spacecraft='B' if keyword_set(instrument) then begin if strupcase(instrument) eq 'EUVIA' then spacecraft='A' if strupcase(instrument) eq 'EUVIB' then spacecraft='B' if strupcase(instrument) eq 'AIA' then aia=1 endif if strupcase(spacecraft) ne 'A' and strupcase(spacecraft) ne 'B' then begin if n_elements(cmer) eq 0 then begin cmer=tim2carr(date) cmer=cmer[0] endif if is_number(cmer) eq 0 then begin ; ; this will be the case if cmer unset ; but should no longer happen (USER goes to default cmer=0) ; cmer=tim2carr(date) cmer=cmer[0] endif if n_elements(bang) eq 0 then begin bang=pb0r(date) bang=bang[1] endif endif else begin if strupcase(spacecraft) eq 'A' then apos=get_stereo_lonlat(date,spacecraft,system='CAR',/deg,/ahead) if strupcase(spacecraft) eq 'B' then bpos=get_stereo_lonlat(date,spacecraft,system='CAR',/deg,/behind) if n_elements(cmer) eq 0 and strupcase(spacecraft) eq 'A' then cmer=apos[1] if n_elements(cmer) eq 0 and strupcase(spacecraft) eq 'B' then cmer=bpos[1] if is_number(cmer) eq 0 and strupcase(spacecraft) eq 'A' then cmer=apos[1] if is_number(cmer) eq 0 and strupcase(spacecraft) eq 'B' then cmer=bpos[1] if n_elements(bang) eq 0 and strupcase(spacecraft) eq 'A' then bang=apos[2] if n_elements(bang) eq 0 and strupcase(spacecraft) eq 'B' then bang=bpos[2] endelse ViewInputs={cmer:cmer,bang:bang} endif endif if n_elements(usedfile) eq 1 then begin if usedfile ne '' and usedfile ne ' ' then begin ngriduse=0 if n_elements(ngrid) eq 0 then begin ngriduse=1 ngrid=0 endif if n_elements(gridtype) eq 0 then gridtypeuse='PLANEOFSKY' else gridtypeuse = gridtype if strpos(strupcase(usedfile),'AIA') ge 0 then aia=1 for_plotfits,filename=usedfile,ImageMap=ImageMap,$ ngrid=ngrid,gridtype=gridtypeuse,xxmax=xxmax,xxmin=xxmin,yymax=yymax,yymin=yymin,$ aia=aia,/noplots if strupcase(gridtype) ne strupcase(gridtypeuse) then print,'WARNING -- inputted gridtype inconsistent with data file' gridtype=gridtypeuse Map=ImageMap DSize=size( if ngriduse eq 1 then begin ngrid=DSize[1] ngy=DSize[2] endif xxmin=[min(get_map_xp(map))] xxmin=xxmin[0] xxmax=[max(get_map_xp(map))] xxmax=xxmax[0] yymin=[min(get_map_yp(map))] yymin=yymin[0] yymax=[max(get_map_yp(map))] yymax=yymax[0] if keyword_set(date) eq 0 then begin date=Map.time if n_elements(cmer) eq 0 then cmer=Map.cmer if is_number(cmer) eq 0 then cmer=Map.cmer if n_elements(bang) eq 0 then bang=Map.B0 endif else begin ; if date ne Map.time then date='' endelse if keyword_set(line) eq 0 then line=double(Map.Line) if keyword_set(instrument) eq 0 then instrument=Map.Instrument ViewInputs={xxmin:xxmin,xxmax:xxmax,yymin:yymin,yymax:yymax,date:date,cmer:cmer,bang:bang,ngrid:ngrid,ngy:ngy,line:line,instrument:instrument} endif endif end