pro forcomp,compline,stokesline,r3D,theta3D,phi3D,Dens,Temp,Br3D,Bth3D,Bph3D,Vel3D,compbite,complbite,wavelengths,velocities,centwave,linewidth,lchisq ; ; PURPOSE: MAIN PROGRAM TO COMPUTE EMISSION COEFFS OF M1 CORONAL LINES ; INTEGRATED ALONG THE LOS, FOR A SET OF LOS'S IN AN ; ASSIGNED GRID OF CARTESIAN COORDINATES. ; ; INPUTS: ; ; OUTPUTS: ; ; COMMON: ; ; COMMENTS: AUGUST 9, 2000 P. JUDGE ; revised J. DOVE 2009? ; converted to IDL S. Gibson FEB 2014 ; ; ; MAIN PROGRAM ; ; CALCULATES THE EMISSION COEFFICIENTS OF FORBIDDEN CORONAL ; LINES, INTEGRATED ALONG THE LOS, FOR A SET OF LOS'S IN AN ; ASSIGNED GRID OF CARTESIAN COORDINATES. ; @include.icle @include.icle.input @include.icle.atom @include.icle.cse @include.icle.emerge Case 1 of strupcase(compline) eq 'SI10COMP' or strupcase(compline) eq 'SICOMP': line='si10' strupcase(compline) eq 'SI9COMP': line='si9' strupcase(compline) eq 'FE11COMP': line='fe11' strupcase(compline) eq 'COMP' or strupcase(compline) eq 'OTHERCOMP' or strupcase(compline) eq 'WAVECOMP': line='fe13' strupcase(compline) eq 'CORMAG': line='fe14' endcase if strupcase(compline) eq 'OTHERCOMP' then useline=1 else useline=0 uselinekount=useline for_iclestart nline=atom.nline wlmin=input.wlmin wlmax=input.wlmax kount=0 for nl=0,nline-1 do begin wwcheck=for_convl(trn[nl].ALAMB) if wwcheck ge wlmin and wwcheck le wlmax then begin kount=kount+1 endif else begin if useline eq nl then uselinekount = useline+1 endelse endfor qnorm=input.qnorm ; ; wavelengths and weights for integrating over wavelength ; nwavelength=max(trn.NQ) dlambda=dblarr(nwavelength) wavelengths=dblarr(nwavelength) ; ; delta lambda in Doppler width velocity units ; convert to angstroms ; Q=trn[uselinekount].Q(0:nwavelength-1) QN=QNORM*1.E5/CC for ny=0,nwavelength-1 do dlambda(ny)=-1.*trn[uselinekount].ALAMB*Q(NY)*QN ; this is actually delta wavelength ; now switch to wavelength in angstroms ; not delta ; ; center wavelength needs to be converted vacuum to air ; oldcentwave=for_convl(trn[uselinekount].ALAMB) ; ; outu.f calls this WW the first time that is calculated ; (although note, WW gets redefined later to be ALAMB*QN/(1+QN) ; its the central wavelength wavelengths=double(dlambda+oldcentwave) velgrid=dlambda*3.d5/double(oldcentwave) ; ; set up sign for integrating Stokes V below ; sign=dblarr(nwavelength) + 1. signtest=where(q lt 0) sign(signtest)=-1. ; ; WQ seems to be quadrature weights ; WW is units conversion ; WQ=trn[uselinekount].WQ(0:nwavelength-1) WW=trn[uselinekount].ALAMB*QN/(1.0+QN) weight=WQ*WW npos = n_elements(r3D[0,*]) compbite=dblarr(6,npos) velocities=dblarr(npos) complbite=dblarr(5,npos,nwavelength) centwave=dblarr(npos) linewidth=dblarr(npos) icent=dblarr(npos) lchisq=dblarr(npos) ; ; loop over POS coordinate ; for i = 0L,npos-1 do begin for_m1synth,line,float(r3D[*,i]),float(theta3D[*,i]),float(phi3D[*,i]),float(Br3D[*,i]),float(Bth3D[*,i]),float(Bph3D[*,i]),float(Dens[*,i]),float(Temp[*,i]),float(Vel3D[*,i]) stokes=dblarr(kount,5,nwavelength) kount=0 for nl=0,nline-1 do begin wwcheck=for_convl(trn[nl].ALAMB) if wwcheck ge wlmin and wwcheck le wlmax then begin stokes(kount,*,*)=emerge.emerge(nl,*,0:nwavelength-1) kount=kount+1 endif endfor ; ;emerge={emiss:dblarr(atom.nline,5,,emerge:dblarr(atom.nline,5,} ; for j = 0L,4 do begin for ny = 0,nwavelength-1 do begin sign=1. if j ge 3 and Q(ny) lt 0 then sign=-1. ; ; compbite is the unsigned integral over wavelength ; compbite(j,i)=compbite(j,i)+sign*stokes(useline,j,ny)*weight(ny) endfor endfor nchange=where(stokes(useline,0,*) eq max(stokes(useline,0,*))) compbite(5,i)=stokes(useline,0,nchange) centwave(i)=min(wavelengths(nchange)) complbite(*,i,*)=stokes(useline,*,*) ; ; maybe not need to use quadrature weights ; and units conversion cancel anyways ; 1/2 1 1 1 1 1 ... 1/2 ; trapezoid - just integration ; ; stokes v screwed up by velocity ; wont be centered on the middle ; velocities(i)=total(velgrid*complbite(0,i,*)*weight) velocities(i)=velocities(i)/total(complbite(0,i,*)*weight) ; ; change central wavelength if shifted by velocity ; also central intensity ; ; ; fit a Gaussian to I ; y=fltarr(nwavelength) for j = 0L,nwavelength-1L do y(j)=stokes(useline,0,j) dontrun=0 if min(y) eq 0. and max(y) eq 0. then dontrun=1 if dontrun eq 0 then begin fit=gaussfit(wavelengths,y,a,nterms=3,sigma=sigma,chisq=chisq) centwave(i)=a(1) icent(i)=a(0) linewidth(i)=2.*sqrt(2.*alog(2))*a(2) lchisq(i)=chisq endif ; for stokespram=0,4 do begin ; ; but do we need the quadrature here? ; def. need the units conversion ; if stokespram lt 3 then compbite(stokespram,i)=total(stokes(useline,stokespram,*)*weight(*)) $ else compbite(stokespram,i)=total(stokes(useline,stokespram,*)*weight(*)*sign(*)) endfor endfor END