pro for_corona,r3D,theta3D,phi3D,Br3d,Bth3d,Bph3d,Dens,Temperature,Velocity,vturbul ; ; purpose: get coronal thermal and magnetic data for each grid point ; ; inputs: none ; r3D,theta3D,phi3D,Br3d,Bth3d,Bph3d,Dens,Temperature,Velocity,vturbul ; ; outputs: ; temp,ed,vel,vturb,h,alpha,bfield,thetab,phib,theta,pgamma,alarmor,dop ; ; CALLS FOR_EQION ; ; CALLED BY FOR_M1SYNTH ; @include.icle @include.icle.input @include.icle.atom @include.icle.corona ; ;if(n_elements(vturbul) eq 0) then vturbul=0.*velocity ; ; changed this to match original format if(n_elements(vturbul) eq 0) then vturbul=0.*velocity + 10. ; gx2=gx*gx gy2=gy*gy gz2=gz*gz ; alpha=-atan(gx,sqrt(gy2+gz2)) ; salpha=sin(alpha) calpha=cos(alpha) ; beta=atan(gy,gz) ; sbeta=sin(beta) cbeta=cos(beta) ; ; observer's geometry in the "s-frame" (phi=0), ; with reference direction always parallel to z ; theta=0.5*const.pi+alpha pgamma=beta ; ; transform to polar coordinates for b-field calculation ; rb=sqrt(gx2+gy2+gz2) tb=atan(sqrt(gx2+gy2),gz) pb=atan(gy,gx) ; ; compute magnetic parameters ; inputs here are from jim dove's file. ; convert his inputs to bs,bt,bp bx= br3d*sin(theta3d)*cos(phi3d)+ $ bth3d*cos(theta3d)*cos(phi3d)- bph3d*sin(phi3d) by= br3d*sin(theta3d)*sin(phi3d)+ $ bth3d*cos(theta3d)*sin(phi3d)+ bph3d*cos(phi3d) ; bz= br3d*cos(theta3d) - bth3d*sin(theta3d) bs=sqrt(bx*bx+by*by+bz*bz) ; ; ; watch out for null points ; (sg edit nov 2012) ; ; also see below adjust to thetab, phib ; to make field radial if B is small ; (sg edit aug 2015) ; if bs eq 0.d0 then begin ps=0.d0 ts=0.d0 endif else begin ps=atan(by,bx) ts=acos(bz/bs) endelse ; ; end of dove's input ; bfield=bs btheta=ts bphi=ps ; xb=sin(btheta)*cos(bphi) yb=sin(btheta)*sin(bphi) zb=cos(btheta) ; yzb=sbeta*yb+cbeta*zb ; xxb=calpha*xb+salpha*yzb yyb=cbeta*yb-sbeta*zb zzb=-salpha*xb+calpha*yzb ; ; compute polar angles of b in the "s'-frame" ; (van vleck angle = 54.7356103173) ; thetab=atan(sqrt(xxb*xxb+yyb*yyb),zzb) phib=atan(yyb,xxb) ; ; make field radial if B very small ; (sg edit aug 2015) ; if bs lt 1d-3 then begin thetab=0.d0 phib=0.d0 endif ; ; height above limb ; h=rb-1.0 ; ; larmor frequency ; alarmor=(1.0e-8*(0.25d0/const.pi)*(*bfield)/input.qnorm ; ; normalize velocities ; vel=velocity/input.qnorm vturb=vturbul/input.qnorm ; ed=dens temp=temperature ; ; normalize atomic populations ; toth=0.8*ed ; assumed fully ionized, so N(H) = 0.8 N_e totn=10.^(atom.abnd-12.)*toth*for_eqion(temp) ; ; hydrogen populations: 0.d0 if neutral, toth for protons ; hd=[0.d0,toth] ; if input.idebug ne 0 then print,'MAG: THETAB, PHIB, ALARMOR',thetab,phib,alarmor return end