pro for_const_icle ; ; ; define a structure containing all the constants to be used, CGS units ; ; physical constants ; ; ; CALLED BY FOR_ICLESTART ; @include.icle ; ; calculate and store log_e factorials and signum for 3nj programs ; ; Note that sg is defined from fl=dblarr(param.msgn) sg=fl+1. for i=1,param.msgn-1 do begin i1=i-1 fl(i)=fl(i1)+alog(double(i)) sg(i)=-sg(i1) endfor ; const = {ee:1.602189d-12,hh:6.626176d-27,cc:2.99792458d+10, $ em:9.109534d-28,uu:1.6605655d-24,bk:1.380662d-16, $ pi:3.14159265359d0,rsuncm:6.9599d+10, fl:fl,sg:sg} ; return end