pro for_colrd,lu ; ; ; purpose: store collisional data for use with for_colcal ; and initialize collisional data to 0.d0 ; inputs: ; (read from file 'atom') ; outputs: ; keywords and data are stored in common block coll ; common: ; catom coll catmos catmo2 cconst cinput clu ; restrictions: only bound-bound collisions are treated. ; elastic collisions are not yet included but can ; easily be set using the diagonal comp1.d0nts ; ; ; CALLED BY FOR_ATOM ; @include.icle @include.icle.atom ; tgrid=dblarr(param.mtgrid) cgrid=tgrid key='' ; ; assume initially that data are given independent of temperature: ; i.e. that ntemp is originally set = 1 ; ncol=0 ntemp=1 ctmp=col[0] ; use first one. ; ; READ THE KEYWORD 'KEY' AND ASSOCIATED PARAMETERS ; str='' readf,lu,str ;print,lu,str while not eof(lu) do begin again: READf,lu,KEY NCOL+=1 key=strcompress(key,/remove_all) case key of '': begin NCOL=NCOL-1 GOTO, again END 'END': begin NCOL=NCOL-1 goto, zero_and_exit end 'TEMP': begin NCOL=NCOL-1 str='' readf,lu,str ntemp=fix(getwrd(str)) wloop: last=getwrd(str,nwords=nwords) if((nwords-1) lt ntemp) then begin str1='' readf,lu,str1 str+=str1 goto,wloop endif for it=0,ntemp-1 do begin tgrid(it)=double(getwrd(str,it+1)) endfor ; print,tgrid[0:ntemp-1] if(ntemp gt param.mtgrid) then message,' colrd: work arrays (tgrid) too small' tgrid=tgrid[0:ntemp-1] end 'OHM': begin ctmp.key=key ; print,key il=0l & ih=0l cgrid=fltarr(ntemp) readf,lu,il,ih,cgrid ctmp.ihi=ih > il ctmp.ilo=il < ih ctmp.nt =ntemp ctmp.temp(0:ntemp-1)=tgrid col=[col,ctmp] end 'CPMM': begin ctmp.key=key ; print,key il=0l & ih=0l & ml =0l & mh=0l cgrid=fltarr(ntemp) readf,lu,il,ih,ml,mh,cgrid ctmp.ihi=ih ctmp.ilo=il ctmp.mhi=ml ctmp.mlo=mh ctmp.nt =ntemp ctmp.temp(0:ntemp-1)=tgrid col=[col,ctmp] end endcase GOTO,again endwhile zero_and_exit: col=col[1:*] col.ihi-=1 col.ilo-=1 ; ; store splines ; n=n_elements(col.ihi) for ii=0,n-1 do begin nt=col[ii].nt t=alog10(col[ii].temp[0:nt-1]) y=col[ii].data[0:nt-1] col[ii].y2[0:nt-1]=spl_init(t,y,/double) ; store spline, allowing linear extrapolation at ends (2nd deriv=0) endfor ; return END