function for_ci,ij,ij1,k ; this function calculates the inelastic collisional rates ; ; purpose: computes inelastic collision rates ; from the ; inputs: ; ij index of upper level ; ij1 index of lower level ; k multipolar coefficient ; ; outputs: ; ci inelastic rate from multipolar component k ; common: ; ; CALLS FOR_FUN6J, FOR_GAMMAI ; CALLED BY FOR_C6, FOR_C3 ; comments: october 6, 1999, p. judge ; ; c_i(ij,ij1,k) (for ij1 < ij) ; @include.icle @include.icle.cse rj=cse.aj(ij) rj1=cse.aj(ij1) rk=double(k) jp=round(rj+rj1) jm=round(abs(rj-rj1)) ci=0.d0 for k1=jm,jp do begin rk1=double(k1)*for_fun6j(rj,rj,rk,rj1,rj1,rk1)*for_gammai(ij,ij1,k1) endfor return,*sqrt((2.d0*rj+1.d0)*(2.d0*rj1+1.d0))*ci end