pro for_atom ;+ ; ; NAME: ; for_atom ; ; PURPOSE: Reads, stores atomic data in ASCII (CLE) format from file ; ; EXPLANATION: ; Stores atomic data in structures ; ; Atomic parameters are stored in structure atom as follows: ; ATOMID : string containing atomic ID (usually just 'HE', 'FE', 'O') ; ABUND : real containing abundance relative to hydrogen (Log scale, H=12) ; AWGT : atomic mass in atomic units (12C=12.0) ; NK : number of levels, continuum levels included ; NRAD : number of radiative transitions ; NLINE : number of bound-bound transitions ; NCONT : number of transitions i detail ; LABEL : e.g., ''N IV 1S2 2S2 1SE 0'' ; G : statistical weight of level ; EV : energy in ev (input in cm-1) ; F : for lines : *absorption* oscillator strength ; for continua: cross-section at limit ; the wavelength dependence of the cross-section is ; assumed to be A=A0*(NY0/NY)**3 if not given explicitly ; A : einstein A coefficient ; B : B ; ; IRAD(K): lower level for radiative transition k ; JRAD(K): upper " ; ALAMB : vacuum wavelength in angstrom ; in printout routines it is printed as either vacuum or air ; depending on the value (.lt.2000 vacuum, .gt.2000 air) ; HNY4P : h*ny/4pi, ny in units of a typical doppler width ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; atom ; ; CALLS FOR_COLRD, FOR_FREQL, FOR_CSTRIP ; CALLED BY FOR_ICLESTART ; ;- @include.icle @include.icle.input @include.icle.atom @include.icle.thermal ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; define the basic atomic structures atom = {atom,atomid:'',abnd:0.d0,awgt:0.d0,nk:0l,nline:0l,nrad:0l} ; ; structure 'levels': ; lvl = {lvl,ev:0.d0,label:'',ion:0,g:0.d0,coupling:'',glande:0.d0,$ n:0, eff:0.d0, smalll:0, active:0, tsp1:0, bigl:0, $ parity:'', tjp1:0, term:intarr(3), orb:intarr(3), meta:0, ref:''} ; ; structure 'trn': ; ; this next line overwrites mq as set in for_param_icle and messes things up ;mq = 50 ; maximum number of allowed wavelengths for each transition ;so I have added this trn={trn, irad:0, jrad:0, alamb:0.d0,f:0.d0, $ qmax:0.d0, q0:0.d0, nq:0, q:dblarr(mq), wq:dblarr(mq), frq:dblarr(mq), $ ga:0.d0, gw:0.d0, gq:0.d0, a:0.d0, bij:0.d0, bji:0.d0, type:'', multnum:0,$ phi:dblarr(mq), phip:dblarr(mq), emiss:dblarr(5, mq), emerge:dblarr(5,mq)} ; ; structure 'col' ; mcol = 20 ; maximum number of data temperatures for collisional tables ; y2 is the spline 2nd deriv col={col,nt:0,$ temp: dblarr(mcol), $ key: '' , $ ihi: 0, ilo:0, $ lab: '' ,$ type:0,$ mhi:0,$ mlo:0,$ data: dblarr(mcol),y2: dblarr(mcol),$ ref:''} ; ; useful constant combinations ; hce=const.hh**1.d8 hc2=2.*const.hh* *1.d24 hck=const.hh**1.d8 hny4p=const.hh**1.d-5 ; str='' for_cstrip,'ATOM' openr,lu,/get,'dums.dat' readf,lu,str atom.atomid=getwrd(str) xx=dblarr(2) readf,lu,xx atom.abnd=xx[0] atom.awgt=xx[1]*const.uu nn=lonarr(4) readf,lu,nn atom.nk=nn[0] atom.nline=nn[1] ;atom.ncont=nn[2] ;atom.nrfix=nn[3] atom.nrad=nn[1]+nn[2] ; ; krad gives the transition corresponding to certain levels ; krad=lonarr(atom.nk,atom.nk)-1 ttype=krad*0; ; while reading, check that just one ion is present ; jmx=0 ; ; now read the data ; lvl = replicate(lvl,atom.nk) str='' for i=0,atom.nk-1 do begin readf,lu, str ; ; strip out the stuff between ' and ' ; lab=getwrd(str,delim="'",1) lvl(i).label=lab str=str_replace(str_replace(str,"'",""),lab,'') lvl(i).ev = double(getwrd(str,0))*const.hh* lvl(i).g = double(getwrd(str,1)) lvl(i).ion = long(getwrd(str,2)) lvl(i).glande = double(getwrd(str,/last)) endfor ;print,lvl.ev ; ; remove, e.g., 'c iii' from labels, if present, and other "trash" for ii = 0,atom.nk-1 do begin if(strupcase(getwrd(lvl(ii).label) ) eq strupcase(atom.atomid)) then $ lvl(ii).label = getwrd(lvl(ii).label,2,50) endfor ; ; transitions ; ; ; bound-bound transitions in detail ; calculate lambda, a and b ; if qmax or frequency points in doppler units are read ; kt=0 trn = replicate(trn(0),atom.nrad) ; if (atom.nline gt 0) then begin j = 0 & i = 0 & f2 = 0.d & nq2 = 0 & qmax2 = 0.d q02 = 0.d0 & io2 = 0 & ga2 = 0.d & gw2 = 0.d & gq2 = 0.d for kr=0l,atom.nline-1 do begin readf,lu, j,i,f2,nq2,qmax2,q02,io2,ga2,gw2,gq2 if(nq2 gt mq) then message,/info,'input nq2='+strn(nq2)+$ '> mq='+strn(mq)+' too many wavelengths' dn = i & up = j if(lvl(j-1).ev lt lvl(i-1).ev) then begin dn = j & up = i endif ; subtract 1 from indices. i=dn-1 j=up-1 krad(i,j)=kr krad(j,i)=krad(i,j) ; trn(kr).f=f2 trn(kr).nq=nq2 trn(kr).qmax=qmax2 trn(kr).q0=q02 trn(kr).ga=ga2 trn(kr).gw=gw2 trn(kr).gq=gq2 if(trn(kr).qmax lt 0.0) or (trn(kr).q0 lt 0.0) then begin dum=dblarr(nq2) readf,lu, dum trn(kr).q=dum endif trn(kr).irad=i trn(kr).jrad=j trn(kr).alamb=hce/(lvl(j).ev-lvl(i).ev) ; ; for dipole transitions ; ; trn(kr).a=trn(kr).f*6.6702e15*lvl(i).g/(lvl(j).g*trn(kr).alamb*trn(kr).alamb) ; changed this to be the same as fortran trn(kr).a=trn(kr).f*6.671e15*lvl(i).g/(lvl(j).g*trn(kr).alamb*trn(kr).alamb) trn(kr).bji=(trn(kr).alamb)*(trn(kr).alamb)*(trn(kr).alamb)*trn(kr).a/hc2 trn(kr).bij=(lvl(j).g/lvl(i).g)*trn(kr).bji ; fill ttype array (type of atomic transition ttype(i,j)=0l ; ; use quantum numbers to identify the type of transition ; trtype(i,j)=+1 : e1 ; trtype(i,j)=+2 : e2 ; trtype(i,j)=-1 : m1 ; trtype(i,j)=+3 : e1/spin changing ; trtype(i,j)=-3 : e1 forbidden/spin changing ; trtype(i,j)= 0 : otherwise ; ; spin allowed? sallow=lvl(i).tsp1 eq lvl[j].tsp1 ; parity change? pallow=lvl(i).parity ne lvl[j].parity ; e1: rji=0.5d0*(lvl[i].g-1.d0) rjj=0.5d0*(lvl[j].g-1.d0) isumm=round(rji+rjj) idiff=abs(round(rji-rjj)) if(sallow and pallow and isumm ne 0 and idiff le 1) then ttype(i,j)=1l ; e2: if(sallow and ( not pallow) and isumm ge 2 and idiff le 2) then ttype(i,j)=2l ; m1: if(sallow and ( not pallow) and isumm ne 0 and idiff le 1) then ttype(i,j)=-1l ; e1 but spin changing if(( not sallow) and pallow and isumm ne 0 and idiff le 1) then ttype(i,j)=3l ; e1-forbidden but spin changing if(( not sallow) and ( not pallow) and isumm ne 0 and idiff le 2) then ttype(i,j)=-3l ttype(j,i)=ttype(i,j) endfor endif ; ; get frequencies in lines, quadrature points and weights ; for_freql ; ; get quantum numbers ; ;qn,ok = ok ; ; get collisional data ; for_colrd,lu ; free_lun,lu ; ; for the thermal common block ; pop=dblarr(atom.nk) & pstar=pop c=dblarr(atom.nk,atom.nk) cmm=dblarr(atom.nk,atom.nk,2*param.mjmax+1,2*param.mjmax+1) return end