17 October 2013 IDL cle variables and common blocks and other things.... The code is written such that the needed variables are stored in common blocks instead of variables passed in the arguments of functions and procedures. The following include files are placed in the opening lines of various procedures as needed to make sure the common block variables are available: include.icle contains the two structures: param The tags are defined in for_param_icle.pro, they remain fixed. const The tags are defined in for_const_icle.pro, they remain fixed/ include.icle.atom contains the structures: atom lvl trn col The procedure for_atom.pro fills the variables within all these structures, by reading the file ATOM. For example, atom.nk is the actual number of levels used in the atom. include.icle.corona contains just common block variables (NOT structures) such as temp (electron temperature), ed (electron density), plasma line of sight velocity (vel), magnetic field the procedure for_corona.pro fills these numbers but also passes these via the argument list in differently named variables include.icle.cse contains the structure cse with tags such as rho, scoeff, aj, weight used in the statistical equilibrium calculations procedure for_atom1.pro defines these variables. The variable cse.rho are solved for include.icle.emerge contains structure emerge with tags emiss and emerge iclestart.pro defines these variables, they are written by for_emission.pro after the solution vector rho is computed include.icle.grid NOT USED AT ALL include.icle.input contains a structure of input parameters, input with tags like wlmin, tp2te. These are the same as the original fortran code, for compatibility reasons. Easy to change and probably should be. values are set by for_rinput.pro by reading the file INPUT include.icle.thermal contains common block variables pstar,p,c,cmm, which are populations and collision rates initialized to zero in for_atom.pro and computed from thermal parameters in for_colcal. variable p (for population) is in fact not used anywhere.