Notes on the program CLE, by P. Judge. Original: December 1, 2005, V1.0 Updated: July 13, 2006 Updated: Dec 21, 2012 (makefiles put into one file, makefile.osx) Updated: Jan 7 2020 (code optimization, correction for degeneracy of levels in inelastic collision rates see BUGS.TXT Updated: Mar 5 2020 V2.0 with improved atom files in data/, including updated Fe XIII data which were erroneously older data adopted from CHIANTI V5. Latest data are CHIANTI V9. COMPILATION ----------- in the current/ directory do unix> make cle this will build an executable cle* in the current/ directory DATA ---- Data needed for the code can be found in the data/ directory The atomic data files come with their own input files, e.g. to run cle* for Si IX do cp atom.si9 ATOM cp input.si9 INPUT WHAT THE CODE DOES ------------------ For details see Casini, R. & Judge, P. G., 1999. ApJ 522, 524-539. The program CLE computes emission coefficients for Stokes I,Q,U and V for magnetic dipole coronal emission lines. The emission coefficients are integrated along each line-of-sight to produce emergent intensities (erg/cm2/s/sr/A and erg/cm2/s/sr) in these lines. Just one atomic ion at a time is computed (e.g., Fe XIII). The code assumes thermal collisional processes (but may allow proton and electron temperatures to differ, if proton collision rates exist in the ionic model - file ATOM). At each grid point, it computes the total population of all the ion's level populations from a table of ionization equilibria from CHIANTI. It then solves the statistical equilibrium equations using the irreducible tensor basis for bound-bound processes within each ion (see Casini, R. & Judge, P. G., 1999. ApJ 522, 524-539). The incident radiation is limb-darkened, solar radiation from Allen (1973, A.Q.). The emergent Stokes parameters are computed by integrating all emission coefficients along the line-of-sight. The reference direction for Stokes Q is I believe along the Y axis defined below. (NOTE- this is being checked July 13, 2006). (NOTE - it appears actually the reference direction is N-S, the Z direction - see e.g. program run/ -- SG MAR 2014) Because the bound-bound and bound-free processes are treated separately, one can even make a calculation with no collisional effects in the bound-bound calculations (set ICOLL=0 in file INPUT). COORDINATES ----------- In the program the observer's geometry relative to sun center uses Cartesian and spherical polar coordinates. The X axis is aligned along the line of sight, and the Z and Y axes lie in the plane of the sky (X=0) intersecting Sun center. The Y axis corresponds to E-W, Z axis is N-S. The point (x,y,z)=(0,0,0) is Sun center. X increases with distance from the observer. Y increases towards the west, Z increases towards N. The spherical polar coordinates (R, theta, phi) are given as follows. R is measured from (x,y,z)=(0,0,0). Theta is measured clockwise from the positive z-axis. Phi is measured from the positive X-axis. The magnetic field and coronal parameters must be given by a subroutine which returns local values of the vector magnetic field, the electron density, hydrogen (proton plus neutral) density, temperature, plasma line of sight velocity, microturbulent velocity, as a function of the polar position (R,theta,phi). As an example, the following first line of a subroutine to compute dipolar fields is given: SUBROUTINE DIPOLE(RAD,THET,PH,B,T,P,EDENS,HDENS, * TEMP,VEL,TURBV,IPRINT) Thus, at spherical polar position (RAD, THET, PH) the routine returns the magnitude of magnetic field B, and its orientation (by polar angles T and P) and the thermal parameters and velocities. UPDATE: JAN 7 2020 (CODE OPTIMIZATION, ADDITION OF K CORONAL EMISSION) Modifications have been made to the following code: include files: CATOM GRDPAR PARAM subroutines and functions, these are documented within each .f file atom c2 c6 ce colcal colrd corona cuser dipole emission K-coronal emission added eqion field_int field_int_allen field_int_gauss gammae gammai gammas outs r4 rinput se0 se0 watmos wdebug